Let’s figure out which verb is the literary norm: “climb” or “climb”

Climbers like to climb rocks, book lovers prefer to climb library shelves, and we climb into dictionaries to figure out how to use the verb: climb or climb.

Origin and shades of meaning

climb or climb

This word comes from the Old Slavonic language. We find its forms in Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Czech, and Serbo-Croatian. The synonyms of the “climb” token (or “climb”) explain its meaning: to move, crawl, climb, climb, clinging. There are numerous expressive examples in the dictionary of Vladimir Dahl using both of these words. You can climb or climb on the roof and in the cellar, through the trees and ruins. The verb is also used when they want to say about penetration somewhere more than once: to climb basements, to climb other people's gardens. Another shade of meaning: to penetrate, to climb with your hands into something locked or fastened: to climb into a pocket, into a cupboard. Sometimes this verb is used in a figurative meaning. For example: Why are you getting into my business ? True, in these cases the verb is used mainly not in the infinitive, but in a personal form.

To climb or climb: how to write and speak correctly?

According to modern norms of the Russian language, both words can be considered correct. In the dictionaries of Dahl, Efremova, Ushakov, Reznichenko there is no difference in how to pronounce and write: to climb or climb, these infinitives are equal. Only in Ozhegov’s dictionary their equality is slightly violated: the verb to climb is mentioned as colloquial. Due to this nuance, the literary norm admissible for a high syllable is only one word - "climb". It often happens that when we try to find the word "climb" in the dictionary, we see a link to the verb "climb" and already under it we read the necessary information.

to climb or climb correctly

Conjugation game

Twins are also remarkable in that they refer to different conjugations, which means they have different personal endings. By conjugating verbs, you can learn how to spell the word "climb" in the first, second and third person of oneness. and many. numbers.

Before we conjugate both tokens, let's recall that the group of verbs of the II conjugation includes all the words of this part of speech, ending in -itive in the infinitive. Verbs I conjugations in indefinite form have any endings except -it. There are exceptions: the words “shave” and “lay”, despite the end, belong to the first conjugation group. And the words “drive”, “hold”, “look”, “see”, “breathe”, “hear”, “hate”, “offend”, “twirl”, “depend”, “endure”, regardless of the ending, belong to the group of verbs of the second conjugation. The word "climb" belongs to the second conjugation, because in the infinitive it has the ending -it and does not apply to exceptions. Therefore, according to the rule for verbs II conjugation, it is written like this:

  • in the first person - I get on, we climb;
  • in the second person - you climb, you climb;
  • in the third person - he (she, it) climbs, they climb.

Another thing is the verb climb. It belongs to the first conjugation, since it is not included in the group of infinitives ending in -it and is no exception. According to the rule for verbs I of conjugation, the word "climb" has the following personal endings:

  • in the first person - I climb, we climb;
  • in the second - you climb, you climb;
  • in the third - he (she, it) climbs, they climb.

Speak correctly

how to climb or climb

Errors can be due to the fact that a person confuses conjugation. You can’t say, for example, he is climbing, they are climbing, you are climbing, I am climbing. In the dictionary edited by Dmitry Ushakov, these forms are marked as vernacular. It is necessary to take into account such a rule of the Russian language as the alternation of consonant phonemes in the root of the word. Following him, we cannot pronounce and write the derivative of the word "climb" in the 1st person singular in this form: I climb. It will be right: I get on.
In the imperative mood expressing a request or an order, the verb climb will sound like “climb”, and the verb “climb” - respectively, “climb”.

Which word is leading

And what word do people use more often: to climb or to climb? According to the results of the study of the main Runet search engines, the championship is behind the word “climb”. Network users use it about a third more often than another acceptable form of this verb.

The Integrum database, which collects the results of media monitoring, reports that newspapers and magazines, for example, in St. Petersburg, are almost a hundred times more likely to print various forms of the verb “climb” on their pages. In the Krasnoyarsk print media, both words appear on equal terms. And Moscow publications often use the word "climb".

Derived Words

What about the other parts of speech derived from the verbs climb and climb? There are nouns "climbing", "rock climbing", etc. Communion: climbing. There is the germs of "climbing" and "climbing." In colloquial speech, one can sometimes hear an adjective formed from this verb: these mountains are already climbed and climbed.

Which word is appropriate in a particular case

how to spell the word climb

So, we no longer have doubts about how to correctly (climb or climb) should be used in written and oral speech. It only remains to add that, phonetically, the “climb” token, although declared colloquial, resembles a high syllable more, strangely enough, because you can’t say, for example, that thieves climb into their pockets. Here it is more appropriate to use the verb "climb" (climb from the infinitive).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C11353/

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