Seasonings in Ayurveda. Cardamom: useful properties and contraindications

cardamom beneficial properties and contraindications
This seasoning received honor and respect in the 5th century BC. e. in India, where it grows. Today I would like to talk about cardamom, whose beneficial properties and contraindications are well known to traditional Indian medicine - Ayurveda. This plant from the ginger family loves a humid climate, grown in the Indian southern forests, Sri Lanka, Vietnam and Burma. As noted, in India, cardamom was not only used as a seasoning, but also sold as a cure for stomach ailments. The recipe for this drug was kept secret and was inherited by the healers. Nowadays, Arab countries that add cardamom to coffee are considered the leader in the consumption of this spice. Such a fragrant refreshing drink, sweetish with a speck of arabs symbolizes tradition and local hospitality.

Cardamom. Useful properties and contraindications

The refreshing ginger and slightly spicy taste is given to cardamom by the essential oils that make up its composition (more than 8%). Among the chemical composition, we can distinguish the presence of vitamin A and B in the plant, as well as a rather diverse number of trace elements: sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, and niacin.

cardamom recipes
Cardamom treatment

Cardamom has long been considered an excellent antiseptic. The Chinese chewed it to eliminate an unpleasant odor in the mouth, used it for a headache, and the Indians treated him for colds and disorders of the nervous system. In modern folk medicine, this useful seasoning is also not underestimated. So, cardamom will help with the following problems:

  • Essential oils have played an important role, so cardamom is good for respiratory diseases (bronchitis, laryngitis, pneumonia). For flu and sore throats, you can gargle with tincture and cardamom with cinnamon.
  • If we talk about cardomom essential oil, then you can add it literally with a couple of drops in wine or tea; also with this oil you can do yourself inhalations and medicinal baths. According to Ayurveda, the aroma of cardamom and the seasoning itself will give sharpness to thinking, relieve excessive tension, and restore strength. Like ginger, cardamom has an excellent warming effect, as it improves blood circulation.
  • In addition to the interesting properties of this seasoning, it can be said that cardamom has a good effect on the heart and lungs, fights flatulence and alleviates pain, improves memory. Cardamom normalizes blood pressure and is a good natural aphrodisiac, but the main thing here is not to overdo it and check your body's reaction to cardamom.

Useful properties and contraindications are closely interrelated in this seasoning and excessive addition of it, for example, to food, can make it even worse. Loss of sexual activity is possible, and ulcers and allergies can cause exacerbations, so if you are trying exotic condiments for the first time, it is better to consult a nutritionist, after all spices are a very delicate matter and not suitable for everyone.

cardamom treatment

Cardamom. Recipes

The aroma of this spice is simply amazing! It is usually added to pastries, various desserts (Arabian sweets), tea, coffee and other drinks. A great combination of cardamom with baked fruits and other seasonings. So, cardamom is also good for losing weight. A drink in combination with cinnamon lowers sugar levels, and cardamom with pepper will burn extra calories. If you eat tsp seeds with honey, you can restore vision and increase immunity. From cardamom, you can make a wonderful drink with the addition of ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves and pepper. These seasonings will have a beneficial effect on the whole body! Oh! This miracle cardamom. Useful properties and contraindications now you know, it remains to try this ancient panacea on yourself!


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