Methods of active socio-psychological training: concept and classification

For many years, teaching adults, specialists could not get high results. The purpose of vocational training was to increase the effectiveness of students in the workplace. And the students themselves did not show much interest in the proposed material. To increase people's interest in science, methods have been developed, which we will discuss in this article.

general characteristics

To begin with, we will analyze the concept of active socio-psychological training. This is a special psychological and pedagogical form, which contributes to the improvement and development of various knowledge, skills, is carried out when working in a group. Active learning is applied in different directions. This can be the targeted formation of various communication skills among representatives of certain professions, as well as to increase the level of psychological competence or to streamline the culture of mental activity of a particular organization.

There are three main blocks in the methods of active socio-psychological training:

  1. Methods that can be implemented in the course of discussions.
  2. Methods involving various games.
  3. Various socio-psychological trainings, which also have their own classification.

This classification of methods of active socio-psychological training is the most common. But there are many more that are also considered correct and are considered by modern scientists. Next, we will dwell in more detail on each section from this list.

psychological and pedagogical problems

Principles of interaction with the group

In addition to methods of influence, there are certain principles of active socio-psychological training that should be followed when working with a group:

  • principle of voluntariness;
  • the principle of personification of statements;
  • the principle of equal communication;
  • the here and now principle;
  • principle of activity;
  • principle of openness and sincerity;
  • principle of confidentiality.

It is important to remember that during work not only the teacher acts on the group, but the trainees themselves have an impact on the specialist.

The mechanisms

In addition to the basic methods of socio-psychological training, it is necessary to highlight its mechanisms, which also have an important role. They have their own classification and definitions.

Infection is a process during which one individual, through psychophysical contact, transfers his emotional state to another. This exchange can occur either independently or in "cooperation" with semantic influence. Infection occurs in the form of empathy, which is possible between people who are in the same mental state. Moreover, emotions at this moment are amplified many times.

Suggestion is the process of the impact of one or more people on other individuals. During the application of this mechanism, the affected individual simply accepts the information as a fact. The psychologist does not argue the information, does not explain its significance and direction.

Imitation - the individual consciously or not copies the actions of other people. A group of individuals is offered a benchmark that they must follow. And in this case, they copy not only the behavior, but also the external features of the ideal. The reproduction of such a mechanism is most often resorted to when working with a group of people. Since it is easier to create certain rules that each participant must adhere to.

Conviction is another way of influencing the consciousness of a person or a separate group of people. During the application of this method, psychologists set themselves the goal - to change opinions, views. The persuader must make sure that the individual accepts his position and adheres to it in any of his activities. The persuasion method can be used only if you have sufficient argumentation, you can provide evidence that your point of view is the only true one, as well as build a logical chain.

In these methods lies the essence and content of active socio-psychological training. Next, we consider in more detail the process of working with groups of people and the features of its implementation.

principles of active socio-psychological training

Discussion Methods

The methods of active socio-psychological training include discussion. This method is used during the process of solving various problems. During the application of this method, a group of people discusses the opinions of others, each participant can bring their own arguments, express their own opinions, prove to others that their position is right.

Group discussion is a method that allows you to influence the opinions, views and attitudes of individuals through communication and exchange of information between participants.

The psychologist Jean Piaget spoke of discussions for the first time in the twentieth century. In his works, he showed that even an ordinary schoolboy through discussion leaves his egocentric thoughts and takes the position of the people in the group with whom he works. Although everyone knows that convincing a teenager is not so simple. Many psychologists have identified a number of advantages in applying this method:

  1. During the discussion, you can consider the problem from several sides and choose the most correct solution for some serious problems.
  2. If during a lecture a person simply listens to the information offered, then he can take an active part in the discussion, express his opinion, and also listen to the opinions of other participants. Thus, much more knowledge is deposited in the head of the individual, he learns to analyze on his own, to think about the fact that, perhaps, he should change his views.
  3. During the discussion, individuals learn to work in a group. Here they can not only express their own thoughts, but also listen to others. Participants analyze what they hear and compare with their thoughts, and can also learn to defend their own position, explain why it is worth listening to their opinion.
  4. During the discussion, a group of people can come to one common decision by reviewing and analyzing the opinions of each. Here, students can self-actualize and assert themselves.
  5. When implementing this method, you can clearly see how accurately people understand what they are talking about, and whether they are ready to come to a common solution to the problem.
methods of active socio-psychological training textbook

Types of Discussions

If we consider the theory of Panin, then he identifies several main types of group discussions, which are the most productive.

