About how to drink rum

Rum - a drink made from sugarcane juice by fermentation and distillation, it is the strongest alcoholic drink, which is popular all over the world. It has a pleasantly bitter taste and is able to fill with energy and warmth, giving a feeling of "weightlessness". In those countries where it is produced, it is customary to use this alcohol in its pure form, in small quantities. Here, before drinking rum, it is mixed with other components and consumed in the form of cocktails.

Today, there are several varieties of rum, which depend on the place of its production.

  • White rum - has a mild sweet taste, so it is used as the basis for cocktails. In its pure form it is not drunk, but diluted, for example, with lime juice or cola.
  • Dark rum - has a strong taste, it is added to cocktails and various dishes. It is good to bite it with various exotic fruits, flavored with cinnamon. Considering dark rum, with what to drink it, it should be noted that quite often it is drunk with coffee with a cigar, also this variety is used to make punch and grog.
  • Golden rum - has a caramel flavor by adding spices and caramel to it. It is used as an ingredient in Daiquiri and Pina Colada cocktails . Also, this drink is diluted with sweet water and consumed instead of wine at dinner.
  • Strong rum - has a large strength, the alcohol content reaches 75%.
  • Flavored rum - has fruit additives that create a specific taste and aroma.

Despite the fact that there are a sufficient number of varieties of rum, there are no specific rules for its use. It is only necessary to adhere to a few tips regarding how to drink rum. So, it is better to drink this drink from a glass on a thin leg, which has the shape of a tulip (it is filled by one third), since the aroma of an alcoholic drink is concentrated on its slice. At the same time, they drink it in small sips, without adding ice or lemon, since they absorb aroma and distort taste.

Rather expensive rum is not added to cocktails; it is consumed in its pure form, snacking with pineapple or orange, or washed down with juice or water. This alcoholic drink will turn out to be especially tasty if you add hot chocolate to it.

Before drinking rum, you need to hold a stack in your hand for several minutes to warm the drink. Then you need to enjoy the aroma, gradually inhaling it so that it can penetrate the body, and only then take a sip from the pile, while inhaling the aroma, hold it in your mouth for a couple of seconds and then swallow it. Using this alcohol in this way, you can fully enjoy its qualities. It should be borne in mind that the person who first drinks this drink should only drink it of good quality from a pile according to all the above rules. Do not rush, as rum needs to be enjoyed, respecting it, because only then it will reveal all its advantages.

In South and North America, it is customary to use rum with cider, soda or molasses, and in European countries it is diluted with lemon juice, liquor, coconut milk and any non-alcoholic drinks, including lemonade. It is often served in combination with light meat snacks.

Thus, there are no specific ways to drink rum. It all depends on personal preferences. The main thing only in this matter is to know the measure, since this drink has a high percentage of alcohol, sometimes reaching 72% (some of its varieties). That is why it is recommended to use no more than three servings of it in seventy-five grams. In any case, everyone will appreciate this strong alcoholic drink, the main thing is to adhere to some recommendations for its use.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C11500/

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