Soviet catering: menus, recipes, popular dishes of Soviet cuisine, photo

Soviet cuisine is a concept that causes nostalgia for most residents of modern Russia. The period of its formation is quite large, almost the entire century, while the Soviet government. The composition of dishes that developed at that time was significantly different from the original Russian. She absorbed, including elements of the French. Its distinction can be called internationalism. The principles of Soviet catering are transferred today to the basis of modern canteens and restaurants.

The key to popularity

There was a period when every new catering establishment was dedicated to foreign cuisine. This was new, which led to increased consumer interest. If the restaurateur wants to attract the maximum number of customers, then you have to choose a menu that will be as attractive as possible. Frog legs, sweet and sour meat, tiramisu - all these new products have been successfully sold.

But time passed, and the exotic got bored. It was then that people again remembered about the Soviet public catering. Today, Soviet dishes have become quite popular and are actively included in the restaurant menu. And this is not surprising, because they contain products familiar to a Russian person, and are also balanced and tasty.

bakery product of the Soviet catering

Becoming a menu

The Soviet public catering did not immediately determine the set of dishes that became typical of it. The menu formation went through several stages in which the socio-economic development of Russia was reflected. Significant changes to the menu occurred during the revolution and the First World War. This affected not only catering establishments. In each family, dishes appeared that were entrenched in the status of traditional Soviet ones. So, dumplings spread from the Urals throughout Russia. The Union republics instilled a love of borscht, cabbage soup, dumplings and salty bacon. Central Asia and the Caucasus made traditionally “Soviet” kebabs, manti and pilaf.

In the same way, the Soviet public catering included such dishes as chicken Kiev in the menu. The same fate awaited Odessa beef stroganoff. As you can see, the menu is precast. Most of the dishes are not originally Russian, but they organically fit into the overall picture and became recognizable and loved.

soviet catering recipes

Second half of the century

At this time, the Soviet public catering changed a lot. Private dining rooms appeared that were able to expand the range of traditional dishes, creating an attractive and varied menu. Here were a goose and a duck, dumplings and coulibiacs, caviar and various pastries.

But, by and large, they started talking about Soviet catering after the Second World War. Economic growth has allowed many to eat in canteens or restaurants, plus the struggle against "kitchen slavery" was fought. People were attracted by the appearance of a wide range of meat dishes. Now you could try the famous escalopes, schnitzels, steaks and meatballs.

Modern restaurants

Today, the atmosphere of bygone times is being recreated in restaurants with one goal: to attract the attention of consumers who have a bright image of the Soviet era. But most restaurants are guided only by external attributes. That is faceted glasses, portraits of leaders, a sickle and a hammer. Often the dishes on the menu have old names, but this is where the similarities with the original end.

But if the restaurateur not only imitates the decoration of the past era, but also preserves the recipe, he will certainly succeed. No need to go far, remember the bakery products of the Soviet catering. What a smell there was when ordinary bread was brought to the store! And about sweet buns and not worth talking at all. Today in the store a dozen varieties of bread can be flaunted on shelves, while standing a few steps from the shelves you will not feel the smell of baking.

Do it yourself

But do not be discouraged if you really loved the famous olivier or herring under a fur coat. Make them not at all difficult at home. To do this, it’s enough to purchase a book entitled “National Cuisines of Our Peoples”, which incorporates dishes from the cuisines of our national republics, which were once approved by the USSR Culinary Council. It was published in 1978 and then reprinted several times. However, even without this publication, residents of cities and towns of the post-Soviet space are able to reproduce their favorite dishes in their own kitchen, there is nothing particularly complicated in their preparation, and then you can see this.

Best first course

Let's try to make a weekly menu with you, which will consist of the very tasty and healthy dishes that we all remember from childhood. And the first one I want to note is the cabbage soup with sour cabbage. To prepare, you need the following set of ingredients:

  • Beef - 700 g.
  • Sour cabbage - 300 g.
  • Potato - 600 g.
  • Onions and carrots - 200 g each.
  • Spices, herbs.

Boil the meat until cooked. This will take 1.5 hours. Cut it into cubes and send it back to the broth. Grate the carrots and cut the onion into cubes. Fry the onion in a pan, add the carrots to it. We send the diced potatoes to the broth, and after 7 minutes cabbage. If it is very acidic, squeeze and rinse. Cook for 10 minutes.

cabbage soup with sauerkraut

Cheesecakes with sour cream

Alternatively, you can cook dumplings with cottage cheese. The set of products will be the same. You will need:

  • Cottage cheese - 250 g.
  • Chicken Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Sour cream - 5 tbsp. l
  • Sugar - 4 tbsp. l
  • Flour - 5 - 6 tbsp. l
  • Vinegar slaked soda - 0.5 tsp.

Recipes of Soviet catering are notable for their simplicity. It does not require expensive products and sophisticated household appliances, even having serious experience in the kitchen is not required. Just follow the instructions and you will succeed.