  • Panel discussion, which is held only in the presence of a large group, when more than forty people participate in the discussion.
  • "Snowball" - everyone who is part of the group should take part in the discussion of the problem. The purpose of this discussion is to identify and agree on all available opinions, as well as make a single decision.
  • โ€œQuadroโ€ - during such a discussion you need to establish feedback with the group. The teacher or any participant can express their opinion and give reasoning, and each participant is faced with the task of expressing his own vision and analyzing the position of the other.
  • โ€œPrioritiesโ€ - again, all available opinions will be compared here, and their diversity is also considered. After all, each member of the discussion will have their own views, which may be true or not.
  • Brainstorming is the easiest way to have a discussion. Here everyone can join the discussion at any time or leave it. Any member of the group expresses his thoughts absolutely freely, expresses his own opinion and criticizes someone else's. Brainstorming is used when it is necessary to make a collective decision, when a group of people considers each individual opinion and takes something from it.

Game method

The active methods of socio-psychological training can be safely attributed to the game. This type of human activity takes place in many fields and sciences. Now there are many types of games that have not only a children's direction. In this section, we examine in detail their role in psychology. In this science, a game means creating a situation to obtain a certain psychological result. This result may be:

  • Emotions
  • Knowledge, skills.
  • Achievements of victories.
  • Establishing relationships with others.
  • The development of certain personality traits.

Many people wonder why the game is such a popular method. This is due to the fact that during the playback of the situation it can be repeated more than once in order to achieve the result that the group expects. In addition, during the game, you can work together with people, and not on them, thereby achieving a positive result. To carry out this method, you will need:

  • Technology of the future game.
  • Special game set.
  • As well as game interaction, for which not only the group, but also the organizer is responsible.
the concept of active socio-psychological training

The main types of games

Business. It is based on the social or substantive content of any type of activity that is close to the participants. During the game, you must try to maximally accurately model the relationships that are characteristic of this type of practice. An imitation of activity is created, and the group must recreate the dynamics and conditions that should be in real conditions.

You can highlight the main features of this type of game to distinguish it from any other:

  • A system of relations that is inherent in a particular type of practical activity, as well as the reconstruction of social and substantive content, which is characteristic of a particular profession.
  • During a business game, a certain problem is modeled, and each participant offers his own solution, which then needs to be implemented.
  • Be sure to determine the roles that should be distributed among the participants.
  • When searching for solutions, a participant who has his own role should think only from his position.
  • The whole group must interact with each other.
  • The collective goal is set for a common goal, which they can achieve only through interaction and subordination of their secondary goals and tasks to one.
  • The group works out a collective solution to the problem.
  • There are many alternatives for making a decision.
  • There is emotional stress in the group, but the teacher can easily manage it.
  • There is a certain system for evaluating the activities of a group.

Role-playing. During the role-playing game, each member of the group receives a certain role, which is of great importance for him in everyday life. The role itself is considered the most important attribute for this type of game, and the relationship between people is the relationship into which the goal and some prescriptions are laid.

The purpose of the role-playing game is to prepare each participant for some situations that they may encounter. And also prepare people to solve problems and deal with difficult situations, teach them to think rationally during unforeseen incidents, and solve various psychological and pedagogical problems.

