What are shafts and what are they for?

What are shafts and why they were called so? What do they do with them? What can they be and what determines their appearance? Perhaps even one who knows about the shafts firsthand will not be able to answer all the questions. Nevertheless, to understand this topic if you wish, you can quickly and easily.

What are shafts

Shafting in the Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov:

Shafts, p. many deafness and deafness, g. One of two long bars in the carriage, fortified with ends on the front axle and used to harness the horse.

Turn the shafts (dec. Jokes and iron.) - go back, being refused, not achieving the goal.

Shafts are wooden poles or metal tubes connecting horses in a harness and a wagon.

The shafts serve to transmit traction, facilitate maneuvering and control harnessed animals; they do not allow the crew to roll onto the horses' legs when slowing down or stopping the transport.

There may not be two, but one shafts in a wagon - in this case it is called a drawbar.

Shafting horse

Etymology of the word "shaky"

Linguists argue about how and where the name of this component of the wagon came from. The main versions of what the word "deaf" means:

deafness, deafness, kind. n. -bnya - also, Ukrainian. holobl, holob pl.

From the globe “bar, long pole”, bulg. the glob “joint”, the peb — the same, serbochor. zglȍb “joint”, ̀glȏbљe cf. R. “The part of the loom into which the reed is inserted”, Czech. ohlobně "pile".

Related lit. glė́bti, glė́biu “to embrace”, glóbiu, glóbti “to embrace”, Doctor of Historical Sciences klâftrâ "sazhen"; see Berneker 1, 305; Potebnya, RFV 5, 125; Brandt, RFV 22, 121; Convert I, 637; Ilyinsky, RFV 62, 256.

The idea of ​​borrowing from Germany should be rejected. (D.-v.-n. gabala "pitchfork", etc.) through Polish., contrary to Grot (Phil. Raz. 1, 485; 2, 325); see Convert. ibid.

This describes the origin of the word "deaf" in the etymological online dictionary of Fasmer M.

What are shafts

Deafening single harness

Depending on which transport the component belongs to, the shape, size, line and direction of its bending may differ.

For the ceremonial departure, the crew is an indicator of luxury, wealth, grace and taste, it does not plan speed competitions, respectively, and the shafts will not only fulfill their direct functions - provide movement, its direction and safety, but also decorate the wagon.

What are shafts in work carts and sleighs? Direct traction and guides. These shafts are simple, reliable and cheap. Typically, poles or bars may vary in length and thickness. More often wooden.

Sports carts - rocking horses for trotting, are also equipped with shafts. Basically, they are metal, removable, with a bend in the direction from the body of the animal. Their task is to ensure maximum freedom of movement of the trotter and the opportunity to develop the highest speed. They should be lightweight, durable and safe for the horse and rider.

Which wagons use shafts

Trotter on the run

One or two shafts are equipped with types of draft vehicles that do not have brakes, but are designed to develop significant speed.

Two shafts are usually used for harnessing one or three animals. In the second case, a root horse is placed between the shafts - the one that the person controls with the help of the reins.

Crews with a drawbar mean pair harness or pair for a large number of animals - six or more. If there are more than three pairs, two adjacent pairs are fastened to the drawbar. The harness is also possible - when the horses are lined up one after another.

The four horses can be placed in one row in front of the carriage, which has one shafting - such as what is called the Greek quadriga or tachanka harness.

On agricultural machinery not intended for fast movement, shafts are usually absent altogether, as well as on crews equipped with brakes. They use the post-edging appearance of the harness.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C11467/

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