Nutrition for hair growth: products, vitamin complexes

The condition of the hair depends on many factors. A balanced and proper diet is essential. With the help of a suitable diet, it will turn out to prevent loss, accelerate growth, ensure the shine of curls. You need to choose a healthy diet for hair growth. Read more about this in the article.

Valuable Products

Nutrition for hair growth should be balanced and proper. Mono-diets that are in demand today are harmful, because after them there is a loss of hair shine. Curls can become brittle, dry. If the lack of nutrition is constant, then there is a risk of their loss. Nutrition for hair growth on the head should be as follows:

  1. To strengthen the strands, accelerate their growth, foods rich in iron and calcium are needed. It is necessary to diversify the diet with healthy, fresh products. You should eat fruits, berries, vegetables, legumes, sea fish.
  2. Hair usually contains keratin, produced from protein. With the restriction of protein foods, curls grow slowly and fall out. Therefore, it is necessary to eat food in which there is protein: milk, cereals, meat, eggs. To improve hair growth, not only protein is required, but also its proper absorption and processing into amino acids. To do this, every day you need to eat at least one apple, include cereals, nuts in the menu. Beef liver should be eaten twice a week.
  3. Bran, cabbage, carrots, red fish, yeast, oatmeal, garlic - a suitable food for hair growth, eliminate dandruff, strengthen hair roots.
nutrition for hair growth


Nutrition for good hair growth must be right. This requires the intake of the following components:

  1. Vitamin A. This component is in the body "in reserve". It is needed to strengthen the hair follicles, protect them from falling out, and normalize the secretion of the sebaceous glands. Vitamin A is rich in spinach, carrots, bell peppers, pumpkin.
  2. Vitamins B. B 1 is involved in metabolism, with its imperfections, the hair will be dry, brittle. It is found in eggs, tomatoes, pine nuts, meat. Vitamin B 2 is required for the regulation of redox reactions in the body. With a shortage of hair, the hair quickly becomes oily, lose its luster and begin to split. The component is rich in greens, meat, bran, liver. 10 is necessary for nourishing the scalp, protecting against early aging. The substance is present in mushrooms, spinach, yolk, potatoes. Component B 12 is necessary to ensure cellular processes. Its deficiency leads to brittle teeth, dry skin, hair loss. They are rich in fish, herring, salmon, beef liver, kidneys.
  3. Vitamin C. Needed for normal circulation in the basal part of the head. With a lack of this vitamin, hair does not have enough nutrition, so they fall out. Vitamin C is found in apples, herbs, sweet red pepper, zucchini, sea buckthorn, and tomatoes.
  4. Vitamin N. With its help, hair gains smoothness and shine. With its shortage, a secretion of the scalp occurs, and as a result the hair will be very dry or oily. Biotin is found in chicken, beef, kidneys, liver, dairy products.

It is important that the products are natural. For example, do not eat sausage or smoked meats. And there should be no preservatives in dairy products. You should not eat fried, fatty foods.


This is the basis of proper nutrition for hair growth. Dairy products contain calcium and casein, which are required to improve the condition of curls. Most of them are found in cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt.

mask for hair growth and nutrition

There is a lot of calcium in whole milk, but it is more difficult to digest and not all people prefer to consume it. In this case, it is better to eat cheese, kefir, sour cream. Kefir is also used for home masks.


Sea fish include omega-3s, which are most found in salmon. A lack of polyunsaturated fatty acids provides dry scalp, dandruff, itching and hair loss.

Phosphorus, vitamin B 12 , and iron are present in fish. It is advisable to use a boiled, baked product or steamed. Even short frying does not destroy omega-3 fatty acids. It is preferable to fry in olive or linseed oil.


Food for hair growth must include this product. Curls include keratin, protein, and meat is considered the main source of protein. Trichologists advise eating meat at least 4 times a week. It is advisable to give preference to chicken, pork, beef.

nutrition for scalp hair growth

Protein is better absorbed when boiled. A steam cooking method is also suitable. Another valuable element of meat is considered iron. With it, the cells are saturated with oxygen, which ensures rapid growth of the hairline.


Eggs are considered foods for hair growth. There are many valuable substances in eggs: vitamin B 12 , A, D, potassium, calcium, a lot of protein. Fried and boiled foods are valuable. Useful are both chicken and quail eggs.


Foods for fast hair growth include soy. It contains proteins, potassium, iron, calcium. These minerals are important, they accelerate hair growth. Soya moisturizes the scalp, because of which the curls will be healthy and beautiful.

