Organization Conflict Management

Relations within the production team affect the work of the entire enterprise. The way employees relate to each other affects their emotional state, productivity, and so on. Conflict management in an enterprise is complex. It is necessary to know your subordinates, their psychological characteristics, to predict their moods.

Team Conflict Management

Employees of any enterprise are much different from each other. Of course, they all have different perceptions of what is happening around. Different views on the same events are a completely natural phenomenon, but do not forget that it is with them that conflicts begin.

The essence of the conflict is that opposing opinions, positions, interests clash, trying to crush each other. All this leads to the fact that the work of the team is deteriorating, the normal interaction disappears. Conflict management in the organization should be undertaken by the manager. Situations that can develop into something unpleasant, he must anticipate and suppress even before they occur. Conflict management in an organization is a kind of art, which, incidentally, is not so easy to master.

The causes of conflicts are various. Three are considered to be the main ones. The first is related to goals. The bottom line is that the parties see a different future for the same objects. The second type of conflict is directly related: the parties cannot come to a consensus in finding ways to solve the existing problem. The last group includes conflicts that have arisen due to the feelings and relationships that people have for each other. To master the management of conflicts in the organization, it is necessary to understand their essence, to determine what they are connected with.

Psychologists distinguish five levels of conflict:

- inside the person;

- between individuals;

- within the group;

- between groups;

- within the organization.

Sources of conflict are also different:

- lack of independence;

- lack of resources;

- different responsibilities and so on.

Conflict management in an organization is carried out using various methods. These include:

- those that are based on the use of their leadership position;

- those related to the separation of conflicting parties;

- those related to the integration mechanism designed to control the conflicting ones (curator, and so on);

- methods that are associated with the unification of people through common activities.

Functional are those conflicts. Which are under the control of management. They are foreseen and have certain benefits for the organization itself. As a rule, they arise during business debates, meetings and so on. It is important that both parties fully control not only themselves, but the entire situation as a whole.

Dysfunctional is the conflict that has gone beyond the control of management. It will necessarily lead to a decrease in the level of production, the emergence of hostile relations, the improper distribution of resources, and so on.

If it was not possible to stop an unnecessary conflict in advance, then it is best to eliminate it as softly and imperceptibly as possible. In some cases, simply changing the conditions in which employees are located is sufficient. Experienced managers know very well when you need to try to rally people together, and when it is best to push them as far as possible from each other.

In extreme cases, managers can resort to a frank conversation. During it, an opinion is expressed on what is happening, it is talked about how the conflict affects the work of the enterprise, the consequences that will become possible if the conflict does not end here and now are necessarily stipulated.


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