Stylish men's hairstyles with bangs: photos, ideas

Those days when all men looked almost the same long ago were left behind, and any salon care was considered unacceptable to them. More and more modern men gain confidence in themselves, and at the same time begin to devote more time to their style and care for their appearance. In addition to clothing, hair was and remains the main tool for self-expression, both for women and for representatives of the strong half of humanity. With a stylish haircut, you can emphasize your individuality, demonstrate a sense of style, creativity and willingness to experiment.

For several years in a row, men's hairstyles with bangs have been in fashion. In this article, we have collected for you the best models of recent seasons, as well as useful recommendations on individual selection of haircuts for the shape of the face. If you are ready to change the image, but have not yet decided what exactly you want, our article is especially for you.

Fashion haircut

Select bangs by face type

Any, even if impeccably modeled haircut with the wrong selection of face type can easily highlight the flaws and spoil your overall image. We advise you to carefully study the features of your appearance before going to the salon, and then select hairstyles based on the parameters of your individual data.

An elongated face does not need additional lengthening, and therefore for men with a sharp chin, a narrow high forehead and a disproportionately elongated middle part of the face, it is better to abandon a hairstyle with shaved temples and voluminous top. Also, people with this type are contraindicated styling bangs up, haircuts with styling Iroquois and Elvis.

To hide the excess elongation of the lines of the face, you can add a little volume in the temporal region. If you have chosen a specific men's hairstyle with a bang, then it is better to lay a bang on the forehead or do with a side comb. This method will help to make the face visually shorter and its features more symmetrical.

If you are the owner of a round or square face, hairstyles with short hair in the temporal areas are perfect for you. You should also pay attention to haircuts, which provide volume in the upper part of the head. A lush top or a long bangs combed back will help visually stretch your face and make it slimmer. In addition, bangs with combing back will be an excellent solution for people with a low forehead and deep-set eyes.

In addition, men with a round or square face can turn their attention to hairstyles with volume on top and graduated locks near the face. If the haircut is done correctly - the strands that frame the cheekbones and cheeks will help to hide the excess width of the full face.

Men with this type of appearance should avoid too long, devoid of volume haircuts, as well as shortened models such as boxing.

For owners of a triangular face, stylists also advise not to avoid additional volume in the upper part of the head. In addition, haircuts with an average volume on the sides are well suited to this form.

Men with oval faces can afford more experimentation. Men's hairstyles with and without bangs look good on them. Hair can be either long or short, and very short. The choice of hairstyles here is carried out exclusively according to individual preferences.

Haircut boxing

For more than a dozen years, boxing haircut is the most popular in the whole world. Her success is simple. Short hair requires less maintenance and does not require additional styling. Due to short hair, the hairstyle keeps its shape for a long time, so it is not required to visit the salon too often.

This is a great option for athletes and lovers of a conservative restrained style. A man's hairstyle with shaved bangs is an ideal option for the hot season. Boxing is suitable for almost all types of hair. Especially men with curly naughty locks will appreciate it.

Distinctive features of the boxing haircut are very short hair in the temporal zone, slightly longer strands with a smooth transition in the upper zone of the head and the complete absence of bangs. Also, sometimes boxing is combined with completely shaved temples or individual shaved patterns on the sides.

Half box

Another men's hairstyle without a bang is a half box. Boxing and semi-boxing have one single difference - normal hair length.

The half-box is cut a little longer and looks better on young men. Such a haircut is suitable for almost any type of face and any hair structure. However, it is better for owners of tight curls to abandon this model and consider options either longer or shorter.

Haircut boxing


A good option for hairstyles on coarse hair. A similar version of the fashionable haircut has the following model: the back of the head and temporal regions are cut very short, and in some cases even shaved, the bangs and the upper part of the head remain long and voluminous.

Canada is usually worn back and forth. However, she also looks good on curly hair. In the latter case, combing is not necessary.

Haircut canadian


A man's hairstyle with a long bang - British, as well as Canadian, looks good on both straight and thick hair, prone to curling. A distinctive feature of the British is a slightly longer length in the temporal zones than in Canada, and the same volume in the upper part of the head.

The final version of the British haircut does not require combing back. Hair can be styled in any position, depending on your desire. Each such styling visually forms a new hairstyle shape, which means you can, without changing the haircut, change the appearance based on your own mood, style or specific event.

British haircut

Model hairstyle

Such a haircut could be found in any foreign series in the early 2000s. Now a bold and stylish model haircut has become fashionable again, and more and more people give it their preference.

Among other men's hairstyles with bangs on the side, a model haircut stands out with long hair not only in the upper part of the head, but also on the sides. This model is perfect for holders of an oval or elongated shape.

Model haircut


Retro haircut is very much like Elvis Presley 's hairstyle. However, it does not involve elongated sideburns and a high pile. Stylists advise wearing a retro with a lightly curled bangs in the direction of the face with several large curls.

For holders of a square or round shape, a retro-retrieval face would be an ideal option.

Newfangled Quiff

Quiff haircut

Another men's hairstyle with bangs is quiff. In style of execution, this model is a bit like a British, with its smooth transition from short side lines to long hair in the upper part of the head. However, the quiff is most often worn without combing on one of the sides. For its installation, it is worth using wax, which can form sharp spikes in the bangs and even in the neck.

Men's hairstyle with short bangs: hedgehog

Haircut hedgehog

The hedgehog also features a smooth transition from the bottom of the hair to the top. A haircut is considered a rather shortened model. It’s worth laying the hedgehog only in the upper part of the head, directing the strands in a chaotic way up.


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