ASUS 7 Fonepad tablet: review, description, specifications and reviews

Asus has long been known in the market for its tablet computers. Obviously, she intends to conquer part of this segment, including with the help of budget devices with good performance.

Just one of these computers is the subject of today's review. Meet - Asus 7 Fonepad, a compact device that can perform any task you set! Read more about him in our review.


The tablet in question clearly belongs to the budget class. This can be understood, firstly, at its final price - within 120 dollars (the most expensive version), and secondly, according to the general technical characteristics presented in the description of this model. In addition, Asus 7 Fonepad also clearly refers to compact devices bordering on the size of its display with large smartphones, due to which it is convenient to work with it literally on the go.

I would also like to note the versatility of this gadget. Judge for yourself: it is affordable, has small dimensions, is equipped with a camera and a powerful processor. Everything indicates multitasking tablet. It can be bought both as an assistant for a schoolchild or student, and as a “means at hand” for the bulk of the population from which you can access the Internet, check mail and so on. Also, the device is suitable for gamers, as its processor is able to play them at a sufficient level. However, more on that later, but now let's talk about the appearance of the tablet.

Asus Fonepad 7 FE375CXG 8GB

Case, design

In general, in truth, Asus is not famous for its colorful devices. At least, it does not prioritize the design of the gadget, as can be seen in a number of other manufacturers. They do not copy Apple here, nor do they create any of their own special fashion parameters. This can be traced both on the described Asus Fonepad 7 FE375CXG (8GB), and on other models, for example, the Nexus 7. Developers create a “rounded rectangle” that starts with a modern processor, the latest version of the OS and other “chips”.

The same approach is used on the described device - the tablet is made of white or black plastic (depending on version), which has a matte texture. Around the display you can see a thick frame, in the upper section of which there are slots for speakers. The navigation keys of the Asus 7 Fonepad are on the right - this is the display unlock button and the “rocker” for changing the sound. They are located at an angle to avoid pressing when the device is in contact with the surface of the table for example.

The headphone jack is located at the bottom - this format, apparently, involves the use of the device in vertical mode. The hole for connecting the tablet to microUSB is on the top face. An interesting decision of the developers is to place a plug on the right side of the tablet, under which are hidden two SIM cards and a slot for installing a memory card.

Asus Fonepad 7 FE170CG 8GB

In general, the Asus Fonepad 7 3G tablet can be called pretty pretty. The texture of the body material is pleasant to the touch, and due to the small size and the edges smoothed from the side of the lid, it is convenient to hold the tablet in both vertical and horizontal positions.


As you already noticed, the device contains in its name an index of memory capacity - 8 GB. That is how many Asus 7 Fonepad developers offer their users in the “base” variation. Of course, if we are talking about a full-fledged tablet computer (which is the gadget we are describing), then this volume is not enough even for minimal needs. Therefore, the manufacturer provides the ability to install a memory card up to 64 GB. This is how you can expand the disk space for downloading applications, movies, music, photos and the like.


One of the most important elements in the device is the display, because with it we interact with our tablet. The Asus Fonepad 7 FE375CXG (8GB) has a 7-inch screen that operates on the basis of IPS technology, which has a resolution of 1280 by 800 pixels. This suggests a density of 216 pixels per inch.

Asus Fonepad 7 FE375CXG

The brightness settings of the device are quite flexible - the screen has a wide range, which allows you to comfortably work with the tablet both at night, in complete darkness, and in bright daylight. As for touch control, there are no complaints about this. Users note that the tablet display promptly responds to commands, does not hang and does not glitch.


Still, making a review of the electronic device, of course, we should mention its “heart” - the processor, on the basis of which the device functions. In the case of the Asus Fonepad 7 FE375CXG (white modification of the device), we can talk about the Intel Atom Z3560 - a quad-core processor. The RAM of the tablet is 1 GB. As the recommendations of customers show, there are no any hiccups in the gadget's operation on such a hardware basis.

Another tablet modification - Asus Fonepad 7 FE170CG (8GB), made in black, is equipped with another processor - Intel Atom Z2520, running on two cores. The clock frequency of this weaker version of the device reaches 1.2 GHz. This is quite enough, again, for working with modern colorful games.


