Work in Germany for Russians: how to get a job?

Germany is a state with a powerful economy, which is the locomotive pulling the whole of Europe. Therefore, the number of foreign citizens who want to find a job there is increasing every year.

Varieties of work provided

work in Germany for Russians
Work in Germany for Russians can be of two types: legal and illegal. In the first case, you have to work hard, as this is a rather complicated process. You can find a job for a person of a rare specialty or who has a rich track record and high professional qualities. A mandatory moment is knowledge of German, without it the chances of a well-paid position are greatly reduced, even if you are a first-class specialist. Work in Germany without a language is a low-paid low-skilled work in the Russian quarters. They are available in every German city. This, for example, the so-called "Russian shops", where you can get a seller or a loader. Our settlers go there for goods that they are so used to at home (gingerbread, herring - you won’t find them in German supermarkets). Illegal work in Germany is almost impossible for Russians. The Germans are a fairly righteous people and do not risk getting involved in the history of hiring illegal immigrants.

Where and how to find

work in Germany vacancies
Work in Germany for Russians is offered by recruitment agencies. They, as in any European country, are a sufficient number. But you should be extremely careful not to fall for the tricks of scammers. Therefore, before concluding an agreement with them, you should check the accuracy of the information, make inquiries about the activities of the company, clarify the guarantees. On the official federal labor exchange website you can find the largest list of available jobs. All possible work in Germany is presented there. Jobs can also be viewed on the sites of joint ventures. Some Russian businessmen invest in German organizations or create their own subsidiaries and branches there in order to expand and expand the sales market. Such companies always have the opportunity to find jobs for foreign citizens. Information should be sought at the embassy. The media should not be ruled out. Having decided on the choice of a vacancy and confirming the consent of the employer, you should proceed to the paperwork.

Visa application

work in Germany without a language
An important aspect when traveling to Germany is a work visa. The embassy will necessarily require a company application for an employee. The company of the potential employer will issue it only if the vacancy is confirmed by the Employment Office. Work in Germany for Russians without a permit and in the absence of activity on the part of the employer is simply impossible. A work visa is issued for a period of six months or a year. The decision on the term is made by the employer. At his request, the visa can be extended. When applying for exit paper, the worker is required to submit an application and identity documents, and it is also necessary to fill out a questionnaire in German and submit an employment contract. The whole procedure takes about a month.


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