The dough is kneaded like a pancake. The first thing you need to beat eggs with sugar, add sour cream, soda and flour. Mix well. Spread the dough in a pan with a spoon and fry over low heat until cooked.

cheesecakes with sour cream

Jam fritters

This is a dish from our childhood. But today it’s very difficult to find the present. Therefore, either cook it yourself in the fall and roll it into jars, or you will have to come to terms with the fact that you will not succeed in such pancakes as before. Nevertheless, let's learn how to cook them. The Soviet catering cuisine devoted a lot of time to dessert dishes, which can be served for afternoon tea or breakfast. Indulge the kids with such a treat!

To prepare fritters you will need:

  • Kefir - 0.5 liters.
  • Flour - 2 tbsp.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. l
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp.
  • Apple jam - 200 g.

These are filled pancakes that will captivate you with a magical taste. First of all, you need to slightly warm the kefir and add soda. Now sprinkle sugar, add the egg and salt. Mix all the ingredients well with a whisk and add the flour. The dough is ready. Heat the pan and start spreading it with a tablespoon. Quickly lay on top of a teaspoon of jam and cover with another spoon of dough. Fry on both sides and lay on a towel to absorb oil. You can serve it with honey or sour cream, but even without them pancakes fly away with a bang: tender, sweet, very tasty!

Soviet pancakes

Borsch "Moscow"

Another great dish of Soviet catering. Previously served in almost all canteens of the country. To prepare you will need:

  • Beef and smoked ribs - 150 g each
  • Ham and Sausages - 100 g each
  • Carrots, onions and beets.
  • Broth - 1500 ml.
  • Cabbage - 300 g.
  • Tomato paste and ghee - 50 g each

The cooking is not too complicated. At the same time, the dish turns out to be fantastically aromatic and tasty. The first thing to do is cook the meat. To do this, the pulp and ribs must be poured with two liters of water and simmer until tender.

  • Cut the onions and carrots into strips, fry and add the tomato.
  • Separately, in a pan, heat the beets, add vinegar, sugar and tomato. Add the fried onions with carrots and warm for another 10 minutes.
  • Chop the cabbage. Put it in a boiling broth and add the rest of the vegetables. Add vinegar and spices, salt and wait another 5 minutes. Let stand for another 15 minutes.
  • Remove the meat and smoked meats, cut into cubes. Add chopped sausages, put sour cream.

All cooking time does not take more than 30 minutes. In this case, the dish turns out delicious and nutritious. It will appeal to all family members.

Soviet food


Of course, this is the main dish of all dining rooms, cafeterias and even restaurants. A delicious patty with a side dish and sauce is a great option for lunch or dinner. You will need:

  • Beef - 2 kg.
  • Onion - 1 kg.
  • Bread - 700 g.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Salt, pepper, oil.
  • Breadcrumbs - 2 cups.
  • Water - 300 ml.
  • Milk - 100 ml.

Bread should be soaked in milk. While it is soaking, you need to twist the minced meat and add the onion to it. We introduce an egg, bread, salt into this mass. Now you need to beat off the mass well. The quality of cutlets depends on this. Then you need to roll each in breadcrumbs and fry until golden brown.

The final touch. Fry them only for a crust, but not for frying. After that, cutlets need to be folded into a large shape and pour to the bottom of the water. She should close the patties by about a third. Bake without a lid, at 200 degrees, about 50 minutes. Usually by this time a little liquid still remains, but it will be immediately absorbed as soon as you get the mold out of the oven.

This is exactly the dish that has become the face of Soviet catering. The photo allows us to judge that the cutlet supplemented with any porridge will become a full, satisfying meal. And if you add a salad, then it’s completely a masterpiece.

Soviet food

Herring under a Fur Coat

In principle, nothing special. A classic appetizer served at all catering establishments. To prepare you will need:

  • Salted fish (herring, mackerel) - 700 g.
  • Potato - 200 g.
  • Beets - 200 g.
  • Carrots - 200 g.
  • Onion - 1 turnip.
  • Mayonnaise to taste.

The cooking process begins with the preparation of the fish. It must be disassembled on the fillet, removing all the bones, even the smallest. Separately, you need to boil all the vegetables, cool and peel. The salad is assembled in layers. We spread the herring with the first layer, onion on top. Then comes the diced (you can grate on a coarse grater) potatoes, grated carrots and beets. Each layer should be well smeared with mayonnaise.

catering of Soviet times

Milk Kissel

What could be a better conclusion to dinner than a glass of delicious jelly? In Soviet times, fruit and berry jelly was boiled. And there were such dairy ones. The menu of the Soviet food service was quite diverse and interesting, contrary to modern ideas. Let's learn to make this drink together.

You will need:

  • Milk - 3 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l
  • Starch - 2 tbsp. l
  • Vanilla sugar.

Starch should be diluted with a glass of cold milk and filtered. Pour the rest of the milk into a saucepan and boil. Add sugar. Now pour the starch into a thin stream without ceasing to stir. Cook for 5 minutes. In the finished jelly you need to add vanilla. Pour into vases and refrigerate. It is best served with jam or condensed milk. Especially such a treat will appeal to children. Moreover, it is very useful for a growing organism, as it contains quite a lot of calcium.

milk jelly

As you can see, Soviet cuisine was very interesting. All dishes are simple and inexpensive, but at the same time healthy, tasty and nutritious. If you want to plan or diversify the familiar menu of your family, then pay attention to them.


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