Hesser beer is the pride of the Austrians

Hesser beer is a well-known brand that is respected not only by residents of Austria, but also by many lovers of a foamy drink in other countries.

A bit of history

beer gesser

The history of many beer brands began in the monasteries. And the Hesser beer here is no exception. Indeed, in the Middle Ages, monks of different monasteries brewed their own beer. Entire legends go about the quality of these drinks. Their recipes formed the basis of the most famous brands. The Austrian monastery of Hess was no different from the others. It was founded in 1020 and lasted several centuries. After the closure in 1782, the monastery was empty for a while, but soon a new owner appeared. In 1860, a local resident, Max Kober, acquired part of the ownerless property and founded his own brewery, which, after 30 years, produced several tens of hectoliters of aromatic beer per year.

Over time, a stock company was created on the basis of a small plant, which joined several more similar enterprises in Leoben's hometown. Hesser beer has become the hallmark of the entire Upper Styria. Production was gaining momentum. The company acquired smaller production facilities in other cities in Austria, and in 2003 it became part of the well-known Heineken corporation.

Product line

Hesser beer cannot boast a rich assortment of its products. Currently, no more than seven different varieties are known:

  • Staftsbau.
  • Gold.
  • "Special".
  • Merzen.
  • "Bock."
  • "Natur Radler."
  • "Zvikl".

But this fact does not upset the company management at all. Its main motto can be translated as: "Well, even better, Hesser." They do not particularly seek to expand the product line. For a company, the main thing is product quality and respect from consumers. The Austrians cherish their history and with their inherent pedantry try to preserve the recipes of the ancient masters. And to maintain international contacts, she entered into an agreement with four countries on licensed production. Now Austrian beer is produced in Russia, the Republic of Belarus, Hungary and Romania. In addition, direct supply of products in sufficient quantities goes to the world market. Now Austrian beer can be tasted from any continent.

Frank opinion

beer gesser reviews

In recent years, it has become customary to see Gesser beer on store shelves. Reviews about this drink are mixed. Most consumers note the fact that natural beer brewed in Austria is much better than what they do in foreign factories under license. Someone says that a little acidity is felt in the drink. This applies mainly to the Belarusian manufacturer. Perhaps the local brewers are not able to prepare a decent product or the buyers are so used to their native varieties that they do not want to understand other types. Some complain about the high price. But there are those who really understand beer. They consider Hesser a great product, worthy of the very best of praise. He, unlike many others, has preserved the traditions of national brewing. This beer has its own zest. True, not everyone can consider it. The power of habit is triggered here. People who drink a certain drink every day can hardly appreciate the work of another master.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C11534/

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