Resellers of cars: how to calculate, and why you should not work with them?

According to popular statistics, from 10 to 30% of ads for used cars - from the so-called "outbid". Who is it? Car dealers, which we want to tell you about. Why you should not cooperate with such sellers, how to quickly figure them out are our main topics.

Who are car dealers?

"Outbid" - a person disguised as the real owners of cars, private traders. In fact, these are businessmen who buy used cars, make redecorating, and then sell equipment already at an inflated price. Car dealers can be car dealers, commission stores, or even car dealerships. All of them are united by one thing - a business built on the resale of cars.

In the pursuit of "buy cheaper, sell more expensive" resellers are not shy about using all kinds of tricks, proven tricks, psychological patterns. The most ā€œtidbitā€ for them is an inexperienced buyer. He risks not only buying a "pig in a poke", but also buying it at the highest possible price.

car dealers

Distinctive features of resellers

Here are the features that characterize the "outbid" in Russia:

  • It does not re-register the car itself, does not enter its name in the TCP.
  • Does not disclose his identity, appears to be the owner.
  • In the contract of sale includes the name of the previous owner of the car.
  • Will not show you the car "in its territory."
  • He will be against the inspection of the vehicle in a car service, he will refuse to visit the traffic police regarding the registration of this vehicle.
  • Most "outbid" - guests from neighboring countries.
  • Sells only liquid cars - in demand in this locality.
  • Prefers to deal with cars up to 1 million rubles.
  • Reluctantly traded - up to a maximum of 5-10 thousand rubles.
  • He does not like to work with tuned cars.
    used car dealers

"White" resellers

Not all outbids are scammers. Among them there are legal sellers, car dealerships. These people know the market well, are well-versed in it. They can competently and quickly evaluate a car.

Private sellers also like to work with resellers. Yes, the price for the car will be 100% lower, but money will be received right away, and the process of registering a sale is quick. However, today there is a great chance to meet a fraudster who will sell a car using fake documents, with unpaid fines. And even completely disguised as "scrap metal".

So let's see how to quickly calculate the black and gray second-hand car dealers.

Check # 1: getting to know the ad

First of all, configure the filter so that it shows ads only from individuals. Further, looking at the online resource for the sale of used cars, it is already possible with high probability to recognize an ā€œoutbidā€:

  1. Strange low price for a car that does not coincide with either the year of its release or mileage. Yes, one of these businessmenā€™s favorite tricks is to twist the speedometer. And this is not the most unpleasant "surprise" that they can prepare for the buyer.
  2. In the information about the car, the owner has a clickable link that leads to a large list of other cars for sale. This suggests that in front of you is a reseller, a retailer or a car dealership that suspiciously saves on traditional advertising.
  3. Follow the history of the announcement - it is the ā€œoutbidā€ that updates it most often.
  4. Decor. It is written in continuous text, without punctuation marks, in common phrases and without specificity - these are signs of a ā€œbusinessmanā€. A man in a hurry, posting ads on his stream. At that time, the real owner carefully and carefully writes the text.
  5. Programs for car dealers are the same as those used by ordinary private traders. However, against the background of the latter, businessmen always strive to make their ad more visible - they make the headline bold, colored, and in other ways promote it. As a rule, ā€œoutbidā€ often use paid options of the site-trading platform. For example, pinning an ad to the top of the list, frame, highlighted strip, etc.
    work as a car dealer

Check No. 2: according to a photo

It is possible to calculate car dealers in Moscow and other cities from the photographs that they attach to the ad:

  1. Pay attention to the rooms. If they are transit, or even removed, then you have a distiller or "outbid". Agree that the private owner does not need to twist the numbers for several pictures, because they can simply be glossed over in any photo editor. He will not remove the car from the register in advance before the sale.
  2. Take a look at the background of the photo. If you notice a car wash, car service, other vehicles without numbers, then this is a reason to beware.
  3. How is the car removed? If only a general plan, from a distance, it is worth flipping through such an announcement. The real owners, in order not to waste their time, make detailed shots, as well as photograph the visible flaws of the car.
  4. Photo salon. Work as a car reseller also means giving the external gloss to a fairly used vehicle. Hence, new covers and steering wheel braid. A simple private trader is unlikely to update the salon before the sale.
  5. Details Take a closer look at them in the image. For example, if there are additional paper protective covers on the rugs in the car (these are laid out by car dealerships), then the seller is clearly not all clean. Also, "outbid" gives a set of winter tires in the back seat. He has nowhere else to store this stuff, but the real owner has rubber lying at home or in the garage.
  6. Overall rating of the photo. Pictures of poor quality, with watermarks of some sites, should also alert you. Itā€™s definitely worth skipping the announcement that was made at the contrasting time of the year, in another city or even a country (this can be determined by the streets, license plate numbers, signs, etc.)
    car reseller numbers

Check No. 3: description of the announcement

Before you become a reseller of cars, your seller, probably, talked a lot with his "colleagues". The longer a person spins in such an environment, the more professional expressions in his speech that people far from this business do not use. "Outbid" can accidentally insert them into the description of the announcement, which will issue it. He also has to communicate a lot with customers, which is why stamped phrases that are not characteristic of an ordinary car owner are noticeable in his speech.

