Analysis of the problem and methods for solving it

Every day, every person has to solve an infinite number of problems of various levels. For example, the choice of what will be eaten for breakfast is a solution to the problem. Determining the type of transport that will take you to work is also a solution to the problem. Every day, people find answers to a huge number of questions related to a variety of spheres of life.

But what is the problem itself? What is included in this concept? It is necessary to have an idea of ​​this in order to find the most effective solution, regardless of which of the spheres of life we ​​are talking about.

What is a “problem”? Definition

The problem is nothing more than a complex issue of a practical or theoretical nature, requiring consideration, study or analysis and solution. Another definition of this concept is the presentation of the problem in the form of a chain of contradictory or complex situations.

In the scientific field, the problem is the presence of many opposing or ambiguous positions in relation to any one phenomenon, subject, process, object. A scientific problem, like any other, requires a correct formulation, a comprehensive analysis and study, development of a solution theory and its practical application.

In ordinary life, the concept of a problem is simpler. As a rule, it includes two points - the desired goal and the path to achieving it. To obtain the result, a correct formulation of the question and a comprehensive analysis of the problem are also required.

What is analysis? Definition

"Analysis" is a Greek word, the meaning of which in Russian is expressed by such concepts: disassembly, separation, disintegration into components, decomposition into components. That is, analysis refers to a detailed examination of something, rather than a holistic perception.

The definition is as follows: this is a method, a method of researching something, the basis of which is the isolation of the individual constituent elements, parts and their methodical, comprehensive study.

Analysis is a method of cognition applied in all scientific and life fields in relation to absolutely any phenomenon, object, process, subject, action.

What is analysis in relation to the problem?

Since it is possible to analyze absolutely any phenomenon, event, object, or something else related both to the scientific field and to the sphere of life, then when solving various issues, this method is certainly applied.

Man in the library

The analysis of the problem is the planning of the totality, the sequence of actions leading from its direct determination or formulation to the resolution or achievement of the desired result, goal.

What is included in this concept? Generalized view

The process leading to the achievement of goals or results consists of several mandatory steps, which always exist, regardless of which area the issue in question belongs to.

The analysis and solution of problems in practice are inseparable and include the following points:

  • identification;
  • exact definition or formulation;
  • detailed review, collection of necessary information and study;
  • finding ways to resolve;
  • application and achievement of the result.

This list of theses can easily be illustrated by a simple example observed by all people daily in everyday life.

Problem Analysis Steps

A man hears the ringing of an alarm clock, his brain immediately identifies a problem - morning has come. A man stretches, yawns, sits down and thinks what to do first - wash, visit the toilet room or make coffee. This is the process of accurately defining a task or setting a specific problem. A man goes to the kitchen, discovers that the grains in the coffee machine are over, begins to inspect the contents of the shelves of the cabinets in search of packaging or cans of instant drink. This is a collection of information, a detailed review and study of possible solutions. A person finds a package of instant drink, opens it, takes out a cup and puts a kettle on the stove. These actions are the finding and embodiment of ways to solve the problem. A person pours water into a cup and drinks his morning coffee - this is achieving the goal, obtaining a result, or solving the problem.

This analysis of the problem, or rather, the system of steps from identifying it to solving it, is applicable to absolutely any issue or task, regardless of the sphere of life or the level of complexity.

Are there narrower concepts?

Of course, analysis as a way of studying can be related not only to the system of steps from defining a problem to solving it as a whole, but also to each of the individual moments separately. We apply this method of cognition to concepts that are directly related to the problem, but are not parts of the path that allows its solution.

Studying written sources

For example, an analysis of the state of a problem is a study of the phenomenon itself, the subject, the object, the event, and not any of the stages of the solution plan. Of course, our own analytical methods are also characteristic of each type of problem.

How are problems classified?

The classification of problems for each separate area of ​​scientific or other activity applies its own. For example, the division of problems into types in the field of financial management will differ from the classification used in a kindergarten or institute that studies nuclear reactors.

In general, all problems are classified in accordance with:

  • system level or by their global nature;
  • probability of forecasting;
  • complexity.

Under the global or system level refers to the size of the spectrum of phenomena, objects, objects, or something else covered by the problem. For example, a problem may concern all of humanity or only one person. Global problems are usually associated with changes in climatic conditions, environmental pollution, space disasters, natural disasters and other similar things.

Information analysis

In accordance with the probability of forecasting, the problems are divided into a couple of large types:

  • poorly predictable, sudden, self-forming;
  • expected, natural, arising for specific reasons.

Poorly predictable, self-forming problems include those that appear unexpectedly, beyond the will of a person and regardless of his actions. For example, an earthquake or a short in electrical wiring are poorly predictable and unpredictable problems.

The second type includes inevitable, expected, and easily predictable problems. For example, the purchase of school supplies at the end of summer if the family has a child older than seven years old but under sixteen is an expected and inevitable problem.

What is the difference between a simple problem and a complex one?

According to the degree of complexity, the problems are divided into two large groups:

  • easily and quickly solved;
  • requiring a phased achievement of the result by identifying and eliminating related, smaller tasks.

In other words, problems can be:

  • simple;
  • complicated.

A difficult problem is the cessation of the arms race and the achievement of peace with open state borders. To solve these issues, you will need to solve an infinite number of completely different problems. Thus, complex issues are characterized by internal multitasking and require a separate thorough analysis of the problems of their solutions.

Man writes the formula

A simple problem is characterized by one problem that can be solved directly. As a rule, to solve it, a generalized system analysis of the problem is needed, which includes only the main stages. For example, cooking scrambled eggs is a simple problem. Although if a person has to go to the store and purchase a frying pan, then the task of simple will become already complicated.

What is the purpose of the analysis?

The purpose of the analysis of the problem directly depends on what is meant by this term in a separate, specific case. For example, if a concept or an idea is considered, then the primary goal of analytics is to clearly formulate problems and formulate them.

Also, the purpose of the analysis may be to collect information, identify all possible options for solving the problem and other similar points.

Problem identification

Also, analytics can study the reasons that led to the emergence of a question or task. For example, the analysis of a social problem includes such items as identifying, naming and studying the causes that led to any phenomenon, process, crisis or something else. Also, analysts working with social areas are also studying the probability of predicting a particular phenomenon. In addition, the analysis of the forecast of the occurrence of a particular problem is widely used in planning within the trading sphere. For example, the problem of acquiring gifts before Christmas is easily predicted. Analysts study factors such as income level, demand for certain brands, fashion, and others, on the basis of which a list of recommendations on the assortment and price criteria is issued.

An analysis of the problem of the development of a particular industry has completely different goals. They consist in identifying the currently priority areas and identifying possible ways to achieve results within their framework.

What are the analytics methods?

Of course, analytical work is not limited to finding information through surveys or reading written sources.

The main methods for analyzing problems:

  • a histogram is a visual representation of any quantitative or other data, graphics;
  • “Checklists” - entry of the received information in tables;
  • stratification - the division of existing gross material into groups according to specific signs or characteristics.
Graph study

The main difference between stratification and classification is that this method not only divides the available data into specific groups, but also reveals the relationship between causes and effects.


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