Useful Yeast Hair Masks

Yeast is a natural product that contains a lot of nutrients. In frequency, vitamins of group B, as well as proteins and amino acids. Naturally, such a unique product should be used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology.

Most often, yeast is used to make nourishing face and hair masks. It should be noted that yeast hair masks are a fairly effective home remedy that allows you to strengthen them, accelerate their growth, and also get rid of such troubles as dandruff.

Like all home remedies, yeast hair masks will give a noticeable effect only on the condition that they will be carried out for a long time. But those girls who will not spare the time to conduct the course will certainly be pleased with the result, because the hair will become more healthy, gain shine and strength.

The technology for applying hair masks containing yeast is traditional. 40-60 minutes before shampooing, you need to apply the prepared composition to the hair, while trying to rub it into the scalp. Then cover it all with polyethylene, foil or just put on a shower cap, and build a โ€œturbanโ€ from a thick terry towel on top. Yeast hair masks will have the maximum effect in the heat, so the towel should be preheated.

After sustaining the set time, the mask is washed off with non-hot water using a mild shampoo. Then you need to let your hair dry without the help of a hair dryer and other styling devices. Masks should be done after one or two days for about a month and a half.

There are a lot of recipes for masks with yeast, so they can be alternated. Best of all, of course, if you use fresh yeast to prepare the composition, but, in extreme cases, you can take instant bags in bags. However, you should know that dry yeast contains much less useful substances.

Here, for example, is a classic hair mask made from yeast, which includes kefir and honey. To prepare it, you need to take 20 grams of โ€œliveโ€ yeast or 2 tablespoons of dry yeast from a bag, mix them with liquid honey (2 tablespoons) and a little warmed kefir (100 grams). Leave the mixture aside to allow the yeast to โ€œfermentโ€. When the mixture rises "cap", the mask is ready, you can apply it to the hair according to the rules described above.

An effective yeast hair mask for hair growth can be prepared with tincture of red pepper. For its preparation, an equal amount of yeast and self-prepared or purchased in a pharmacy tinctures are mixed. However, such a mask can be applied only on the condition that there are no injuries or irritations on the scalp, as the composition is very hot. To keep such a mask you need half the time than usual, that is, 15-20 minutes. It is not recommended to wrap your head too much, as the burning sensation from this will only intensify.

If the curls are dry, often break, then you can recommend making yeast hair masks based on sour cream with the addition of olive oil and yolk. To prepare the composition, the yeast is ground with sour cream and after they rise a little, the yolk and oil are added to the mixture.

For oily hair make yeast masks based on one percent kefir with the addition of mustard powder. Such a composition simultaneously dries fatty roots and stimulates growth.

To get rid of dandruff, you should make a mask from yeast diluted in warm water with the addition of grated onions and a spoonful of burdock oil. Of course, such a mask has a specific smell, therefore, after the hair is washed, it should be rinsed in water with the addition of lemon juice or a couple of drops of citrus essential oil, this will help get rid of the smell of onions.


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