What to do if the DVR does not see the memory card?

The 21st century is the era of digital technology and universal video surveillance. Most often, shooting takes place from under the windshield of a passing car. Sometimes it happens that the DVR does not see the memory card. How to be in such a situation will be discussed in the article.

What to do if the DVR does not see the memory card and what to do

About devices

Hours of traffic jams are a hallmark of large cities. This is due to the fact that equipment is moving off the assembly lines in increasing quantities. Highways do not have time to grow at the same pace. Therefore, the likelihood of an accident increasing.

A driver who is interested in ensuring that the culprit does not go unpunished (and indeed, so as not to be extreme) installs a gadget in the car that keeps a continuous record of everything that happens.

what you need to do if the DVR does not see the memory card

Why do I need a memory card

The clips are saved in AVI or MKV formats to a microSD card. Recording is cyclical, old videos are deleted, new ones fill their place.

If there is a shock sensor, then the gadget will automatically start recording. The result is placed on a special stack, protected from erasure. A graphic stamp of date and time is superimposed on the image, so that you can easily restore the details of what is happening.

Information on time intervals before and after the event is stored on the memory card. It all depends on the options. Therefore, if the DVR does not see the memory card, the driver may lose valuable material that can reproduce the details of the collision. It is unacceptable!

Why the DVR does not see the memory card

A DVR is a reliable but moody thing. If a bad source of information storage or a failed installation of a flash drive is used, the product does not recognize it. In addition, if the equipment is damaged, there is no guarantee that the information on MicroSD will be correctly recognized. Why does the DVR not see the memory card?

It is important when buying a gadget to immediately check the functionality of all components in order to avoid unpleasant surprises later.

The most common are:

  • factory defect not detected on time;
  • Flash drive malware (viruses or worms);
  • incorrectly formatted device;
  • differences in recording speed and file storage class.

Often, gadgets do not see the map due to the mismatch of the file systems in which the formatting was initially performed. For example, the device has a FAT32 system, and an exFAT flash drive. Therefore, only the first option can be recognized with full compliance. The solution to the problem is extremely simple: re-formatting in the desired file environment.

Poor Chinese samples of memory cards, which are generally not readable in many places, can also be the cause of incorrect operation. Such microSDs can only work for a couple of months, and sometimes they are not recognized during the first use.

if the DVR does not see the memory card what to do


Inattentive buyers and those who want to make cheap deals may experience situations when the DVR does not see the memory card. What to do to avoid such excesses?

It should be more kind to the choice of model. Instructions are always attached to the device, which describes all types and classes of memory cards with which the product can interact.

Based on the information, you can select the appropriate media. Attention should be paid to the mechanisms adopted. All flash drives are divided into classes that accept different values ​​for the speed of downloading and receiving files. It is better to purchase at least grade 10. Most gadgets work with just that.

Failures sometimes occur, and the DVR does not see the memory card. If there is a suspicion of viruses on removable media, it is better to connect the product to a computer and make a complete diagnosis of the systems. The antivirus program will successfully detect all malicious files and eliminate it permanently.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C11435/

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