Triplet from worms: composition, preparation, how to take

Triworm from worms is a drug with a changing (as needed) composition, which always contains three active components. The ingredients of the drug are selected in such a way as to maintain each other's properties without harming the body. In this case, the tool is able to maximally utilize all available helminthic invasions and even some types of bacterial parasites.

How does the triad

According to the authoritative opinion of parasitologists, more than 90% of the world's population are infected with helminthic invasions of various species, however, some species of “migrants” act so unnoticed that their presence is very difficult to guess. Feeling the deterioration of well-being, a person is taken for local treatment of organs affected by the parasitic activity, while the main cause of multiple pathologies continues to gradually destroy the body.

Since laboratory tests for helminthiasis do not always reveal parasites, the right moment for quickly and effectively removing the first offspring of worms is often missed. To weaken and withdraw a large number of "settlers", one-component formulations of alternative medicine are no longer enough, and not everyone will decide to use chemicals that have a lot of side effects. Experts recommend in this case to use triad against worms - one of the most effective and safe means.

How does the drug work:

  • the motility of the digestive system as a whole is being established;
  • the outflow of bile is stimulated;
  • microbial environment is deactivated;
  • bitter substances of the composition paralyze the activity of worms and force them to detach from the places of attachment to the mucous membranes of organs;
  • within a short time after the start of the course, parasites begin to rapidly leave the body with feces.

Despite the fact that the triple from worms is considered an independent drug, parasitologists advise including the drug in complex antiparasitic therapy. This will help reduce the negative effects of the death of parasites and improve the quality of therapy.

Indications for the use of triad

The signs that reveal the activity of helminths in the body are so vast that in general they can make up the clinical picture of a dangerous disease or completely lead the diagnostician to a standstill. Here is an incomplete list of symptoms, each of which may indicate the presence of one or more parasitic forms:

  • periodic headaches, nausea;
  • decreased performance;
  • copious salivation;
  • loss of appetite or constantly tormenting hunger;
  • sudden weight loss or unexplained weight gain;
  • gritting teeth in a dream;
  • insomnia, night sweats;
  • ripe bad breath;
  • sticky pains in the muscles;
  • rashes on the body, the appearance of skin spots, papillomas;
  • hair loss;
  • fragility of nails and roughening of the skin;
  • exacerbation of gynecological diseases of women;
  • problems in urology in men.

If the parasites have already succeeded in succeeding several generations, and there are many adults in the body, a person often begins to suffer from colds, he regularly has constipation and, finally, the disease affects his appearance. People infected with helminthiasis get old early, have a tired, unhealthy look.

An indication for the use of a triad from worms will be the presence of one or more signs from the top list, as well as the detection of parasites in one of the households. Even if the worms were in a pet, the whole family will have to be treated, otherwise the circular infection from each other will continue indefinitely.

Woman has stomach pain

Preparing the body for treatment

After the diagnostic confirmation of the helminth lesion or with a large number of signs indicating their presence, it is necessary to begin preparation for the main treatment. The duration of preparation is 10-14 days and includes the following steps:

  1. Complete exclusion from the diet of animal foods, confectionery sweets, sugar, coffee.
  2. Daily consumption of at least 200 ml of fresh vegetable juice (carrot, beetroot, celery) and an unlimited number of fruits per season.
  3. Alternating drinking of one of the types of vegetable oils (black cumin, pumpkin, hemp). Every day, on an empty stomach, no more than 2 tbsp. tablespoons of the selected oil.
  4. At least 3 times during the preparation period, make cleansing enemas with soda, and on the rest of the days take light laxatives.
  5. Drink water acidified with lemon juice (3 cups per day). If you wish, you can eat a spoonful of liquid honey after sour drinking (do not mix with water).

If a person was not a fan of healthy nutrition before preparing for cleaning, and the basis of his diet was meat and starchy foods, the transition to sparing nutrition should be gradual. This will take a little more time than two weeks, but the stress level for the body will not be as great as with a sharp rejection of the usual food.

Diet food

Reception of triad by the system of H. Clark

American naturopath Hilda Clark was the first to determine the composition of the most effective antiparasitic drug, later called the "triad." In her version, all three components of the composition of the triad from worms had to be taken separately. With careful preparation for cleaning, the body will clear itself of parasites.

How to cook a triad of worms (the proportions of the ingredients are calculated for 2-3 courses of therapy):

  1. Nut tincture. With 15 unripe walnuts, the peel is cut, chopped, folded into a transparent bottle and filled with 2 cups of undiluted medical alcohol. Insist the mixture in direct sunlight for 30 days.
  2. Wormwood powder. Wormwood (leaves and achenes) from 2 medium bushes is dried and ground into powder without large particles.
  3. Clove powder. A glass of dried cloves is ground on a coffee grinder until fine flour is obtained.

How to take a triad of worms according to the method of H. Clark:

  1. Drink tincture this way: 1 day - 1 drop per 0.5 cup of water, 2-5 days - 2 drops per 0.5 cup of water, 6 day - 2 teaspoons per 1 glass of water, 7-12 days - 2 hours. tablespoons per ¼ cup of water (twice a day), 13-30 days - 2 teaspoons per ¼ cup of water (1 time per day). It is necessary to drink the drug on an empty stomach, previously holding the liquid in the mouth, and only then swallowing it.
  2. Cloves are taken 15 minutes before meals, 3 times a day according to this scheme: 1 day - at the tip of a teaspoon, 2 days - a quarter of a teaspoon, 3-10 days - a third of a teaspoon.
  3. Wormwood is consumed before meals, but before taking cloves: 1 day - at the tip of a teaspoon, 2 days - a quarter of a teaspoon, 3 days - a third of a teaspoon, 4 days - half a teaspoon, etc., bringing to half a tablespoon to 14-15 day of the course. The next 5 days, the powder is drunk at 0.5 tbsp. spoons per reception.