Of course, no one assumes the presence on the tablet computer of a powerful camera for creating high-resolution images. Especially when it comes to a budget device, which is the Asus Fonepad 7 3G. However, it has two cameras - the front and the main, with different technical parameters. So, if you want to speak on “Skype” or take a “selfie”, an internal camera with a resolution of 0.2 megapixels will be used. In other cases, the main, 2-megapixel one is used to create photos and videos (in the more expensive version, its resolution is increased to 5 megapixels).

Asus Fonepad 7 tablet

According to reviews, it is quite enough for creating pictures of some landscapes or for photographing in good light. Color reproduction of such optics, as you can guess, is not the best. And the Asus Fonepad 7 tablet does not have a flash.


As you might guess, the tablet that we describe is used as a portable entertainment device or an electronic assistant for everyday tasks. This indicates that the battery installed on it must have high capacity and the ability to provide sufficient device runtime.

Since Fonepad, as you know, has different modifications (they differ not only in the color of the case), then the batteries on them are different. The Asus Fonepad 7 FE170CG 8GB has a less hardy battery with a capacity of 3150 mAh. It should be enough to ensure that the tablet works for 6-7 hours of active use. A more expensive version of the computer has a battery that lasts longer - up to 8-9 hours. Its capacity is 3950 mAh.

operating system

On Asus tablets, Android OS is installed exclusively. Only on the older generation of Fonepad 7 is version 4.4.4; and on the newest one, obviously, it immediately after launch is updated to 5.1.0. There is nothing much to say about this - the developers use an Android modification developed specifically for the Zenfone series of devices called ZenUI. Here are a few modified icons, fonts and styles compared to the “native” modification. True, even if you have never worked with such a graphical interface, you will still get used to it quickly enough.

Asus Fonepad 7 FE170CG

Additional features

Despite the fact that the Asus Fonepad 7 tablet belongs to the budget category, it is also equipped with some additional modules. In particular, we are talking about proximity sensors and lighting, allowing the device to interact with the environment. In addition to them, add-ons for communication are also installed here - GPS (for the location of the device), Wi-Fi, 3G. In combination, this makes the Asus Fonepad 7 FE170CG a universal tool for working in any conditions and for performing any tasks.


We managed to find a lot of feedback about the device about how it functions and what it is. Users like inexpensive, but functional devices, and the Asus Fonepad 7 FE170CG, believe me, is one of them. Due to this, it can be said, and such a popularity of the device was achieved. Hence a large number of reviews.

Users write that the tablet is very convenient to use. It is not buggy, it has small dimensions, it lies pleasantly in the hands while reading, watching movies or surfing in the browser. You can literally fall asleep and wake up with it - the flexible display settings allow you to reduce or add brightness as needed. Asus Fonepad 7 FE375CXG also pulls almost any application hosted on Google Play, which further expands its scope.

Asus Fonepad 7 3G

Customers also praise the device case, noting the high quality of the assembly and materials used in the production. Due to this, firstly, an aesthetic effect is created from working with the tablet (since the device really looks beautiful), and secondly, the device is more resistant to shock, scratches and chips. This makes the tablet less demanding in terms of caring for it during operation, eliminates the need to use a case and film.

Of the negative remarks can be noted regarding the heating of the device - they say, during prolonged operation, there is an increase in the temperature of the case in the camera area. Also, some people write about an explicit marriage - a broken port or shortcut keys. All this is revealed immediately after purchase and is given for free repair at the expense of the manufacturer.


What results have we come to during the writing of this article? Firstly, to the fact that if there is an ideal ratio of price and quality in nature, then it is clearly in front of us. For a small price, the Asus Fonepad 7 8GB tablet shows the wonders of functionality in such a way that the user does not feel any problems working with it. As already noted, the device is not buggy, like some cheap Chinese gadget, assembled at a primitive level.

Asus Fonepad 7 8GB

Should I buy this tablet? It all depends on your goals. Of course, he would rather not add status due to the lack of a stylish design, attractive metal case and the “high cost” of the manufacturer’s brand, which can be observed in the case of Apple, Samsung, LG and Sony. If you are interested in a working, but at the same time affordable solution to the problem of a lack of a tablet, then Zenfone is perfect for you. Again, we recommend that you carefully check all of his systems after purchase to identify possible defects or defects. This is the main thing you should pay attention to when buying it.

Regarding the rest, our verdict is this: the device deserves attention. If you are just at the stage of choice, then go to the electronics store and twist the device in your hands for review - it's time. Use it. And a good choice!


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