Midlife crisis in men. Signs and methods of struggle

It is no secret that with age a certain transition period begins , called the midlife crisis. Not everyone attaches importance to this, especially the stronger sex. And in vain, because it is much easier to prevent the emergence of many problems associated with the onset of a crisis than to deal with their consequences.

Midlife crisis in men. Symptoms and signs

middle-aged crisis in men signs
Such a crisis concerns mainly the strong half of humanity. It is likely that the brightness of the expression of such a crisis is influenced by education, the level of upbringing, and everyday experience. Many men in these years try to look at life values with different eyes , are in search of truth and wisdom. Not a single representative of the male half of the population is immune from the fact that he will not be affected by a midlife crisis. In men, signs of it begin to appear between the ages of thirty and forty. This is the time when everyone asks himself whether what he had planned in his youth came true, whether the plans were realized. A middle-aged crisis in men, the signs of which cannot be unnoticed in a close environment, will be experienced easier if relatives support it. Psychologists believe that this is nothing but a second transitional age, the main sign of which is a prolonged depressive state.
middle-aged crisis in men symptoms
The surest sign that the crisis has come is lethargy, indifference to everything, constant discontent and dissatisfaction with everyone. Excessive concern for their appearance and attempts to start an affair on the side is also a middle-aged crisis in men. His signs are manifested brighter and stronger in them than in the female half of humanity. Of course, there is a reasonable explanation for this fact - after giving birth, a woman acquires a new social significance, not only on a biological level, but also on a moral level. As for the stronger sex, for them this moment on the path of life does not bring any radical changes. However, a middle-aged crisis in men, the symptoms of which were described above, can end in disaster. Indeed, the unstable state of the psyche can affect the relationship with his wife, children, friends, affect the attitude to work.
Undoubtedly, the existence is also a phenomenon such as a midlife crisis in women. Symptoms are as follows: anxiety about rapid wilting, disappointment from unfulfilled expectations, anxious concern about the appearance, fear of losing your partner.
midlife crisis in women symptoms

Fighting the crisis

The middle-aged crisis in men, the signs of which may differ from the signs of the same period in the lives of women, can still be overcome. Let your partner know that you are nearby, spend more time together, sometimes you should spend time in silence in nature or, conversely, arrange an active holiday. You can come up with a new hobby or sign up for a gym. One way or another, you should not leave the problem, delving into thoughts about the meaning of life. Bring a fresh stream into it, and you will have a second wind.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C11521/

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