Make your dream come true: how to become an actress

The question of how to become an actress, until recently, never bothered me. As an adult and a fortunate person who was lucky to first choose a profession to taste, and then find a decent job, I could not think that one day I would have to look for information of such a plan in cyberspace.

Well, I'll start about everything in order. My niece, a student of the eleventh grade of high school, will soon have to decide what she wants to do in the future. Undoubtedly, this is quite complicated and, probably, one of the most important choices in life.

When she told me that she was interested in a very unusual profession, an actress, I was mildly surprised, and then thought about it. If she shared her plans with me, apparently, she counts on support and participation.

Well ... I'll try to figure it out.

Section 1. How to become an actress. Where does this decision come from?

Probably any woman will agree with me that in childhood we all wanted to be like a favorite star of the screen. We copied her walk, look, make-up and clothing style. Articles and photographs were cut out of newspapers, which were then carefully stored in our caskets or diaries. We dreamed that one day such a day would come when we, too, would shine on the stage, feel the enthusiastic looks of fans on ourselves, receive flowers, gifts and simply thanks. And of course, in our dreams we were not limited to theatrical stages, we wanted to play at least episodic roles in TV shows or, if you're lucky, in serious films.

Today, all this is quite simple. It is enough to just want and make efforts to achieve your goal.

Section 2. How to become an actress. Can I?

This is a really difficult question. It is him who is most often asked by representatives of the beautiful half of humanity.

1. Appearance. It is believed that for this you need to have an outstanding appearance, and, of course, bright and noticeable. Probably, I personally would not agree with such a statement. Think of modern actresses, are they all written beauties? Well of course not. Very many of them have irregular facial features, far from an ideal figure and not at all model growth. True? So thatโ€™s not the point.

2. Complexes. But this is closer. For some reason, I am sure that students and graduates of theatrical universities once learned to accept themselves as they are, with all the advantages and, accordingly, disadvantages. And rightly so, because trying to find out the disadvantages is tantamount to being placed in certain conventions and frameworks. But this is already unacceptable for stage masters.

Section 3. How to become an actress and where to go to study.

I would say that there are several ways.

1. Classes in a theater studio. If you have firmly decided that at the end of school you will become an actress of the theater department, you need to start preparing in advance. Find out what theater studios are available in your city, make inquiries and listen to reviews of teachers working there.

2. Private lessons. Of course, individual lessons will cost you more, but the opening prospects will be much wider. Why? You will be able to engage with several specialists at once, attend trainings, master classes and seminars.

3. Visit castings. The more events of this kind you attend, the more likely you are to be noticed by famous directors. This method is very suitable for those who have a question about how to become an actor in a movie or a scene, appeared around the age of 12-14, when there is no question of any admission to the university.

4. Create a portfolio. Most likely, at the very beginning you will have to work in one of the local theaters on a voluntary basis. Do you think they wonโ€™t take it? Do not doubt! It often happens that in some productions purely children's scenes have to be played by adults, and this, you see, looks ridiculous. Talk with the main director, tell us about your goals in life and do not forget to mention that you already have basic knowledge about acting. By working in this way, you will become comfortable on the stage and gain invaluable experience.


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