JOBeREQS: reviews. Earnings on the Internet - JOBeREQS

Today we learn more about the JOBeREQS project, reviews about it, and also consider possible ways of earning. In addition, let's talk about Internet fraud, as well as dummy sites, which seem to give the opportunity to receive money, but so little that it just makes no sense. In general, if you are thinking about making money on the Web, then this topic is for you.

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What kind of project is this?

To begin with, we learn what JOBeREQS is. Reviews about this service, as well as possible ways of earning and “divorcing” on the Web, we will consider a little later. Indeed, only at the end of the topic will it be possible to judge completely whether the scammers are in front of us or not.

The thing is that now on the World Wide Web there are a lot of services that offer a variety of earnings. And without investment. JOBeREQS, reviews of which we will consider a little later, is just one of such projects. Now we will analyze this site “on the shelves”, and then summarize what good or bad we may encounter when working here.


Well, if you decide to try to work with this service, you will have to access it. This is done through registration. Follow the link "", and then start filling in the fields. In fact, so far nothing suspicious or incomprehensible is happening. Name, surname, email, username and password - this is what you need to specify when registering on any project. Moreover, it is important that you report only real data. When you figure out the page “”, you can proceed to the next step.

Basically, you have already joined the project. Now you only need to confirm the mail, and then fill out the form. And without this, you will not be able to withdraw funds that you earned. After all, now everyone needs to indicate real data and always complete. So, we begin work with JOBeREQS, reviews of which we will not consider yet and leave it for “sweet”.

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Well, let's try to get in touch with the project. In fact, we only have to visit JOBeREQS - log in with your username and password, and then begin to perform various tasks for which you will be paid. This method is very attractive, especially for women on maternity leave, schoolchildren and those people who only dream of earning money at home at the computer.

As soon as you log in, you will have the opportunity to choose a special “work plan”, and then proceed with its implementation. Investments here can be both large and not very. True, the project creators promise that your income will depend on them. In this case, you can use the initial, free account. So we choose the type of “work plan” and begin to act.

Now you can access a huge variety of tasks. Here you can find surfing, and clicks, and viewing ads, and completing tasks on social networks - everything that your heart desires. After you perform one or another action, you are credited with cash. True, here some surprises begin to appear. Especially if you notice huge earnings announcements on the main page, and after you clicked on "JOBeREQS" after registration, you are disappointed. Let's find out what could prevent us from collaborating with this project.

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JOBeREQS is a service designed to help you make money online. According to the administrators, it will be quite a lot of money. True, as already mentioned, some surprises may await you. Let's see which ones.

The first thing you can pay attention to is the number of tasks. As a rule, at the very beginning, and even with a free account, there are quite a few of them. So you should think about whether to continue to cooperate with this service. Nevertheless, if you believe the administration, then with a higher rating the number of tasks will only increase. Okay, believe it. But what else can be found on the site of "interesting"? What are the reviews on the project? Now we will figure it out.

The second point is the payment. If you were promised a lot of money for the work you are doing, then after you receive the first accruals, you will most likely think about the honesty of the site administration. A few cents (or, if you're lucky, 2-3 rubles) for the task - this is not at all what we were promised, right? So making money on the Internet (JOBeREQS, of course, is meant) is a dubious occupation. Let's find out what else good or not really users say about the project.

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About Payments

Well, now we will go with you to a very interesting topic that relates to our service. Namely: how to withdraw money from JOBeREQS. After all, after the funds are earned, they must be cashed. And here the problems begin.

The first thing you should pay attention to is a rather large amount for withdrawal. Making it is actually relatively difficult. If you are serious, then you can try to collect money, and then proceed directly to the withdrawal.

True, another point pops up here - on, payments are made directly to a bank card. Honestly, now it is very difficult to find such projects that will work immediately with "plastic". So this is another reason to beware and once again to ask for feedback from other users. Nevertheless, we will move forward with you. Let's see what can be said after this about JOBeREQS, the reviews of which we are now, finally, and consider.

What to think about

So, we will study the opinions of users who have already worked with this project. Quite often, some of them make transparent hints that you should pay attention to in order to understand whether the scammers are in front of us or not.

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The first point is registration. It is at this stage that some give up the idea of ​​participation. Why? All because of one very interesting point. Namely, an email access password. Why would anyone need him? After all, this is confidential information. This begs the question, aren't the scammers in front of us? If this item did not bother you, then let's move on.

The second point worth paying attention to is nothing but a way to pay for your actions. Not a single conscientious project will directly contact with “plastic”. Moreover, no one will begin to fetch your bank card information from you. A good reason to think again is this a scam. So pay particular attention to these points. As you can see, it is still impossible to say exactly what kind of project is in front of us. True, now we will try to deal with this issue once and for all. And the feedback that users leave will help us in the task.


Many opinions state that the JOBeREQS site can be trusted. Moreover, if you want to earn a lot without investment, then it is almost the most ideal way to get money. This is what they are used to blowing on many otzovik sites regarding this project. However, I would like to question such opinions, especially when you consider that during registration we are asked for confidential data.

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The thing is that many users are simply paid for the feedback left. That is, people are told how to praise a particular site, after which they publish a post and get their honestly earned money. This is a great PR method on the World Wide Web. Thus, if you notice excessive flattery for any project - think about the veracity of the words.


Now let's talk frankly about what the JOBeREQS project really is. Those who are not paid for flattery usually leave the most truthful opinions. What are these people talking about?

To begin with, they argue that the withdrawal of funds from the system is simply impossible. If you indicate your bank details when registering, then money will start to disappear from your account, or even the card will be frozen. That is, you will become a victim of scammers. Not the best deal.

In addition, you can see how users who registered in the project lose access to e-mails or receive a lot of spam. Also not the best deal.

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The last moment - to earn real money, and even more so a decent amount of them, is impossible here. You simply lose time, and your income for the month will be about 100-200 rubles. And this is subject to work 8 hours a day. So be careful when working with JOBeREQS.


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