How to clean squid

In the distribution network, squids usually come in the form of frozen minced meat, in the form of fillets (frozen in blocks, already without heads and viscera) or canned.

Canned squid can be eaten right away. But they will have to tinker with the frozen ones. Before you clean frozen squids, you need to melt them and remove the film. The film is easier to remove starting from the back. If this method does not help, you need to sprinkle it with coarse salt, wrap it with a tissue napkin and rub it well. After that, squids need to be washed and boiled over low heat in salted water for about five minutes, no more, otherwise the meat will become stiff. Boiled squid is used to prepare a variety of salads, cold appetizers, sandwiches. They can also be fried.

How to clean squid fillet? They also need to be thawed, filled with hot water (55 Β° -65 Β° C), but do not put on fire, but just stir for about five minutes continuously. This procedure will greatly facilitate film removal.

The question of how to clean squids purchased in the form of minced meat should not arise - after all, this is a ready-made semi-finished product from which you can whip up a lot of dishes: pies, casseroles, whites, pancakes, pies, and other products.

If unexpected guests arrived, and there are at least mayonnaise and non-fish seafood in the refrigerator, it will not be difficult to feed them, an experienced housewife will figure out what and how. Quickly clean squid is better by one of the above methods. You can cook, for example, sandwiches by placing boiled shrimps and squid sliced ​​in slices on bread, and bay with mayonnaise on top. Sandwiches are decorated with slices of fresh tomato, cucumbers, lettuce. The products are taken in this calculation: 200 g of bread, 100 g of boiled shrimp and squid, tomato and fresh cucumbers of 80 g, 20 g of lettuce and 50 g of mayonnaise.

It turns out that aspic is prepared not only from meat and fish, aspic squid with horseradish is no less tasty dish. But to cook it, you need to know how. Peel the squids, boil them in salted water, cool and cut into wide slices. Pour fish jelly half a centimeter thick into a deep dish. When it cools down, put squid meat into it and decorate with beautifully carved carrots, lemon slices, parsley sprigs, pour on top half chilled jelly. This layer of jelly should be allowed to solidify well, and then again pour the remaining jelly on top and cool. Before serving, the aspic is cut with a knife in portions. Horseradish served separately in a gravy boat. For this dish you will need 600 g squid, 600 g fish jelly, lemon, 100 g carrots, sprigs of parsley, salt to taste.

In the Far East, dumplings with squid are often cooked. The dough for them is prepared as follows. Pour warm water (0.5 cups) into a recess made in sifted wheat flour (1.5 cups), add one egg, salt and knead a cool dough. Roll it out very thinly and with a recess cut out circles of the desired size. Put small minced meat balls on each circle and pinch the edges of the dough. Cook dumplings in boiling salt water. Before serving, it is advisable to pour the dumplings with melted butter. Minced meat is prepared from 500 g squid peeled and skipped with one onion through a meat grinder with the addition of pepper salt and three teaspoons of vegetable oil to taste.

Fans of dough products can also be surprised with whites with unusual squid filling. How? Peel the squids, mince them, onions, add pepper, salt and knead the minced meat. Form small cakes from yeast dough. Put the resulting stuffing in the middle of the tortillas, grind the edges and fry in sunflower oil on both sides (starting from the open side). For the minced meat you will need: 400 g squid fillet, onion 80 g, 700 g ready-made yeast dough, add pepper and salt to taste.


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