Internal fear: causes, methods of overcoming, advice

When we find ourselves in a dangerous situation, fear arises in the form of a defensive reaction. This emotion relieves us of the desire to act, interferes with normal development and life. So that such invisible shackles do not interfere with our plans, you need to know how to overcome your inner fear.

human inner fears

Why fear arises and why

Fear refers to one of the main emotions; it arises in response to a real or perceived danger. According to psychologists, this negative emotion in small doses can even benefit us. So, a person experiencing a fear of heights will in every possible way avoid such places, thereby possibly avoiding a fall.

Unfortunately, at present, people have a lot of fears that do not always meet the goals of survival. Such emotions deprive us of happiness and comfort, achieve our goals, prevent us from building relationships, getting a decent salary, and fulfilling our dreams. Often we fear things that do not pose any threat. It is important to understand that if we are not in an extreme life-threatening situation, then the reason for our fear is in our head.

how to get rid of inner fear

In some cases, emotion becomes uncontrollable, turning into the most unthinkable phobia. The protection mechanism provided by nature often interferes with us, making us vulnerable. Therefore, everything must be done in order to overcome internal fear.

How to get rid of inner fear

Our fears are not always caused by a real threat, most often the reason lies in self-doubt. We are afraid of the opinions of others, the thought that we will not be able to accomplish something, the unknown future.

To overcome internal fears, a person first of all needs to analyze them. It is important to determine what exactly causes alarm, to understand in which situations emotions reach the limit. Typically, such methods make it possible to understand that fear is far-fetched, and the problems that cause it can be easily solved.

Psychologists can tell how to overcome internal fear. People who want to get rid of disturbing thoughts should listen to their advice to help solve this problem more effectively.

Imagine the worst thing has happened

Try to imagine the situation you are afraid of in the worst case scenario. Mentally reconcile with what happened. Recognize that nothing can be returned, so you must try to fix what is possible.

Acting in this way, you, instead of wasting time and energy on empty experiences, direct your energy to solve the problem.

Keep busy

The most effective way to get rid of such negative emotions as inner fear, anxiety is intensive activity. When the whole day is scheduled in minutes, there is no time left for worries.

woman works

Attend group therapy sessions

We all believe that it is our problems that are the most complex and unique. But this is not so, in our fears we are not alone. Therefore, group therapy sessions are so effective. When meeting and meeting people who have similar problems, discussing difficult situations together, you will notice that emotions have become less vivid, and inner fear has subsided.

inner fear anxiety

Wishful thinking

Everyone knows about the connection of physiological and emotional reactions of a person. If you can’t feel as confident as you would like, just pretend that you got rid of fear. Such a game over time will lead to the fact that you actually feel what you have imagined.

Remember that we live here and now

Imagine scary paintings that may await you in the future - a meaningless and stupid occupation, which we sometimes spend our time on. If you feel that such thoughts have driven inner fear even deeper, then it's time to stop losing precious moments. Live in the present, enjoy what is happening now, and try to look into the future with hope. All the terrible events that you presented, can bypass you, and then it will be a pity the time spent on empty experiences.

Start practicing yourself

Many of our internal fears are related to health. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, moderate physical activity and giving up bad habits are feasible tasks that will help us feel good. If a person feels healthy and efficient, then the fear of getting sick goes into the background.

Filter information

How to get rid of inner fear with the abundance and accessibility of information in the modern world? Reading newspapers, watching television, and information on the Internet only feeds and exacerbates our fears. Therefore, it is necessary to protect yourself from unnecessary experiences. Filter information, for example, if you are afraid of various diseases, avoid news, articles and TV shows on this topic.

Do not refuse the help of professionals

To overcome internal fears is not always possible on their own. If negative emotions have grown into a phobia that interferes with a full life, you should visit a psychologist or psychiatrist. Do not be ashamed of this. With the help of a specialist, many managed to solve the problem.

thoughts drove inner fear

Remember the positive experience

Using this method, you can eliminate minor recurring fears that regularly conquer you. For example, it is frightening to make a negative impression when speaking in public with a report. And if past experience shows that the experiences were in vain, is it worth it to spend time on such negative emotions? It is better to take care of a decent performance, carefully preparing for it.

Be prepared for everything, but do not make a problem out of it. Even if this time your speech was not up to par, take this as an occasion for further self-development.

Learn to meditate

Meditation helps calm the nervous system. Simple exercises will make you calmer, more stable in moments of stress. You will learn to relax, getting rid of stress. In addition, classes help develop willpower, which is also helpful in fighting fears.

how to overcome inner fear

Do not avoid your fears

By constantly avoiding what causes internal fear, you will not achieve anything. To solve your problem, you have to leave the comfort zone. This will force you to adapt to new conditions, receiving new information, which contributes to self-development. Such clashes with one’s own fears will make it clear that there is really nothing to fear.

Overcoming your own fears is always a pleasure. Having gained this victory, you will feel a surge of strength, you will be able to look to the future with optimism. And even if you yourself are not able to solve this problem, you can always seek professional help. A competent doctor will help you get rid of the inner fear that prevents you from enjoying life.


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