How to quickly peel peanuts from husks: some useful tips from experienced chefs

Peanuts are one of the most popular types of nuts that are used in the food industry. True, before adding it to a particular dish, the product must be prepared. It is known that its husk contains substances that can cause a person to have a severe allergic reaction. To protect yourself, you must first remove it. This must be done as quickly as possible so as not to slow down the main process. There are several special techniques for processing nuts. Every housewife who plans to use this product should know how to quickly peel peanuts from their husks. For work, she can choose one of the methods described below.

The secrets of frying

Peanut peeling is a lengthy process. As practice shows, the shell of such a nut is quite firmly connected to the kernel. The usual way to remove it will be very difficult. Hard work will require a lot of time and effort. Therefore, before doing it, you need to learn how to quickly peel peanuts from husks. The simplest method is to pre-fry the product. Its secret is that during processing the shell gradually loses moisture. As a result, its connection with the nucleus weakens. In addition, it becomes very fragile and easily crumbles with minimal mechanical stress. Now we need to understand in more detail how to quickly peel peanuts from husks.

how to peel peanuts quickly

For working at home, you can use a baking sheet or pan, as well as an oven. All this can be found in any kitchen. To peel nuts, you must:

  • Pour the product, for example, onto a baking sheet and distribute it with a thin even layer.
  • Preheat the oven.
  • Put a baking sheet in it for 15 minutes.
  • To process the product from all sides, shake it lightly. After this, continue cooking for another 10 minutes.
  • Remove the pan from the oven and allow the product to cool well.

After that, you can simply rub the nuts in your hands. The fragile husk will immediately disappear. This is the easiest way to quickly peel peanuts.

Technique to help

Nowadays, the hostess has a lot of equipment in the kitchen that helps her solve various problems associated with cooking. Take, for example, a microwave oven. Its feature is that due to powerful radiation, the duration of the processes taking place inside the chamber is noticeably reduced. So you can peel the peanuts in the microwave. How to act in such a situation? For work, you need to prepare in advance:

  • special dishes;
  • a tablespoon;
  • source product.

microwave peanuts

Once everything is ready, you can begin. What needs to be done to process peanuts in the microwave? Everything is simple here:

  • First, the product must be freed from the shell (if any).
  • After that, it should be sorted out, removing rotten or damaged copies.
  • Wash nuts in water and then dry by pouring them on a towel.
  • Roasting must be done portionwise. Otherwise, processing will be difficult. Pour a small amount of product into a special container.
  • Put the dishes in the microwave, setting it to maximum power. Usually it is 750-800 watts.
  • Turn on processing mode at intervals of 20 seconds. At this time, the products can be mixed with a spoon.

At the end, the nuts must be allowed to cool, and then with the usual mechanical grinding to remove unnecessary husk.

Cooking time

When it comes to cooking, in which peanuts are involved, any housewife is interested in one question. She wants to know how much to fry peanuts so that later it can be used as a full-fledged component. It all depends on what kind of kitchen equipment it will use for such processing. For example, in the microwave for one run it will take no more than 4 minutes. The total time will depend on the quantity of the product. Roasting nuts takes much longer in the oven. Here you will need to be patient, because it will take about 20-25 minutes to work. If the oven does not work, then you can use a gas stove and an ordinary frying pan.

how much to fry peanuts

The process will be as follows:

  • Pour the washed and dried nuts in a pan. By the number of them should be so that the bottom was covered in one layer.
  • Set the flame below average.
  • Put the pan on the stove and fry the nuts for 17 minutes, constantly turning them with a wooden spoon to avoid burning.

In fact, all three methods come down to one thing: drying the casing to a state where it can easily crumble. By time, the most advantageous is microwave processing. But in practice, most housewives still choose the usual frying pan.

Benefit or harm

Peanuts are a popular product. It is usually used for food in raw or fried form, as well as as a component for the preparation of various dishes or seasonings. The keen interest in this nut is caused by its composition and nutritional value. Scientists have found that it contains a large amount of vitamins B1 and B2, as well as D and PP. In addition, peanuts are rich in minerals, unsaturated and saturated acids, which have a positive effect on the human body. However, there is still one drawback in them: the peanut shell contains elements that cause allergies in many. That is why they are trying to remove it before use.

raw peanuts

This can only be done by roasting. The fact is that raw peanuts are very poorly peeled. The connection between the core and the shell is so great that it is almost impossible to break it manually without preliminary processing. Direct thermal exposure is required to alter the structure of the husk. Only then will it become more fragile and easier to process.


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