Convection oven: what to consider when choosing

A convection oven is a thermal equipment that includes thermal heating and forced air movement. Heating is carried out with the help of heating elements. As a rule, convection ovens are used for baking bakery products. Small models come with baking sheets, large ones do not. In practice, in enterprises with a narrow assortment and small scale, it is used universally - so, it is used as a gastronomic and as a bakery.


Convection ovens are divided into:

  1. By capacity: 4, 6, 10 baking sheets.
  2. According to the size of the baking sheet: 435315 mm, 342242 mm, 600400 mm.
  3. With steam humidification and without steam humidification.

We will dwell in more detail on steam humidification. Steam humidification in convection ovens is necessary mainly for baking yeast products. So, after proofing, the yeast products fall into the heated chamber of the convection oven with hot, dry air, and moisture immediately begins to intensively stand out from the surface of the product, thereby forming a crust. The resulting crust will burst in the future, as the product will increase in size during baking. In order to avoid this, in the first five minutes of baking, steam is added to the working chamber, thereby preventing the appearance of a crust, and the product is evenly baked. Also, for ideal and uniform baking of products, it is recommended to install trays through the level, i.e. if your oven is designed for 4 baking sheets, it is better to bake at the same time 2. Also, in most models up to 6 levels there is no adjustment of the rotation speed or a complete rotation stop. Thus, small piece products, for example, such as profiteroles, can fly around the chamber. Also, a biscuit, prepared according to a traditional recipe without baking powder, can also fall due to forced air movement. For all other products convection oven ideal for baking.

convection oven

How to determine the size of the pan

To do this, you need to calculate the average number of products that will be baked, taking into account the fact that you will install baking sheets through one, as well as how many of your products can be placed on a baking sheet. Convection ovens are usually installed on proofers . The proofing cabinet is 2 times larger in capacity than the oven, because the proofing takes 2 times longer than the baking process. In order to decide whether you need proofing or not, you need to know the range of baked products. Currently, pre-baked up to 70%, subsequently frozen products, are widely used. You need to check with your supplier if there is a need for proofing of such products, most do not require proofing. If you make products yourself, and there are yeast options in them, you can’t do without a fine, it is a mandatory process, as it allows you to get a better product.

What to consider

If your convection oven has a connection to the sewage system, make sure that it is connected to it through a water lock, since if there is no water lock, cold air will enter the chamber and the products will bake unevenly, the caller in the products will be different.

If you want to use a convection oven as a universal one, i.e. If you cook gastronomic products in it, then you will need to purchase baking dishes, as most convection ovens have baking sheets with a low side, not more than 5 mm. Separately, it is possible to make baking sheets with a high side, but it is not always possible to install them in the working chamber, since there is not enough distance between the guides. The presence of steam humidification will not allow you to cook in convection ovens, because they usually use injection spray.

convection oven

In conclusion

Until recently, Unox was the leader in the production and sale of convection ovens in Russia. This manufacturer has a wide range of models of convection ovens, these ovens are characterized by high reliability, productivity and at the same time occupy a small area. But in the new economic situation and with the instability of the exchange rate, these furnaces sharply increased in price. Convection ovens manufactured by Abat are gaining popularity in Russia today. The stoves of this manufacturer are in no way inferior to the Italian ones, the entire range has been completely modernized recently. The range of oven models has been greatly expanded. Along with this, these furnaces have an affordable price.


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