Asus K95VB: reviews and specifications

Asus is known as a supplier of high-tech and productive laptops. Among the most successful solutions delivered by this brand on the Russian market is the K95VB device. What are its main features? How do users and experts rate the quality of work?

Asus K95VB

Device Overview

Notebook Asus K95VB, reviews of which due to the popularity of the brand are often found on thematic online portals, is a high-performance device based on the 3rd generation Intel Core processor, which has a rather large monitor and a modern design. The device is equipped with the most popular communication modules, as well as a fairly powerful hardware, which can also be improved.

Notebook Asus K95VB reviews


Consider the main characteristics of the device. The laptop has:

- Intel Core processor in i5 or i7 modification - depending on the specific assembly of the device, operating at a standard frequency of 2.4-2.6 GHz, having 2 or 4 cores;

- RAM modules of the DDR3 type, operating at a frequency of 1600 MHz, in the amount of 6 or 8 GB, which, if necessary, can be expanded to 16 GB by installing additional modules;

- chipset type Intel HM76 Express;

- hard drive up to 3750 GB;

- DVD-RW drive;

- card reader;

- display with a diagonal of 18.4 inches and a resolution of 1920 by 1080 pixels;

- an external graphics module with 2048 MB RAM;

- Support for communication standards WiFi, USB, HDMI, LAN, VGA, connectors for connecting external audio devices;

- a battery capacity of 5.2 thousand mAh;

- operating system Windows 8.

Features: user and expert reviews

How do users and experts evaluate the indicated hardware capabilities of the Asus K95VB laptop ? The reviews (technical specifications - in most cases become a fairly objective indicator of the capabilities of the device) suggest that the owners of the laptop consider it as generally consistent with those tasks for which it is optimized based on its market positioning. A typical desktop is used as a tool for processing files in various formats, launching not the most demanding games, and programming. These tasks may well be successfully solved using the laptop in question - its hardware capabilities are enough for this.

The most impressive characteristics of the laptop, according to users and experts, are an exceptionally large hard drive (there are, in principle, very few solutions on the market with a similar resource), a sufficient amount of RAM, and a very productive video card.

The successful solution of many user tasks, of course, will be facilitated by the large screen of the device, as well as a fairly powerful processor: in natural overclocking mode, it can reach frequencies of the order of 3.2-3.4 GHz. Although the standard frequency of the chip is certainly enough to run popular applications and games.

Reviews for the laptop Asus K95VB YZ07H

For what specific tasks is the Asus K95VB laptop best suited? Reviews, specifications allow us to say that the device is optimal for working with text, graphic data, almost any kind of online content, programming, developing mobile 2D and simple 3D applications, launching not the most demanding games - but in a wide range of genres, watching and editing films, listening and editing audio files.

The laptop can be described as a universal and sufficiently productive device, suitable both for working at home and for use in order to solve various corporate problems.

CPU and graphics card

Depending on the modification, the laptop in question can be equipped with an Intel Core i7-3630QM processor, which has 4 cores, 6 MB of cache, an integrated Intel HD 4000 graphics processing module and operates at a frequency of 2.4 GHz with the possibility of overclocking by regular means up to 3.4 GHz or Intel Core i5-3230M chip, which has 2 cores, a similar graphics processing module, and operates at a frequency of 2.6 GHz, in the nominal acceleration mode - 3.2 GHz.

Thus, the presence in the structure of the Asus K95VB processor - expert reviews can confirm this, the graphics module determines the optimization of the laptop's power consumption when processing pictures in ordinary applications, as well as in many undemanding games. But if necessary, the performance of the corresponding hardware component can be supplemented by the resource of a discrete graphics adapter - NVIDIA GeForce GT740M, which has 2 GB of its own RAM.

Asus K95VB Review Review

RAM and hard drive

As for the amount of RAM on the laptop motherboard, it is, again, depending on the modification of the device, 6-8 GB. At the same time, if necessary, the RAM of the Asus K95VB device - user reviews regarding this feature can be the most positive, you can increase it to 16 GB.

The device is equipped with 2 hard drives: depending on the modification, their total volume can be huge even by the standards of modern laptops - about 4 TB. At the same time, both hard drives have decent rotation indicators - 7200 rpm, so that writing and reading files can be carried out at high speed.


The laptop is equipped with a sufficiently large diagonal - 18.4 inches, widescreen display. The device is characterized by excellent performance in brightness, contrast and color reproduction. It is capable of forming a picture with a resolution of 1920 by 1080 pixels. Thus, it is suitable for solving a wide range of tasks that characterize using a laptop both at home and in office.

