Rock: meaning of the word, synonyms and interpretation

The paradox of evil rock is that a person does not think about it, as long as everything goes well with him. That is, we tend to attribute success to our qualities, and failure to coincidence. Today we will carefully examine the meaning of the word “rock”, reveal its synonyms, draw up sentences and consider whether it exists - the fatality of fate.


Of course, song lovers might not think of fate, but the genre of music - Russian rock or American rock and roll. Immediately confronts the image of Elvis Presley or Boris Grebenshchikov. In this case, “rock” is a homonym, that is, the words have a common spelling, but different meanings. And there will be no analysis of Russian or American rock, because I do not want to give a Soviet definition from a dictionary.

Better to talk exclusively about fate. And here the meaning of the noun is already hurrying to the reader with all possible agility: "Unfortunate fate (in the first sense)."

Once there is a reference to the meaning of the word "fate", then its meaning needs to be revealed: "The combination of circumstances that do not depend on the will of man, the course of life events." Since we are not thinking about “fate”, but about “rock,” one definition is enough for us.

Elvis Presley - a symbol of rock and roll


The dictionary data served as a rich food for thought. For example, it became interesting: is the phrase “evil rock” not pleonasm, if rock is already an unfortunate fate? True, the trick of the tautology is that it is often well arranged in the language. Therefore, many forget that they are dealing with redundancy. But this is only information for reflection, and now we move on to suggestions for a better understanding of the meaning of the word "rock":

  • Rumors have it that evil rock is dominating her: all her husbands were suddenly dying. And well, if they were rich. In a word, there is nothing to blame her.
  • Do you think that if you listen to hard rock, will life become a victim of rock?
  • I do not believe in the existence of fate and destiny! The trouble is that most people program themselves for this. What is the meaning of the word "rock"? It is necessary to deprive it of demonic content. People are too afraid of him.

At first they wanted to explain what the feature of the second sentence was, but then they changed their minds: to interpret puns is the last thing. Let the reader guess it himself.

So, the meaning of the word “rock” does not cause difficulties, another thing is interesting: does fate itself exist? The last sentence comprehensively answers this question. There is predestination if you believe in it.

Man is ready to flip a coin


We did not cover other meanings of the word “fate”, except the first, but in synonyms with the object of study, they will catch up with us. The reader himself will be convinced of the validity of the remark:

  • share;
  • fate;
  • lot;
  • fortune;
  • inheritance;
  • providence.

Enough to understand: the synonyms of the word “rock” are no better in terms of the emotions contained in them than the object of study itself. Apparently, predestination, in principle, inspires depression. But you do not believe it, consider yourself free. Even if it’s not true. After all, the truth will be revealed only after.


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