The description of the machine is usually meager - most often a list of options, standard terms printed as if under carbon copy. Some are limited to general, non-reporting information: "excellent car in satisfactory condition." Here "practical, economical machine", "never failed", "additional questions - by phone."

The following words and phrases should alert you:

  • "without color";
  • "full stuffing";
  • "sat down and went";
  • "climate";
  • "any checks at your expense";
  • "American" and so on.

Check No. 4: the place of inspection

Another effective way to identify a reseller is to pay attention to how he describes the place of inspection of the machine. As for private traders, they are detailed in this respect - they indicate the district, metro station, and other landmarks. Resellers are limited only by the name of the city.

programs for car dealers

Check No. 5: phone number

A good way to reveal the true face of the seller is to see if his phone is among the numbers of car dealers. To do this, just enter these numbers into the search engine.

If she gives you several ads at once, then this is an occasion to think. Agree, an ordinary car owner is unlikely to sell several cars at once, and even more so, he does not do this periodically for a year or a shorter period.

Check No. 6: by name of the seller

Pay attention to how the seller is signed. A private person indicates his name, sometimes with a middle name. But the reseller can leave this field empty (or even fill it with another text). May indicate not your name.

On this fact, you can easily calculate the "gray" car dealership. Usually a separate call center deals with these kinds of announcements. The operator answers your call, and the manager comes to the meeting.

Deliberately ā€œdistortā€ the sellerā€™s name when you call him. For example, if it says "Ivan", say something like this: "Hello, Peter. Iā€™m talking about the car ..." The private trader will correct you, and the call center operator will not pay attention - most often he doesnā€™t know what the name is indicated in the ad.

Check No. 7: particular

We advise you to pay attention to the following:

  1. Explicit features of the cabin. If a car is photographed against the background of a brand-stand of the passenger compartment, the tires are treated with ink, the keys have a characteristic tag, then the seller is clearly not the owner.
  2. Purity. You should be alerted by the perfect look of the cabin - ā€œno specks, no dustā€, washed engine compartment.
  3. Number and type of photo. Resellers rarely post a large number of photos. In the production of the shooting one feels the "hand of a professional" - front view, rear, side, interior. Everything is standard.

Observers also share interesting details. For example, ā€œoutbidā€ for some reason like to photograph their product against the background of gas stations. It is also interesting to observe the plastering of car numbers. Dealers always put a neat rectangle. While private traders paint over the numbers as necessary or completely block them with a sheet of paper.

car dealers phones

Check number 8: a telephone conversation with the seller

By telephone, resellers of cars are easiest to bring to clean water. We offer you the following verification methods:

  1. Do not name the brand and price of the machine that interests you. If the interlocutor asks which car you looked at, he will give himself out. That is, private traders in most cases sell one car.
  2. If one seller is indicated in the ad, and a completely different person is talking to you, then this is another reason to beware. The real owner still prescribes information about himself.
  3. Ask questions that the owner will definitely give a clear and intelligible answer. Ask when was the last time the car was inspected, when the owner replaced the pads and oil, where exactly chips, scratches and other defects are located, what brand of winter tires are used. ā€œOutbidā€ will go away from the answer, use general and vague phrases, since it has a lot of constantly changing machines under its control, it is very difficult to know and remember such details.
  4. Knowing how car dealers work, one can ask the question ā€œforeheadā€: ā€œWho is included in the TCP?ā€. The dealer, of course, will say that his wife, father, son, daughter or other relative. Which due to departure, the disease will not be able to attend the transaction. And he will assure you that he will issue all the documents for sale without any problems.
  5. The reseller never agrees to bid by phone, while the real owner is often ready to make such concessions even before a personal meeting. It is easier for an ā€œentrepreneur,ā€ who knows how to ā€œprocessā€ potential buyers, to invite them to a deal so that ā€œwith heat, with heatā€, without letting the victim come to his senses, take purchase obligations from her.
    how car dealers work

That's all we wanted to tell you about auto dealers. We hope our article will help you find a seller - the real owner, private trader.


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