Wine "Psou": aromatic wines of Abkhazia

Often, wines produced in Abkhazia are put on a par with Georgian wines. In fact, this is a completely different technology, grapes, and a completely original taste of wine. So special, unlike others, there is Psou wine.

Historical reference

The history of the Abkhazian people and the history of winemaking in this region begins at the same time. Clay amphorae with the remains of wine were found during excavations in the strata of the 3rd-2nd centuries BC. This method of wine ripening is used in Abkhazia now. The largest amphora found contained 200 liters of drink, had a height of 151 cm and a width of 98 cm. It is not known who and when planted a vine on these slopes, but the ancient Dioscuria (the so-called city of Sukhumi) supplied its wines to the Romans. This is mentioned in his historical reference by the ancient Greek scholar Strabo. In 1925, several peasant farms engaged in the cultivation of grapes were combined to create a wine line at the state level. This date can be considered the historical beginning of industrial wine production. There were separate brands of wines with certain names. Psou wine is called the river, the natural border of Abkhazia with Russia. This brand was launched in 1962, when industrial winemaking entered its heyday.

Wine Psou

Features of Abkhaz winemaking

Dozens of local grape varieties have their own unique taste and aroma. Even in different places, the same variety will have its own special flavor. This happens due to the effects of various natural and climatic conditions, proximity or remoteness to the sea, soil. Abkhazian wine “Psou” has traditionally been made in personal farms from purely local grapes of the Tsolikaluri variety. Later, technologists received a special blend by combining three varieties: "tsolikauri", "Riesling" and "Rkatsiteli". One can doubt the originality of the wine, because the grape varieties Riesling and Rkatsiteli that make it are popular in many territories. The fact is that in the course of time these imported varieties mixed a little with the truly local ones and got their authentic taste and aroma.

It is noteworthy that, according to tradition , grape harvesting and work with wine in Abkhazia is a purely male affair. And the varieties of wine are popularly divided into "male" - tart and more seasoned and "female" - semisweet with aromas of berries and fruits.

The peculiarity of growing grapes in villages: the vine is not sent to a certain position, it is allowed to stretch and spread where it wants, it gets complete freedom of action. Grape harvesting is in November - December.

Psou wine, Abkhazia

Wine characterization

Wine "Psou" - white semisweet, natural, from a blend of grapes of three varieties. A drink of a beautiful light straw color. The taste is varietal, light, with a bright floral tone and pleasant sweetness.

The strength of the drink is 9-11%, sugar content: 32-35 g / dm.

How to make Psou wine?

The berries of the grapes are separated from the branches and kneaded to obtain juice. Grape juice, regardless of the color of the berry, is always white. Color is given by dyes that are in the skin of the fetus. To produce white wine, berries are pressed immediately, without waiting for fermentation, so as not to spoil the color of the future drink. So produce white wine "Psou". Red wine is prepared in a slightly different way. For fermentation, leave the pulp - ground juice, along with berries and skin.

High-quality Abkhazian wine wanders for a long time, "by gravity" at a temperature of 13 - 20 o . In individual production, clay vessels are still used that are buried in the ground. In modern factory conditions, the wort “rests” in metal tanks. At this time, they observe, study and “educate” him, that is, bring him to the desired state and taste. This is done by reducing or adding temperature, changing the composition of the blend. On average, the rest time of young wine takes from 33 to 35 days. After approval by the tasting committee, the drink is subjected to additional filtration and bottled.

Psou wine reviews

Cleaning Features

An additional purification procedure is possible at the factory, it is used when the wine becomes slightly cloudy, a precipitate appears. In the language of professionals, this is called "getting sick." Bentanite, a special natural clay, is used to “treat” the drink. It absorbs sediment. The wine is additionally filtered and placed in the cold for self-cleaning. After bottling, the composition of the drink remains virtually unchanged. Although, according to experts, the wine remains “alive” even after capping.

Psou red wine

Sukhum plant

Psou wine is produced at the Sukhumi winery. This is the only official producer of Abkhazian wine today. Its foundation and development is associated with the name of Nikolai Achba, a descendant of the great princely family and the main winemaker of the republic. Throughout its history, the plant has experienced ups and downs, a peak of prosperity and a complete collapse. The enterprise acquired its second date of birth after a complete reconstruction in 1999. The investments made helped equip modern Italian production lines, a quality control laboratory, and containers for processing and storing raw materials. These events allowed to significantly improve the quality of Abkhazian wines and bring the products to the world market, where it immediately won recognition and fans. To the honor of the winemakers of Abkhazia, they were able to qualitatively combine the centuries-old experience of their ancestors with modern technology.

Abkhazian wine Psou

What is the negative connected with?

Wine "Psou" reviews about itself leaves from just good to enthusiastic. Why is it sometimes possible to meet bewilderment about taste, and even frank curses. Of course, everyone has different taste perceptions, but that is not the point. True connoisseurs in matters of winemaking are few, most wine consumers are ordinary people who appreciate the taste, smell and aftertaste of a drink. Therefore, we must remember that the Sukhumi plant is responsible for the true quality of industrial wine in Abkhazia. This is due to the fact that sometimes on the streets of resort towns you can find advertisements from unknown manufacturers whose quality is very doubtful. We are talking about packaged products, but wine is made in Abkhazia at each farmyard, and you can buy excellent products on the market for bottling, or you can also openly fake.

Feast Rules

How to drink Psou wine? Abkhazia is the Caucasus! The traditions of drinking are special here - they drink wines a lot, everywhere and on all occasions, and just to quench their thirst. By the way, white wines of this brand are just good for this purpose in chilled form. It is such, chilled, that it is recommended to serve Psou to fish and vegetable snacks. A good addition to wine will be cheeses, fruits. "Psou" does not belong to the type of strong alcoholic drinks, does not leave heaviness either in the head or in the stomach, but the measure is good in everything.

Psou wine, white semisweet

Wines of Abkhazia

Psou is not the only pearl in the company of Abkhazian wine. White semi-dry “Anakopia”, semi-sweet red “Lykhny”, “Apsny” are also traditional for the Sukhum plant and familiar to the consumer. From the famous "Isabella" grapes are produced here dessert red "Bouquet of Abkhazia."

After the reconstruction, the plant’s technologists created new varieties: dry white “Dioskuria”, dry red “Radeda” and “Chegem”, red semi-dry “Escher” and “Amra”. Dry red collection wines “Ashta Lasha” and “Atauad Gumista Ashta” represented Abkhazia at international exhibitions, where they were awarded with high awards.

Where could I buy?

Of course in Abkhazia! It is here that quality Abkhazian wines will be the cheapest. But in Russia and Ukraine, Abkhazian wines are among the most popular, you can buy them in the wine departments of many supermarkets, however, it is much more expensive than at home.


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