Exercising neck and face muscles can restore youth

Our body consists of a large number of muscles. With their help, we carry out any movement - from blinking and breathing to running and jumping. Not only the appearance and our mobility, but also the course of physiological processes in the body depends on the state of muscles. Therefore, muscle training is an important component not only of our appearance, but of health in general.

Problem spots sooner or later appear on the body of every person, and it is especially unpleasant when the face and neck lose their attractiveness. To eliminate the problems associated with age-related loss of elasticity, you can increase the load on the muscles. Muscle training improves blood circulation, which leads to increased metabolism, the destruction of body fat and allows you to tighten the contours of the face. But you can’t count on fast results. It will take many days (at least 6-8 weeks) before the results become really noticeable.

Several complexes have been developed that allow you to remove (or significantly reduce) the second chin, make the facial contours clearer and eliminate sagging in the region of the lower jaw. The exercises are simple and will not take much time, and training the muscles of the face will help rejuvenate the face without surgery and expensive procedures. Here are some of these exercises:

  • Take air into your mouth and roll it like a ball from cheek to cheek, and from the upper lip to the lower. The duration of this exercise is about a minute.
  • Pull the lower jaw as far as possible, linger at the extreme point for a few seconds, relax and return to the starting position. Repeat 5-15 times.
  • Wrap your lips inside the mouth so that they become invisible, keep this position for several seconds (5-15 times).
  • Put your fingers on the forehead above the eyebrows and hold the skin, try to raise the eyebrows (the skin should remain in place), feel the tension of the muscles, relax. Repeat 6-10 times.
  • Fingers press the corners of the lips. Hold tight. Lips are pulled into the tube, but do not let the skin move. Do 10-15 repetitions.
  • We repeat the exercise, but we place the index fingers on the nasolabial folds (from the nose to the chin).

These exercises improve the tone of the muscles of the face, make the facial contour clearer. Due to the activation of blood circulation in working muscles, tissue nutrition improves, regeneration processes are accelerated, which leads to deep wrinkles becoming less noticeable, and small ones disappear completely. Such muscle training should be carried out daily for several months (2-3 months). When the results become noticeable and satisfy you, to maintain the right tone it will be sufficient to repeat the exercises 2 times a week.

Do not forget about the condition of the neck muscles. They also require attention. Using a set of exercises, you can remove (or make less noticeable) the second chin, restore elasticity to the skin.

  • Put your palms on the front of the neck with your fingers back. Try to move your neck forward by resisting your palms. At the extreme point, linger for 2-4 seconds, relax. This exercise needs to be done 10-20 times.
  • Fold both palms in front of your face, place your thumbs under the chin. Try to lower your chin down, resisting your fingers. Hold the voltage for one minute.
  • With your fists, support the lower jaw on both sides. Opening your mouth, press the lower jaw on the fists, overcoming the resistance. Press for 15-25 seconds, relax. Repeat exercise 4-7 times.
  • Place one fist under the jaw. Try to lower your head, overcoming resistance for 20 seconds. Repeat 4-7 times.
  • Throwing back your head, push the lower jaw as far forward as possible, linger for 3-7 seconds, relax. Exercise do 10-20 times.

A similar training of the neck muscles should be regular (daily) until the second chin is gone, the facial contours become clearer. After this, the complex can be repeated no more than twice a week to maintain muscle tone. Do not overdo it at first. Perform the minimum number of repetitions first, gradually increasing the load.

There are not many things in the world that we are able to control. Muscle training is a real chance to control both appearance and well-being (the way we look determines our health in many ways).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C11391/

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