Find out what happens if you wash your hair with a Coke?

The Coca-Cola drink has been known for over 100 years. During this time, the image of the label and the shape of the bottle have repeatedly changed. However, the drink itself and its taste have not changed much. Many housewives use this sweet soda in the household for domestic needs, as well as for cosmetic purposes. In this article, we consider the question: what will happen if you wash your hair with a Coke?

what happens if you wash your hair with cola

Composition and ingredients

The Coca-Cola soft drink originally included coca leaves and nuts from an exotic cola plant. From these ingredients the name of soda appeared. At first it was sold only in pharmacies (it was still) as a tool for the nervous system. Gradually, the drink gained popularity among millions of consumers and brought a fortune to patent holders. Modern cola recipes include such components:

  • Sparkling water;
  • sugar;
  • dye;
  • phosphoric acid;
  • aromatic additives;
  • caffeine.

The proportions of ingredients and the original composition are kept secret by the company and are a trade secret.

cola composition

Custom application

In everyday life, Coca-Cola won national love due to its multifunctionality. Here is a short list of its features:

  • can dissolve rust and clean metal objects;
  • removes stains from tissue;
  • contributes to the appearance of a tan on the skin;
  • relieves skin itching;
  • cleans plumbing from plaque, returns to its original whiteness.

why wash Coca Cola's head

Thus, only one cola can cope with many economic problems due to phosphoric acid in its composition. Some women use this soda for cosmetic purposes: as a suntan lotion, acne medication, hair conditioner and moisturizer.

Cola for hair

Many people wonder what will happen if you wash your hair with a Coke? At first glance, it is completely unclear what effect to expect from such a procedure: will the hair go bad or look like after a salon? Eyewitnesses claim that when used correctly, this sweet soda works miraculously on hair. Hair becomes smoother and shinier, easier to comb. This is due to the fact that the composition of the cola includes a special acid - phosphoric. In alternative medicine, it has been successfully used to combat baldness. The drink contains non-concentrated acid, which is safe for the skin and will not cause burns.

Also, sugar, which is part of cola, improves the condition of brittle and weakened hairs. At a time when modern hair spray did not exist, many young ladies made styling with sugar syrup. After rinsing the hair with cola, it must be washed off with plain water. After this, the styling will stay much more reliable, and the hair will gain additional volume.

Each person has his own reasons why to wash his head with Coca-Cola, but be sure to remember that this is not a means for daily care!

Wash or just rinse?

Many people, wondering what will happen if you wash your hair with a Coke, often do not know how to use it. Carbonated water is absolutely not suitable for cleansing hair. It contains sugar and other substances, but it is not able to wash skin oil and dust from hair. For this reason, before rinsing your hair with cola, you need to wash it in the usual way - with shampoo.

How to apply soda for hair?

It will be required:

  • basin;
  • 1-2 liters of drink;
  • towel.

You need to bend over the basin and slowly pour the cola onto the hair, massaging them. Then repeat this procedure several times, scooping soda from the pelvis. Finally, the hair should be thoroughly rinsed with running water. Dry using a hairdryer or naturally.

Is it possible to wash Coca Cola's head

Precautionary measures

When deciding for yourself the question of whether it is possible to wash your head with Coca-Cola, you need to keep in mind some warnings. Cola is a caustic product.

  • if it gets on clothes, it may leave dark spots that are difficult to wash;
  • some people may have an allergy;
  • avoid getting the drink in the nasal cavity and in the eyes;
  • prolonged use of soda for hair can cause problems with the scalp due to the high sugar content;
  • with dyed hair, special care should be taken, cola can wash off the color or give them a different shade.

Thus, we examined the question of what will happen if we wash our heads with cola. To use this tool for their hair or not - everyone must decide for themselves.


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