Floor cushions for all occasions

Accessories and decorative elements play a key role in interior decoration. The style of the room and the atmosphere depend on their design and quantity. Sometimes even the most expensive and branded furniture will not be able to create coziness and make the atmosphere at home warm, if you do not add interesting details. The interior can become comfortable and conducive to relaxation, if you skillfully arrange floor pillows.

floor pillows

In their home, some prefer to see strict lines and respectability, while others are more concerned about comfort. Preferences depend on age, mood and lifestyle. Among the interior items, there are those that set up with one look for maximum rest and relaxation. We are talking about floor cushions that can replace poufs and chairs.

Should they be scattered

Pillows on the floor differ from traditional ones in size and filling. Firstly, they are large enough to be conveniently placed on the floor. Secondly, the accessory should keep its shape well, so the filler is chosen more elastic.

To understand whether it makes sense to acquire original interior items, you need to look around and think about the answers to the following questions:

  1. You and your guests can’t stand the conventions?
  2. Does your health allow you to easily fall to the floor and just as freely rise?
  3. Do you find the interior too boring?
  4. If there is a choice between a respectable style of the room or the original, choose the latter?
  5. Is there enough free space in the room and objects on the floor do not cause irritation?

If most of the answers are in the affirmative, it makes sense to choose floor pillows to dilute the interior.

pillows on the floor

Unusual use of pillows

If in Russia chairs, pouffes and sofas are used as the main seats, then in many countries floor pillows and bean bags have been used for these purposes.

So, Muslims love luxury in everything. In the living rooms here you can traditionally find many pillows made in red colors. They are easy to move from the sofa to the floor and back. The colors are chosen bright: floral prints, clear lines or fancy ornaments.

In the Arabic interior, you can see pillows of various sizes. You can find very lush, for a convenient location on the floor, and quite small to put them under your feet.

In Japan, simplicity is welcome in everything, so pillows are used for convenient location and eating on the floor. Their difference from the Arab in a concise and restrained appearance. Often you can find monophonic functional accessories. Wicker mats made by mistresses of fragrant herbs with their own hands are quite common. They differ in elasticity and clarity of lines.

In the Indian tradition, floor pillows are also available. Their popularity is not as great as in the countries of the Muslim world, but there are still traditions. Hindu pillows are more luxurious, decorated with precious stones, embroidery. If the accessory looks rich, it is used as a footrest for wealthy people. Simple options were chosen by the staff.

pillow sizes

We place pillows wisely

There are several rules and options for planning places where this accessory will be appropriate. Do not throw pillows anywhere, it is important to objectively evaluate the style of the room and choose the most suitable location.

A cozy corner in the living room

In the living room, you can use floor cushions as seats. Large ones are best placed near the sofa, for example, to watch TV or chat. Smaller pillows can be scattered around a coffee table or fireplace. Some creative designers suggest using a large pillow with elastic filling as a table, wicker patterns are ideal.

It is appropriate to throw pillows on the floor in the living room, where there is no high cabinet furniture. It is important that the focus is on the floor. In the interior, it is better to use a carpet with a low pile or mat.

You can completely depart from the usual standards and design a living room in the style of the lounge. There is no place for the usual sofa on a rigid frame. Look for all the key seats on a variety of pillows!

floor cushions

Soft places in the nursery

A floor pillow for children is not only a cute accessory, but also an item for games. Toddlers and teens love spending time on the floor. Some play, others communicate with friends, others just dream, looking at the ceiling.

What to choose pillows in a nursery? It all depends on the design of the room and the preferences of the young tenant. If the room is designed in pastel colors, bright spots will dilute the restrained range. With a stylishly designed room, it is better to choose accessories of muted shades. In any case, the pillows should be resilient, made of durable materials.

large floor pillows

If the dimensions of the windowsill allow, you can equip a cozy corner by placing a hard mattress there and scattering a few small pillows of rich colors.

Outdoor recreation

Agree, it is pleasant to relax in comfort on the terrace or in the garden. With the help of floor pillows you can quickly decorate the interior - just change covers. By the way, this is an inexpensive and profitable option.

Of course, the use of outdoor decor requires a careful selection of filler and upholstery, otherwise accidental rain or wet grass will severely damage or deform the product.

Size matters

The sizes of pillows that are designed for a comfortable rest on the floor can be very diverse. If the tenants of the apartment or guests do not want to sit too low, a bag chair will be the solution. Of course, an unusual accessory takes up a lot of space, but this is nothing compared to the maximum convenience.

Such an accessory may well replace a chair, but it is easy to move it in space and even take it to the country with you. The colors allow you to harmoniously fit the bag into any interior, and guests will not feel too β€œdown to earth."

If the owners of the apartment are lovers of tea drinking according to Uzbek or Chinese traditions, then they just need a lot of small, but rather hard pillows. They are scattered around the table on low legs and snugly reclined on them.

For children, medium-sized pillows of an unusual shape are suitable. Quite popular products in the form of stones. Appearance literally explodes the brain, and a variety of games with this decor will allow children to spend time usefully.

pillows in the nursery

Optimal combination

So that the selected pillows are in harmony with the overall interior, you should choose them correctly. The basic rule is a combination of the colors of the accessory and the carpet. As a basis, you can take the upholstery of furniture or the coloring of the curtains.

If you are looking for several pillows for the interior, it is important that they harmonize with each other. A successful design move when covers mirror shades. For this, special color palettes are used. It is important that the decor is of the same geometry, but the size may be different.

If the pillows are used only for the reason (scattered - rested - collected), pay attention to the pillows with a handle. Especially this decor is appropriate in the children's room, because children often change their occupation.

Materials used

Floor pillows differ from the usual upholstery and filling. If you are choosing an option for a children's room, look for a product made from natural fabrics with latex filling, safe for babies and completely hypoallergenic.

You can purchase a special anti-stress pillow in the bedroom. Small soft balls located inside can calm after a hard day's work. In addition, artificial material is completely uninteresting to insects.

Since pillows are used on the floor, the material of the pillowcase is significantly different from the decorative options. Materials for manufacturing are used more durable, brushes are practically not used as decoration, and borders or ruffs around the perimeter will be quite out of place.

floor pillow for children


On sale you can find many pillows designed for a comfortable rest on the floor. Someone likes bright, with unusual patterns in oriental style. Others prefer laconic drawing and monochrome shades in the Chinese style.

Pillows vary in shape: some resemble poufs, others resemble small armchairs, and others resemble bizarre geometric shapes, from which it is easy to lay out a sofa, scatter it in a chaotic manner, or place it under your feet. The sizes of pillows can be the most various. The main thing is that the textile decor should not irritate, but only a desire to rest in comfort.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C11487/

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