Cat's Eye: Stone Properties

The name "cat's eye" refers to quartz of various shades: gray, golden, emerald, swamp. Moreover, they all have a characteristic glass sheen and overflow effect.

cat's eye stone properties
Due to these properties, the stones resemble the iris of a cat's eye. Today, about thirty varieties of this mineral are known, the main deposits of which are in China, Sri Lanka, Mexico, and India.

Cat's eye. Stone properties

It is believed that he is able to cure a person of respiratory diseases. He perfectly relieves of bronchial asthma. Residents of the East have long learned how to relieve nervous excitability with the help of rosaries from this unique mineral. It is believed that it helps with blood diseases, paralysis, arthritis, insomnia, spinal injuries, tonsillitis and anemia. It also favorably affects the functioning of the digestive organs, the work of the spleen and pancreas.

Magical properties

In the old days, this stone was called the eye of the devil.

stone cat's eye photo
It was worn mainly by sorcerers and magicians, believing that it activates miraculous abilities. However, these times have passed. Now only overly superstitious people are wary of this mineral. Mutual love and family happiness - this is what the cat's eye promises its owner. The properties of the stone help create a positive image of its owner in the eyes of strangers, give confidence, courage and even a little charm.

This mineral does not tolerate conflict and aggression. It is believed that it is able to smooth out friction arising at work and at home. Many people are sure that only a cat's eye will help to find a compromise and solve some controversial issues . The properties of the stone will make it possible to reconcile old enemies and, possibly, even make them friends.

It is very useful to wear adornments from this mineral to teenagers. The cat's eye is able to smooth out the aggressive mood, intractability and intransigence. The stone provides special protection to people born under the sign of Cancer or Aries. In order not to cause a negative effect of the mineral, you should not wear it together with other gems.

cat eye stone Price

It is very useful for people whose profession is associated with communication (artists, teachers, diplomats) to wear a cat's eye as a talisman. The properties of stone can activate a person’s creative abilities , enhance the persuasiveness of speech and give eloquence. Ancient people believed that the amulet from the cat's eye would save from negative forces that affect the human mind. The white mineral is the talisman of mothers and children; it strengthens the spiritual connection and develops intuition. In addition, the stone improves concentration, activates logical thinking, increases insight and masculine energy.


For jewelry using a mineral such as cat's eye (stone), the price is quite low. Imitation quartz is often inserted into inexpensive jewelry - stained glass, which is visually quite difficult to distinguish from the original. Usually in the jewelry industry, a cat-eye stone is used, the photo of which is presented above, transparent or slightly cloudy.


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