The poem "Forest in Autumn" - Twardowski wrote a small masterpiece

Wonderful Russian poet A.T. Twardowski plucked up a lot of good works. A native of the common people, he managed in his work, like Sergei Yesenin, to convey all the beauty of Russian nature in its unique simplicity and expressiveness.

In his poem, “Forest in Autumn,” Twardowski, using the simplest techniques, makes his readers think about the higher meanings of being on earth. Consider this poem in more detail.

History of writing a work

Twardowski wrote “The Forest in Autumn” back in 1933. This work was created once after the author’s autumn walk. Today, this poem is considered to be considered among the children's works of the poet.

Tward forest in autumn

Literary scholars believe that, as the author of "for adults" (Twardowski wrote very serious poems that tell the story of the great war against fascism, the feat of the Soviet people, analyze the tragic events of collectivization, etc.), the poet paid attention to children. He created a whole series of short poems about nature, which today the smallest admirers of his talent read and learn by heart. Moreover, this year Twardowski, along with other representatives of the world of literature, worked on the creation of a textbook for primary school students. In those same years, he created several more poems, which later went into this textbook and were illustrated by talented artists.

S. Marshak, having become acquainted with this poem by Twardowski, noted in him the author’s ability to see the world through the eyes of a child.

Twardowski, “Forest in Autumn”: a summary of the plot of a poetic work

What does the author tell us? In his poem, “Forest in Autumn,” Twardowski addresses a very simple plot. He literally draws it with the help of words, as children draw their plain drawings with paints and brushes. The poem uses several basic paintings. Let's consider them in more detail:

  1. A look into the sky: the author says that between the tops of the trees blue gaps appeared.
  2. A look at the ground: the poet draws attention to the fact that bright yellow foliage lies on the ground.
  3. Silence, which is emphasized by the lack of bird's hubbub, because all the birds flew south to warm countries.
  4. Animal world: squirrel, flickering tail, jumping from tree to tree.
  5. Plant world: spruce with its green unfading needles stands out from the trees with fallen leaves.
  6. The world of living creatures on earth: mushrooms gradually disappear, now the last boletus sadly straightens his fallen hat.

In the poem “Forest in Autumn”, Twardowski uses only 12 lines, it only sounds 6 story lines that we described above. But only the great artist of words can say so simply and clearly about autumn.

Tward Forest in Autumn Analysis

Twardowski, “Forest in Autumn”: Analysis of a Poetic Work

From the point of view of philological analysis, this work can be considered as an example of Russian poetic art. The author skillfully uses all the artistic paths, there is personification in his poem, when the world of nature is animated, there are epithets and comparisons. But the poem is written in such a simple language that all these tricks are invisible to the unenlightened reader; he sees only the beauty of his native nature.

In this case, the author (willing or not) goes back almost to the comprehension of the meaning of human existence on earth. Indeed, why was each of us given birth at birth? Not in order to see this pristine beauty of the divine world and try not to violate it. No wonder the poem describes only the natural world, there is no man in it, but there is only an artist who admires beauty and describes it with grace.

Philosophical motives of Twardowski’s lyrics in the poem “Forest in Autumn”

In the poem "Forest in Autumn" Twardowski rises to the deepest meanings of comprehension of the universe. He paints a picture of the universal harmony of natural being. The first four lines of his poem are an appeal to heaven and earth. This expresses the two most ancient archetypes - God the Father sitting in heaven, and Mother Earth, which lies beneath him. Mother and Father are the parents of all things. These two archetypes are present in all of human culture, being refracted through Russian culture.

Tward Forest in the fall

The following is the author’s story about how all living things react to the onset of autumn. The natural world obeys the power of the comprehensive law of natural forces: birds rush to fly to warm places, animals stock up for the winter, plants prepare to meet the first winter cold. But everything in this world of nature is beautiful and reasonable, each time of the year is unique.

The natural world was not created by the hands of people, so people can admire it, but you cannot make efforts to destroy it.

The meaning of the poem in the works of Twardowski

Twardowski wanted to tell a lot to his little readers.

Very often, “Forest in Autumn” is the author’s first work, which students in primary school get to know. The following are more serious poems, which are not so easy to understand for adults. And this poem is simple and understandable to everyone. But children remember it best of all, because the poem is closest to the children's perception of the world.

And this work teaches a child of love. After all, it is permeated with love for the universe, for our pensive simple and beautiful Motherland, for nature, its smallest and most unpretentious creatures at first glance, for everything living on earth.

verse forest autumn tward

Therefore, if your child comes home and says that he was asked to memorize some verse, and then he clarifies that this verse “Forest in Autumn” was written by Twardowski especially for young children, so he is so small and doesn’t teach him for long, please open it book of beloved poet’s works and read it with your child.


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