Chinese and Vietnamese tincture with a snake: useful properties, how to use

Eastern countries with their unusual gastronomic features may surprise or even frighten some inexperienced tourists. One of these creations is a tincture with a snake. This drink is in great demand among the residents of Vietnam and China. The high popularity of tinctures with a snake is due to the fact that, when used correctly, it is good for health. You will learn about the history, characteristics and properties of this drink from this article.


Tincture with a snake is vodka. At the heart of this exotic alcoholic product is a poisonous snake located in a bottle. Locals believe that dissolved in alcohol poison is good for health. In Asian countries, this product is also called a snake.

Chinese tincture with a snake

About the history of creation

According to experts, there is no exact information about the origin of tinctures with a snake. However, Asian countries have their own versions. According to one of the legends, in China tincture with a snake appeared many centuries ago thanks to one girl who suffered from leprosy. At that time, it was believed that she could be cured of this ailment only by infecting her husband. However, this method did not suit her, and when everyone was preparing for the wedding, the bride took refuge in a separate room in which they prepared homemade alcohol for the upcoming celebration. Then the girl drank rice vodka and fell asleep. When she woke up, she was surprised to find that she was completely healthy. Later, a snake was found in one of the bottles. It is believed that the Chinese tincture with a snake appeared just after this incident.

In subsequent years, the Chinese began to use a similar liquid as a therapeutic agent for many other diseases. Some researchers believe that this drink first appeared in Vietnam. Tincture with a snake, according to records, was used during the reign of the Zhou Dynasty.

snake tincture china

About manufacturing technology

They make tincture according to different recipes, but during the preparation one principle applies. First, the reptile is kept for several weeks in a separate container. This is necessary in order to rid the snake of excrement. Then it is thoroughly washed and placed in a glass container, which is then filled with bitter. Manufacturing technology also involves the use of wine. Five days later, the bottle is opened. At the same time, the reptile, trying to inhale oxygen, crawls out a little. At this moment, a royal scorpion is embedded in the mouth, due to which the production of active substances by the snake organs will proceed faster. As a result, there will be a release into the tincture of bile and poison, which in the future should neutralize alcohol. Of course, this is only possible if the products stand for a long time. Useful properties will be preserved, and the drink can be used as a medicine.

About the appearance

Judging by the numerous reviews of tourists who are not accustomed to the exotic traditions of Asians, tincture bottles look very unattractive. In some they even cause rejection. And it is not surprising, since rice vodka infused on a snake acquires a yellowish tint.

how to take tincture with a snake

Traditional Chinese Bitter can be presented in various variations. For example, instead of a snake, scorpions, soju, salamanders, centipedes, geckos and sea horses are put in bottles. Such drinks must be seasoned with medicinal plants and other components.

snake tincture vietnam

About the features of Chinese products

According to consumers, the snake made in China has a specific smell. This fortified fluid is characterized by a yellowish tint and a rich consistency. Cooking technology involves the use of a wide variety of reptiles. A bottle can contain either one large snake or several smaller ones. The drink is seasoned with ginseng, herbs and various berries. Various roots, flowers and plant leaves are added to vodka. This ingredient can be both dried and in natural form. The product has an unusual taste and astringent aroma.

how to drink tincture with a snake

Of course, inventive Chinese use not only snakes as a basis. For example, in the central part of the country, wasps serve as the basis for the bitter, and autumn flies in Harbin.

About Vietnamese drink

As in China, in Vietnam, local craftsmen make no less exotic drinks. In addition to the Vietnamese tincture with a snake, local craftsmen make cane rum. The peculiarity of this alcohol is that it is based on a cobra. If you compare this product with other types of strong alcohol, many say that Vietnamese rum has an incomparable taste and pleasant soft aroma. This drink is also used as a healing remedy. With its help, various diseases of internal organs are treated. In order for Vietnamese vodka to have a richer aftertaste and an unusual aroma, it is seasoned with barberry, ginseng and spices. Due to herbs, bitter is obtained with tonic and antibacterial properties.

Chinese tincture with snake and ginseng

About useful properties

Even in ancient times, eastern doctors and healers knew that with the help of snake bile and blood, you can save a person from many diseases. It is not surprising that the symbol of medicine is the cup that the serpent encircles. As Asians believe, the use of Chinese tincture with a snake and ginseng has a beneficial effect on tone and sexual desire. Drinking this vodka will not hurt smokers. The fact is that snake bile has an expectorant effect, and therefore it successfully treats a cough. Tincture has established itself as a fairly effective therapeutic agent in the following cases:

  • Vodka with a snake treats rheumatism, arthritis and arthrosis. The snake can be taken inside or grind the problem area with it. It can be recommended to those who have problems with the spine and joints.
  • With the help of this vodka, they increase testosterone levels, restore the central nervous system and strengthen immunity. Bitter, infused with a snake, relieves headaches and improves mood.
  • Snake can accelerate cell growth.

If you use tincture regularly, the circulatory system will clear of blood clots and plaques. This alcoholic product is also used as a means of preventing their occurrence. Acne, facial wrinkles are removed with the help of a snake, and the skin is smooth and supple.

How to drink tincture with a snake?

Since this product is a medicine, it must be taken dosed. Otherwise, vodka will become a poison. How to take tincture with a snake? Specialists for therapeutic purposes recommend drinking it in small sips. The optimal dose is 40-50 ml per day. Due to the fact that this alcoholic beverage in each region is made in a certain way, vodka can have a variety of taste qualities.

What will experts advise?

If you become the owner of such a bottle with healing fluid, you will have to be careful. The fact is that snakes are quite tenacious reptiles. They will remain quite viable for a long time even in a liquor. In connection with this fact, after opening the container, it may turn out that the snake contained inside is still alive. Waking up, this poisonous creature can sting deathly. When the tincture is drunk, it is not worth throwing the bottle away. Many consumers fill it with ordinary bitter and insist for one month.

Vietnamese tincture with a snake

About contraindications

According to experts, in order for snake venom to be harmless to the consumer, vodka should be infused for quite some time. If the technology of the cooking process is for any reason violated, the neutralization of poisons will not occur in full. Of course, the poison will be dissolved by gastric juice and the use of such a product will not lead to death, but the effect of the use will be the opposite. For example, after taking a low-quality snake, many complain of poor health. To prevent this, experts advise buying vodka only from a trusted seller. Snake extracts are considered a very potent remedy, which you can not drink in large doses. This product is strictly contraindicated for women who are breast-feeding, pregnant, as well as children. A snake of both Chinese and Vietnamese origin should not be used by people with infectious diseases, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract or cardiovascular ailments. There are people who have an individual intolerance to alcohol. This category of consumers is also not worth drinking tincture on a snake. So that you do not have any complications, before using for therapeutic purposes tinctures on the snake, you need to consult a doctor.


Chinese or Vietnamese rice vodka infused with a snake will be an excellent remedy. If you have no need or desire to drink it, then, judging by numerous consumer reviews, you can simply use it as an original exotic souvenir. The appearance of such a capacity on the festive table will certainly not go unnoticed.


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