Martini: shelf life, composition, strength and cocktail recipes

What is a martini drink? To begin with, this is a certain variety of vermouth and sparkling wines, the strength of which usually varies from 16 to 18 degrees. A distinctive feature of martini, like any other vermouth, is wormwood, which is part of the composition. In addition to it, the composition of the drink includes about 35 types of plants, which create this unique taste. I am glad that the shelf life of a martini is practically unlimited if the bottle is closed (although the warranty period during which the drink necessarily retains its properties is 5 years).


In total, there are about seven main types of drink:

  • Bianco is a white vermouth with a spicy flavor. A distinctive feature is the vanilla flavor.
  • Rosso - red vermouth, which includes caramel. A distinctive feature is a pleasant bitterness.
  • Rosato - pink vermouth. A great combination of red and white wine in one bottle. The expiration date of a closed martini is unlimited.
  • Extra Dry is one of the strongest types of martini. It contains raspberries, iris and lemon, which gives the drink a unique light taste.
  • Bitter - vermouth rich ruby ​​color. It features an ideal combination of sweetness and bitterness. The basis of this drink is alcohol.
  • D-Oro - dry white vermouth. The combination of sweet caramel and sour citrus provides a pleasant taste.
  • Fiero is a red vermouth composed of orange and some Mediterranean citrus fruits.

Different types of martinis are popular in every country. For example, the first four from the list is considered the most bought in Russia.

Types of Martini

How to serve a drink?

Attention is drawn to the glasses. Experts note that in order to correctly determine the taste of the drink, exclusively conical glasses should be used. What are the rules:

  • The glass should be on a long and necessarily thin leg. If there are none, then you can put in glasses for whiskey. One condition - they must be made of thick glass.
  • To really taste the taste and get maximum pleasure from the drink, you should use it in small sips.
  • An important aspect is the temperature of the drink. Martini should not be too cold or warm, otherwise guests will not be able to try out the whole taste of the selected vermouth. The ideal temperature is 10-15 degrees. To achieve these indicators, martini is usually taken at room temperature, and then pieces of ice or frozen fruit are dropped into the glass.
  • Martini is an aperitif, so a drink is served before the main meal to warm up your appetite.
  • Fans of "Bianco" should remember that olives or lemon are always served to him. You can also add pieces of fruit or berries to the drink. This combination provides a more intense and pleasant taste.

To maximize the taste of the drink, you need to follow each described rule. So your guests will definitely be satisfied.

Shelf Life Martini Bianco

Cooking Martini Based Cocktails

In fact, in its pure form, vermouth is a drink for an amateur. But as the basis for a wide variety of cocktails - this is a great option. It is used both to increase the degree, and to soften the specific taste of the cocktail. How can you dilute vermouth? Specialists offer such drinks:

  • The simplest and already classic option is adding martini juice. Experts recommend using citrus fruits for these purposes. An exception can only be vermouth red varieties. Cherry juice is great for it. A classic cocktail is a mixture in the following proportions: one volume of martini to two volumes of juice.
  • If you mix vermouth with stronger drinks, then we get high-degree alcohol. For example, the well-known James Bond preferred to drink martini with vodka.
  • Another popular and very simple cocktail is mixing martini with various fizzy drinks. For example, Sprite is excellent for these purposes.

This list goes on for a very long time. These cocktails are considered the simplest options, with the preparation of which everyone will cope. However, a flight of fancy will help to create many unique drinks.

How to drink Bianco martini?

This is a classic vermouth. Usually olives, ice, lemon are served with it. To make a high-degree cocktail, it is recommended to add vodka or dry gin to it. The last combination is called “Martini Sweet” and is prepared in proportion to one volume of martini to two volumes of gin.

Cocktail with lemon

How to drink Rosso martini?

The easiest option is to add two to one cherry juice to the drink. The juice has a specific acidity, which perfectly dilutes the sugary sweetness of martini. You can also drop a couple of lemon slices into a glass. Another interesting option is the addition of ice and pomegranate. If you want to increase the degrees of the drink, then remember that Rosso goes well with whiskey. This cocktail is called "Manhattan", it ends with the addition of a drop of pomegranate juice and ice. In institutions, it is usually served with cherries.

Closed Martini

How to drink Extra Dry?

This variety of vermouth is usually used in its pure form. It also goes well with pear. To increase the degree, you can make a cocktail of 10 milliliters of martini and 50 milliliters of dry gin. Do not forget to throw an ice cube into the glass. Of course, vermouth can be mixed with various alcohol, experimenting with taste. In addition, cocktails are popular in which the ingredients are different types of martinis. For example, the Medium cocktail is very popular, where 10 milliliters of Bianco and Extra Dry are mixed, and 40 milliliters of dry gin are added to them. Before serving, toss a slice of lemon into a glass.

Martini with olives

Storage and shelf life Martini Asti

As noted above, it is recommended that guests serve martini at a temperature of ten to fifteen degrees, but this does not mean that you need to store the drink in the same conditions. Usually, vermouth is kept at a lower temperature and always in a dark place. The ideal option is five degrees heat. Martini Asti - a drink made from white muscat grapes. This is a sparkling wine called white semi-sweet champagne. If the bottle did not open, its shelf life is unlimited, although experts advise reducing it to 3 years. In open form, this drink is stored for up to two days.

The shelf life of the Bianco martini is approximately six months from the date of opening, if stored at a temperature not exceeding +5 degrees. If you put a started, but unfinished bottle, for example, in the pantry, the shelf life is reduced to 3 months. The expiration date of the Bianco martini in closed form is practically unlimited. The main thing is that the drink does not change color and does not cloud.

Vermouth is not a drink for violent alcohol parties. Usually it is served in companies where the main goal of the audience is to just chat. Ideally, it is recommended to use two or three glasses during the evening, only in this way you can feel the whole taste of the drink.


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