Laptop screen: reviews

The laptop screen is considered by users and experts as one of its most competitive hardware components. This can be seen primarily at the level of its basic characteristics - diagonal and resolution. Not every modern laptop and, moreover, the desktop can have similar ones. The large diagonal and high resolution of the picture displayed on the display make the corresponding solution universal and in demand in various fields.

In addition, the display, as experts and users can note, shows a picture of excellent quality - bright, saturated. Of course, in this case, its source plays a role. A picture or video file must have an appropriate level of resolution, playback speed - if we talk about video. But in case the quality of multimedia content is high enough - the laptop will perfectly cope with its reproduction. And it also increases the versatility of the device: in principle, in some cases it becomes possible to use it as a tool for processing graphics, video, developing various applications, design projects at those stages when they are not required to be displayed on displays that support higher resolution.

Thus, taking into account the capabilities of the laptop’s graphics accelerators, it is possible to run the most advanced applications and games on it that require appropriate screen resources, primarily in terms of resolution and quality of content.

Communication opportunities

The laptop is equipped with the hardware components necessary for communication according to the most popular standards: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Ethernet, USB. Also, the user can use the HDMI and VGA connectors to display images on the screen of a third-party device. The communication functions of the ASUS K95VB laptop function - expert and user reviews can confirm this - stably, without significant glitches.

Asus K95VB reviews description

Device positioning

Notebook Asus K95VB (expert reviews can confirm this) is positioned primarily as a device that can fully replace the average desktop, capable of not only processing documents and visiting various online resources, but also optimized for launching various graphic applications and undemanding, but at the same time common games.

Indeed, if we consider the characteristics of the device, we can determine that in such components as the processor frequency, the amount of RAM, and especially the volume of the hard drive, the device in question is significantly ahead of many laptops that are adapted to solve problems that were typical before total for a mobile device.

However, the Asus K95VB laptop (expert reviews may confirm this) is not the most powerful, in terms of ensuring long battery life. There are cheaper solutions on the market that are ahead of the device in terms of battery efficiency. The versatility of the device does not raise questions: it supports the most popular communication standards, as well as multimedia streaming playback interfaces.

The device has modern RAM modules, which by default are already presented in a rather large volume, and if necessary can be supplemented with more capacious modules. Reviews for the Asus K95VB YZ07H laptop (more correctly YZ007H), or YZ009H - in any actual modification, include very positive assessments of the usability of the device. So, the size of the keys on it is comparable to that which is typical for keyboards of ordinary desktops. The same can be said about the size of the screen: it, in principle, corresponds to the displays connected to modern PCs.

The advantage of the laptop is quite quiet operation - in this sense, it may be preferable to many desktops, the cooling systems of which in many cases operate with tangible noise. This feature of the device is predetermined by the fact that it implements IceCool technology, the essence of which is to optimize the placement of hardware components of the device that heat up more than others.

The device is quite heavy - its weight is about 4.1 kg. This can make it difficult to transport it, for example, by plane, since not every user will agree in case of overload to pay for the substantial weight of the laptop in the baggage.

Device Reviews

What are the advantages highlighted by experts and users in the laptop ASUS K95VB? The reviews, the review of which can be done by visiting the popular thematic portals, allow you to highlight the following strengths of the laptop: a high-performance processor, a huge hard drive, a high-quality large screen, the presence of an external high-performance video card.

Asus K95VB reviews model description

Highlight users and a number of disadvantages of the laptop. Among those:

- a lot of weight;

- not the most powerful battery in terms of battery life.

However, the noted shortcomings are predetermined, first of all, by optimizing the laptop specifically for those user tasks for which it, in fact, was developed by the manufacturer.

Asus K95VB Reviews Specifications

Asus K95VB - reviews, a description of the laptop allows you to talk about it, it is intended, first of all, to replace the desktop. Which, in turn, has in most cases a disproportionately greater weight, and, as a rule, does not have a battery.


What conclusions can we draw by studying the characteristics of the Asus K95VB, reviews, a description of the model of the corresponding device? In general, the laptop in question is able to solve all those problems that characterize a typical desktop. That is, it can be used to launch modern applications - for word processing, graphics, computing, as well as undemanding games.

Notebook Asus K95VB - customer reviews can confirm this - is a universal device. Using it, you can solve a wide range of user tasks, gain access to the Internet and share files, launch multimedia streams, games, connect third-party devices to the laptop. The owners of the device in question highly appreciate the convenience of using it, the speed of its operation in common applications and games.


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