The use of bran and cereals

Whole grain bread, bran, oatmeal, cornflakes - a healthy diet for hair growth and strengthening. The products have protein, iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, selenium.

hair growth foods

Micro and macro elements have a positive effect on hair growth, their appearance and general condition. It is advisable to eat wheat bran every day. They are added to 1-2 tsp. in a day.


Carrots and cabbage are healthy foods. Carrots have a lot of vitamin A, which makes the strands strong and supple. Cabbage is a source of vitamins C and E, which provide accelerated growth of curls and their healthy appearance.

Vegetables are preferably eaten raw or steamed. Green and red vegetables are saturated with iron, as well as calcium and potassium. Therefore, the product should be included in the menu regularly.


To improve hair growth, you need to eat as much fresh fruit as possible. Mangoes, peaches, passion fruit are saturated with vitamin B 3 , which improve the blood flow of the scalp.

In blackberry, pineapple, raspberry, pomegranate, there is vitamin B 9 , which nourishes the skin and hair with oxygen. A lot of vitamin A is present in melon, strawberry, papaya. Black currant, kiwi, guava are saturated with vitamin C. Blueberries, cranberries, nectarines are enriched with vitamin E.

Fresh greens

In spring, fresh greens must be added to the diet, which is added to salads, first and second courses, and pastries. It has a lot of vitamins, iron, calcium. The components normalize the production of sebum, which serves to protect the scalp from external influences. Useful fresh parsley, dill, spring onions and other herbs.

proper nutrition for hair growth


The most useful include walnuts, cedar, almonds and cashews. They are saturated with omega-3 acids, linolenic acid, like red fish. Lack of these components leads to dryness or severe oily scalp. But nuts are high-calorie foods.

Vitamin Complexes

To compensate for the lack of nutrients, vitamin complexes are used. You can buy them at the pharmacy. The following products stimulate hair growth:

  1. "Revalid." The product includes vitamin B. It also consists of copper, zinc, iron, silicon dioxide, extracts of wheat germ, millet, and medical yeast. The complex is taken to improve the appearance, eliminate brittle strands, increase resistance to external negative factors, prevent early gray hair, get rid of dandruff and itching. All of these symptoms slow down the growth of strands. Therefore, the drug improves the condition of the strands and scalp. The medicine is sold in capsule form.
  2. "Fitov." The complex consists of vitamins B, L-cystine, micro and macro elements, medical yeast. The drug is used for severe hair loss, impaired hair growth. If you follow the rules of admission, the blood supply to the roots of the curls improves. These factors have a positive effect on increasing the length of the strands. "Fitoval" is available in the form of capsules, shampoo and lotion.
  3. Lady's formula. The product has natural beneficial components: vitamin B, zinc, L-cysteine, gelatin. It also consists of extracts of algae Kelp and horsetail, burdock root. This composition favorably affects the condition of curls, strengthens them and eliminates frequent loss. Another tool is used for the fineness of the hair shaft. The medicine is sold in capsule form.
  4. "Expert for hair" from "Evalar". The drug is designed for people who have hair problems. The product consists of vitamins B, horsetail extract, brewer's yeast autolysate, zinc oxide. The drug reduces hair loss, improves volume. Available in the form of tablets, shampoo, lotion and balm.
  5. "Alerana". This line of products produces sprays, masks, serums, shampoos, balms and a vitamin complex. The drugs are used for hair loss in the form of a growth activator, to protect against cross-section and brittleness.
nutrition for good hair growth

Any vitamin preparations are allowed to be taken only after consulting a doctor. Also, you should first familiarize yourself with the instructions from the manufacturer.


You can use the mask for nutrition and hair growth. Mustard is a great helper for this purpose. It also eliminates excess fat. To prepare the mask, you will need dry mustard, vegetable oil, sugar, hot water (2 tbsp. Each). All components are mixed first, and then water is added.

nutrition for fast hair growth

The mask should not be applied to the hair, but to the scalp. So that the tips do not suffer from severe dryness, they are treated with heated vegetable oil. The head is insulated with cellophane and a towel. Hold the mask for 15-60 minutes, it all depends on the reaction of the scalp. Then rinse with water and rinse with shampoo. With oily hair, the mask is performed every 5 days, and with normal hair - 1 time per week. With dry strands, procedures are performed no more than once every 10 days.

Thus, to improve hair growth, you need healthy products, vitamin complexes and caring procedures. An integrated approach will improve the condition of curls.


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