Scarlet in folk medicine. Aloe juice - reviews, recipes, properties

Since ancient times, people have used aloe in traditional medicine. And today this medicinal plant is popular. The healing properties of aloe are also recognized by official medicine. This plant is well studied; more than 200 bioactive substances contained in it have been identified and are used with success in medical practice.

scarlet in folk medicine

Application and plant properties

The use of aloe in folk medicine is based on the bactericidal, antiviral, antifungal properties of the plant. Also, with its help, you can normalize the metabolism. Surprisingly, the plant is able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin much faster than water. Reviews about this natural medicine are extremely positive. If necessary, it can act as a natural antibiotic, cleanses the body of toxins, toxins, radionuclides. In this case, the plant has anti-ulcer, anti-stress, anti-allergenic effect.

All its advantages are difficult to list. In pharmacies in a wide assortment are preparations based on this medicinal plant. They are used to treat wounds, burns, stomach diseases , anemia.

the use of aloe in traditional medicine

Today, on the window of almost every house, this amazing plant grows. It is popularly called the β€œhome doctor”, and this is no accident, because in many cases its leaves are a means for providing first aid. In addition, the plant is included in many popular recipes. Aloe will benefit both skin and hair, help with female and dermatological ailments.

The use of aloe in gynecology

Aloe juice is used to treat female diseases. With such ailments as cervical dysplasia, constipation during menopause, it is recommended to use 3 times a day for a tablespoon of the juice of this plant. In the treatment of cervical erosion, aloe swabs soaked in juice are used. You can eliminate mastitis by making compresses from the crushed leaves of the plant. In case of myoma, medicinal syrup is prepared: in 600 g of honey, add 3 tablespoons of initial letters, 200 g of aloe leaves, pour all 3 glasses of red wine, mix thoroughly and boil for an hour. The resulting syrup in a tablespoon is taken 2 times a day. If the menstrual cycle is irregular, it is recommended to drip 10 drops of plant juice on sugar and dissolve.

Skin Disease Treatment

Scarlet is widely used in folk medicine to treat skin ailments. When jamming on the lips or cracks from this plant, it is recommended to make a blotch. They prepare it this way: take fish oil, onions and fresh aloe juice (only 3 tbsp. Each), add flour, mix well and make a tortilla.

In the treatment of carbuncles and boils, a good effect will have an application from the crushed leaves of the plant.

To get rid of a rash with pustules, you can prepare a tincture: cut aloe leaves, add sugar (2 tbsp.) To 200 g of raw materials, stir and insist. Such tincture is recommended to wash the affected skin.

aloe juice

To eliminate adhesions with scars, treatment is carried out using subcutaneous injections of the pharmacy extract of aloe.

In cosmetology, an extract from this plant is used to make products that protect the skin from the harmful effects of the sun. Its juice is effective for insect bites and can be used as a prophylactic for wrinkles. Fresh juice is effective in the treatment of varicose veins, bruises, psoriasis.

Hair care

Scarlet in folk medicine is widely used to improve the condition of hair:

  • For growth and nutrition. Such a mask significantly accelerates the growth, improves the structure of the hair and stops their loss. It includes such components: red juice, castor oil, an oil solution of vitamins A and E (1 tsp each), serum (1 tbsp. L.), Yolk (1 pc.). Mix everything well and apply to the hair roots once a week for 40 minutes.

  • Firming mask. Mix garlic juice (0.5 tsp), scarlet juice, almond oil, honey (only 1 tbsp. L.), Infusion of burdock leaves (2 tbsp. L.). In the form of a compress, apply a mask to the hair roots, hold for an hour, then rinse thoroughly with water (non-hot).

  • From hair loss. Combine the yolk (1 pc.), Aloe juice (1 tbsp. L.), Vitamin B6 or B1 (1 ampoule), honey, garlic and onion juice (all 1 tbsp. L), mustard powder diluted to the consistency of sour cream (1 tsp) Apply a mask to the roots, spread over all hair, hold for 40-60 minutes, after the specified time, wash off in the usual way.

    scarlet properties

Scarlet will help the eyes

Treatment of ophthalmic diseases with this plant is also common. With inflammation of the eyelids, you can prepare tincture: the leaves of the plant (100 g) are crushed and insisted in a container with dark walls under the lid for an hour. Then the raw material is brought to a boil, filtered and stored in the same container. Cotton swabs are impregnated in the resulting tincture and wiped with their eyelids.

We strengthen immunity

The scarlet plant in folk medicine has established itself as an effective tool for improving blood circulation, increasing tone, and normalizing cardiac activity. For the latter purpose, a healing infusion is prepared: for scarlet (three years old or older), which has not been watered for 14 days, you need to cut off the lower leaves, rinse, wrap in parchment and leave it to be stored in a cool room for drying for 2 weeks. Then grind the finished raw materials and fill them with water in a ratio of 1: 3, insist 1.5 hours. The composition is filtered and can be consumed. In order for the medicine to be stored for a long time, it is evaporated. Fresh infusion in a tablespoon is taken 3 times a day, and one stripped off - also three times a day for a dessert or teaspoon.

aloe recipes

Scarlet for face

This plant can become the basis of effective masks for the skin of the face.

  • For oily skin. Combine the protein, whipped into a steep foam, and a spoonful of aloe juice, add a spoonful of lemon juice to the mixture. Apply a mask to the face and hold until dry, then rinse with non-hot water.

  • Anti-aging. 2 tbsp. l mix a strong broth of St. John's wort with a spoon of aloe juice, add a spoonful of sour cream and honey. Keep the mask on your face for 30 minutes, then wash your face with warm water, then rinse your skin with cold.

  • For dry skin. Take in equal parts glycerin or honey and aloe juice, mix, add oatmeal and a small amount of mineral water. For 20 minutes, apply the mask to the face. The following mask will also help eliminate dry skin: mix a spoonful of sour cream and aloe juice, add whipped protein, apply to the skin and leave for half an hour.

    scarlet treatment
  • Against acne. You can get rid of acne with the help of compresses with aloe. To do this, soak a gauze napkin in the juice of the plant, cover it with a face and leave for half an hour. In addition, it is useful to wipe the skin with a mixture of vodka and aloe juice and keep the composition on the face for 30 minutes.

Plant reviews

In addition to the above beneficial properties, aloe has other advantages. Numerous positive reviews confirm the high efficiency of this plant, namely that it:

  • activates metabolic processes in tissues, contributing to wound healing;
  • has a positive effect on the skin when damaged by x-rays;
  • relieves headaches of unclear etiology;
  • positive effect on the body with neurosis.


Of course, scarlet in traditional medicine occupies one of the leading positions. This plant is able to get rid of many problems. But, unfortunately, there are certain contraindications to its use inside. With caution, aloe is used for diseases of the heart, liver, stomach, cholecystitis in an acute form. The use of the plant is strictly contraindicated in case of internal bleeding and pregnancy. Aloe can provoke the development of allergic reactions. It is not recommended to take plant juice for gastritis, stomach ulcer, hemorrhoids in the acute stage. The aloe contains biologically active substances that can be dangerous for the children's immune system, therefore it is necessary to use such a plant for children with extreme caution and only after consulting a specialist.


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