Cigarettes "Marco Polo": brand, types and reviews

Smoking today is a real problem for humanity. More and more people are exposed to this destructive habit, and tobacco producers continue to market their products. Today we will talk about Marco Polo cigarettes, which have not yet gained wide popularity among consumers.

Production and Tobacco

marco polo imports

This product hit the domestic market not so long ago, so few people know about it. However, it is important to know that Marco Polo cigarettes are one of the few tobacco products manufactured in the United States. To some, this factor will seem positive, because American cigarettes are still considered one of the highest quality.

Among other things, the active production of this product is carried out in Indonesia and Australia.

According to the manufacturer, Marco Polo cigarettes include a premium blend of five elite tobacco, which gives this product a special charm and unforgettable aroma. They have an elongated King Size and, accordingly, a rather high proportion of the content of harmful substances (up to 10 mg of tar and CO per cigarette - it is important to know that these indicators are limiting under Russian law).


cigarettes marco polo tastes

The following tastes of Marco Polo cigarettes are presented on the domestic market.

  • Cappuccino - characterized by a characteristic coffee smell and a sweet filter.
  • The classic taste is the usual aroma of tobacco smoke without artificial flavors.
  • Cherry - an even sweeter berry aroma and a sweetener applied to the filter add spice to smoking.
  • Vanilla - the sweetest type of cigarette "Marco Polo", have a characteristic vanilla smell and a sweet filter.

And yes, this is not a mistake. The filter of each cigarette is really saturated with a composition that literally conveys the sweet taste directly to the taste buds.


Reviews on cigarettes "Marco Polo" are not diverse. As a rule, consumers are impressed by the increased length, rich taste and pleasant aroma. This product is really different from domestic tobacco. Cigarettes are more tart and strong, and exhaled smoke can be compared to an extinct hookah.

But do not forget that Marco Polo cigarettes are not a product for everyone. The high nicotine content of one cigarette makes it very strong and heavy. So the consumer should objectively evaluate their strength and state of health before trying the vaunted American product.

Cigarettes or cigarillos?

marco polo cigarettes

It is rather difficult to answer this question.

The manufacturer positions this product as "small cigars", they are cigarillos. And such an opinion about him was entrenched in society.

However, the photo of Marco Polo cigarettes clearly shows us that the properties inherent in these "small cigars", alas, are not enough.

Firstly, cigarillos do not and cannot have a filter, since when they are used, inhalation of tobacco smoke is not required.

Secondly, in the production of cigarillos, a tobacco sheet is used, into which crushed tobacco is stuffed. And here is just brown paper, stylized as a tobacco sheet.

So it’s best to call this product cigarettes with a claim to mini-cigars.

Why not popular

marco polo cherry

In an average tobacco shop, you most likely will not succeed in buying Marco Polo cigarettes. Their range in the domestic market is more than modest.

The reason for this phenomenon lies in the presence of a rather serious competitor, who already has a strong reputation. It's about Captain Black cigarettes. Due to its long history of promotion in the Russian market, an absolutely identical product can freely compete with the hero of our article, even despite the more expensive price.

Summing up, we can say that this is a good product, not without its individual flaws.

These include the high content of harmful substances, and the increased cost, and cloying taste, and the soft packaging that opens once, and you can’t close it anymore. As we can see, only positive qualities are not always behind import production.

So the decision is up to individual consumers. The main thing to remember is smoking is a very bad habit, which can cause a serious blow not only to a person’s health, but also to his financial well-being.


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