Market "Juno". Market "Juno", St. Petersburg

There are radio markets in all big cities. The Northern capital of the Russian Federation is no exception. The Juno market has been known since the early nineties for the fact that you can buy everything here: from a resistor and transistor to a TV and an expensive imported computer, even before its official presentation.

Start at Krasnoputilovskaya

The prototype of the modern market of radio components and equipment arose in the late eighties. It was possible to buy small parts for primitive devices in the courtyard of the house at the address: st. Krasnoputilovskaya, 55. This was often used by schoolchildren participating in radio circles. Showcase served as the inner lining of long raincoats and coats.

juno market

More serious deals have also taken place here. Traders with instructions from the technician in their hands walked back and forth. Potential buyers got to know them and went to secluded places to make transactions that are far from the law. Of course, this crowd was constantly inspected and driven by internal organs. But it still did not interfere with trade.

The beginning of the nineties was marked by an increase in demand for goods, which means that the area was to expand. Merchants gradually moved to the Avtovo metro station, where they were already openly selling spare parts and equipment. Moreover, trading from the ground was free, and you had to pay for a place behind a roof tray.

The area at the end of Kazakova street

Although the metro trade was in full swing, it was not yet the Juno market. In today's understanding, it appeared only in 2002, when the trade rows near the metro, which had grown to incredible sizes, demanded a new area. She was not far away: at the end of Kazakova Street, at that time the wind was driving garbage through the wasteland.

So it was decided to move there a huge market where the whole city was already buying modern imported equipment.

Where the name came from is not known for certain. People just started to call the radio market "Juno."

In the early years, entry into the territory was paid for both sellers and visitors. The cost, of course, was very symbolic - only 1 ruble. When it ceased to be the only place where it was possible to satisfy the need for modern technology, the entrance fee was canceled.

In those same years, the entire Juno market began to be ennobled. St. Petersburg could not always boast of free toilets in the markets. Here they appeared almost immediately. And the rest of the infrastructure was not particularly behind.

juno market working hours

How to get there

This information will be useful for those who still decide to visit the Juno market. His address is connected with Marshal Kazakov Street . It is at the end of it that this fair is located.

You can get to it in any convenient way: by your own car or by public transport. The nearest metro station is Avtovo. In those days when the influx of customers is especially large, a free bus runs from it every 30 minutes.

Arriving at your destination, you will never get lost. At all public transport stops there are signs. And huge scarlet letters will prove to you that you are in place.

Parking and car market

On the approaches to the market there is a free lower parking for private cars. Even during rush hours, when most buyers come here, there is always a place for it.

Next are the two upper parking lots. One of them is paid. Its advisability lies in the fact that some people like their car to be protected and from there nothing is guaranteed to be lost. Nearby, free parking for everyone is provided by the Juno market. Buyers will find bicycles and spare parts for any transport away from this parking lot, which gradually develops into a car market. This is one of the first features of this place. But not the only one.

Safety at the free upper parking lot is about the same as the other two. Therefore, people calmly leave their cars here.

A few words about the flea market

This unique socio-cultural phenomenon represents the Juno market. Officially, the flea market is not considered part of it. But the statutory documents say that this is the only place in the city where poor people can sell goods that were already in use.

Juno market St. Petersburg

Just the scheme of the Juno market starts from this place. Everyone who has something to sell comes here. After wandering between the rows, you can easily find real masterpieces in vintage style. Here there are Soviet workers' radiols, and porcelain figurines, and the most valuable kitchen utensils sold for a penny.

This flea market is a real find for collectors and lovers of Soviet antiquity. Sellers do not always realize how valuable a product is on their shelves. Therefore, it is easy to make a profitable deal with minimal financial costs.

Scheme and structure

In the market, not a single person will get lost. The thing is that detailed schemes are everywhere that indicate what Juno consists of. The map of the market shows all its features in detail. In addition, on each of the cards there is a note where the person reading this sign is now.

Juno Market Address

The whole structure of the market is painted in four colors. Blue color indicates territories that do not belong to trading places. The car market with free overhead parking is indicated in green on the diagram. Under pink are encrypted: clothes, shoes, accessories, textiles. This also includes a significant part of the entertainment infrastructure, which is widely developed in the market.

Yellow is all that is why the Juno is called the radio market: computers, household appliances, mobile devices, parts and accessories for them.

It is also noteworthy that the outlets themselves are located strictly in accordance with the structure. Among children's underwear you will not find a tray with spare parts for laptops, and women's handbags will not be adjacent to TVs.

Assortment of goods

Despite all the amenities, there is one feature for which people are still going to the Juno market. Its operating mode is such that it allows everyone to find a suitable watch for themselves to visit.

The technical part of the range attracts visitors. For the first time in Leningrad, smuggled computers appeared on the market, which cost two Lada. Since then, the market has become the center of computer technology in the city.

juno market bikes

If we analyze the assortment, today there is nothing super-special here: the same TVs, radio, computers, laptops, mobile phones. But the level of service is completely different. Here, sellers will listen to the buyer with interest and attention, recommend a suitable model to him and even show who can buy what is currently not in the seller’s assortment.

A separate item is the price. On average, it is not much different from goods in other stores. But if you set out to buy something really cheap, it is not at all difficult to implement it. But getting something at an exorbitant price is also easy if you do not understand basic things. Therefore, only experienced customers should go here.


As noted earlier, the Juno market is not just an area where several people gathered to trade various equipment. This is a full-fledged structure, which also includes additional institutions that only contribute to greater customer comfort.

We already mentioned three parking lots earlier. Also on its territory there are free toilets, which is important.

juno market map

If a person is tired, in a separate part of the market there is a recreation area where cafes and attractions for the smallest are located. Here you can have a cheap meal, relax and gain strength for a further run between the counters.

It is noteworthy that on the territory of "Juno" there is also a left-luggage office in which a person can leave his purchases and not always carry them along.

It is also convenient that throughout the territory there are information boards that indicate the location of the person. So getting lost here is extremely difficult.

Perhaps the only drawback is the small number of ATMs in the market itself. Most sellers do not accept cashless payments. Therefore, buyers have to run around in search of a place where you can withdraw money.

Market relevance

Ten years ago, this market was the center of technical life. Everyone knew that Juno could offer the most scarce goods. The market, whose operating hours were suitable for any customer, always had American computers, imported televisions, and fashionable radio tape recorders under the counter.

juno market opening hours

Today, all this can be bought at any store. But the market does not lose its attractiveness. This is a kind of lifestyle, its own party. People come here not only for goods, but also to chat, find out the latest news, share secrets.

In the recreation area there is a small stage where various events are held: concerts, festivals, holidays. And people willingly visit them. Even those who do not understand anything about technology, once in this atmosphere, will want to return at least once.

Therefore, we can safely say that the Juno market has not yet outlived itself. He is needed by people who will visit him for a long time.


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