When conducting role-playing games, participants are faced with certain situations that they encountered in their real life. And the participants themselves are required to find the truly correct solutions, to change the behavior model, which does not lead to the elimination of problems. The psychologist Platov identified some signs by which one can easily distinguish this type of game from any other:

  • The structure of the game includes a certain communication, which is found in socio-economic systems.
  • Roles are distributed among the participants.
  • Each role has a goal that is different from the rest.
  • Work is carried out only with full interaction.
  • There are many alternatives for making a single decision.
  • There is a system by which a group and individual assessment of everything that happens during the game is carried out.
  • The emotional stress in the team is under control.

Imitation. Based on the name, we can conclude that during this game there is some imitation of actions. There are rules and competition between the participants and there is no provision for playing roles, as it was in the previous section. When conducting such a game, none of the participants receives a role, life situations are not recreated, there are only conditions a little closer to reality. The most effective imitation will be if you need to determine the level of interpersonal relationships, the ability of people to work in a team, make general decisions.


  • A model of certain conditions is created.
  • The head reads the rules.
  • In most cases, there are several periods.
  • The result is quantifiable.
  • The skill for making general and individual decisions is honed.

Socio-psychological training

Socio-psychological training as a complex form of active socio-psychological training can have several meanings, and the most common of them are preparation, training, education, training. The training is aimed at deliberately changing the psychological phenomena of one person or a whole group. But his goal is to create harmony between the professional and personal being of a person. To conduct this form of socio-psychological training, a training group is created in which the interaction between the psychologist and the participants is carried out.

The first trainings were held in 1946, and their goal was to explore interpersonal relationships and improve communication. And training as a separate psychological method was defined by Forverg in 1950. Now psychologists are actively using this method when working with children, parents, difficult teenagers, employees and employees of various enterprises.

socio-psychological training is

Group Work Benefits

  1. Working in a group, a person learns to solve interpersonal problems that may occur in life.
  2. A group is a kind of society, only in miniature.
  3. Feedback can be made in the group, and participants receive support from those who have encountered similar problems.
  4. A member of the group can gain completely new knowledge and skills, as well as try to carry out experiments in relationships with partners.
  5. It is possible to identify participants with each other.
  6. When working in a group, tension increases, which means that the psychologist can determine what psychological problems each member of the team has.
  7. In a team, it is easier for a person to carry out the process of self-knowledge, self-disclosure and self-investigation.
  8. Even in the economic aspect, group work is much more profitable.
group discussion

Stages of the training

This sequence adheres to N.V. Matyash.

In the first place is a warm-up or warm-up, when the participants begin to get involved in the work, get to know each other and the training rules. It is good if the psychologist conducts special exercises that will help people get to know each other, unite, and become a single group.

The following is the main part. Here, the team gets acquainted with the problem posed, work is underway to refine the communication skills that are prescribed in the program created specifically for the training. Here, the psychologist works with tasks and techniques that he developed in advance, worked independently and can now safely apply in practice.

The third stage, the final. This is an analysis of all the work that has been done during the lesson. Participants exchange views and get homework. The psychologist conducts the so-called farewell ritual called "The Dying of the Group."

Lesson preparation

There is a special model for preparing for a training session:

  1. The psychologist must clearly identify the topic and idea of โ€‹โ€‹a future activity.
  2. You need to decide in advance who will be part of the group.
  3. You need to know how long the session will last and how many times it needs to be held.
  4. To formulate a psychological and pedagogical problem, which will be solved during the lesson. It should be clearly and clearly spelled out.
  5. In addition, there must be tasks that need to be set for the assembled group.
  6. Be sure to choose the psychotechnics for which you can work with this particular group.
  7. The entire training program should be divided into blocks, and in each block certain classes should be prescribed.
  8. There must be a plan according to which the psychologist will work.
  9. Each lesson should have its own short plan, in which all the lessons should be indicated.

At the end of the training, the psychologist must conduct an analysis of the lesson, determine what was achieved, whether all the tasks have been solved and whether the goal that has been left is achieved. After that, you can start preparing for the next training. A practical psychologist can use the methods of active socio-psychological training textbook, which can help in organizing work.


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