The result depends on the quality of the preparation of the triad. The use of worms of this drug, on average, takes 2 months, but with a low effect or a high degree of helminthization, the course is repeated after 2 weeks.

Clove seeds

Antiparasitic system of Dr. Ivanchenko

The Russian version of the triple from worms offers two options for a prescription for a medicinal product. Both of them were synthesized by a specialist in alternative medicine, Dr. V. A. Ivanchenko, who adapted the composition of Hilda Clark and created his own interpretation of the drug.

The first prescription of Dr. Ivanenko’s triad involves the rejection of such a component as a nut peel and replacing it with bitter tansy flowers. This plant is distributed throughout Russia and is available for sale in the pharmacy network, therefore it is more affordable than walnut.

What are the proportions of triad from worms? How to prepare and take medicine? About this further:

  1. Take on 1 part wormwood, 2 parts cloves and 4 parts of tansy flowers, finely grind and mix.
  2. Transfer the dry mixture into a thick paper bag and store in a dry place.
  3. You need to take the herbal composition on an empty stomach, carefully rubbing it in your mouth with saliva to a liquid state. On day 1 - 1 teaspoon, on day 2 - 1 teaspoon twice a day, on day 3 - 1 teaspoon three times a day. Then they’re drinking triad already 1 day a week, before main meals, and the course lasts from three months to a year.

The second method of preparing triplets from worms is best suited for the treatment of children and the elderly. Tansy and wormwood, as components with a high concentration of bitterness, are completely excluded here.

Prescription drug:

  1. For 1 part of cumin powder, 2 parts of dried calendula flowers and 1 part of calamus swamp are taken.
  2. The components are mixed and poured into a paper envelope.
  3. The algorithm for using the product completely repeats the above, and the minimum duration of the course is 14 days.

Comments of experts and consumer reviews of the triad of worms according to Ivanchenko unequivocally agree that both recipes are effective, but composition No. 2 is taken by the body more gently and is less likely to respond with side effects.

Russian triad

Ready triad from Evalar

The anthelmintic products of Evalar, as in the classic version of the Russian triad, contain extracts of spicy cloves and tansy, but recently, changes have occurred in the composition of the drug, dictated by the requirement of Rospotrebnadzor. In accordance with the adoption of new standards for the production of dietary supplements, it was forbidden to include bitter wormwood in the composition of non-medicinal products, and pharmacologists found a worthy alternative to this herb - aspen bark. The drug with tansy, cloves and aspen bark is intended exclusively for use by adults and adolescents over 12 years old.

A distinctive feature and the main advantage of the Evalar triad from worms, according to consumers, is the convenient form of dietary supplement release - in capsules. Thus, causing an overdose of the drug is very difficult,

What are the effectiveness of the triad "Evalar" from worms:

  • Aspen bark acts annoyingly on the walls of the gallbladder, enhancing organ motility and causing the outflow of bile. The tannins of the extract (tannins) have an antimicrobial effect and normalize the acidic environment of the gastrointestinal tract, which makes parasites less active.
  • Tansy stimulates the production of gastric secretion and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Due to the high content of thujone contained in the plant's essential substance, tansy extract has a paralyzing effect on the body of the worm; the parasite cannot hold onto the walls of organs, detaches from the mucosa and is excreted naturally during bowel movements.
  • Clove is the only element of the composition that aggressively affects not only adults, but also worm eggs and parasite larvae. In addition, the extract from clove seeds sanitizes damaged surfaces of organs, contributes to their speedy regeneration.

The instruction on how to take the triad of worms for adult patients includes two areas of treatment:

  • drink the drug for 1-2 months, taking 2 capsules 3 r / day;
  • consume triad with a gradual increase in dosage: 1 day - drink 2 capsules in the morning, 2 day - drink 2 capsules in the morning and evening, 3-12 days - drink 2 capsules 3 r. / day.

The second treatment option is more suitable for prevention - when there are animals in the house or there was contact with a person infected with helminths.

Triple Evalar

Triad "Evalar" for children

For the smallest patients (from 3 to 12 years old), the Evalar company has created a special form of the drug - in the form of a powder packaged in bags for a single dose. The contents of the sachet must be dissolved in hot water, cooled to a tolerable temperature and given to the child in small sips. Since the product may be bitter, it is permissible to put a little sugar or honey in the finished solution.

The components that make up the Evalar baby triad from worms do not have a direct effect on intestinal parasites. The drug improves the digestive tract as a whole, increases local immunity and accelerates the regeneration of damaged organs. Together, this creates intolerable conditions for the life of helminthic invasions and contributes to their exit.

Medical comments and reviews on the composition of the triad from worms for younger patients call this combination of components one of the most successful options for anthelmintic fees:

  • Calendula extract acts as a mild antiseptic, destroying pathogenic flora in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • black cumin improves digestion, stimulates the immune system and relieves inflammation;
  • thyme - eliminates bloating, relieves pain in the intestine, normalizes the acidity of the stomach.

Triad "Evalar" from worms for children is not an independent treatment for helminthiasis and is used as part of the auxiliary group of complex therapy. For the full course you will need only 6 sachets of biological additives.

Integrated approach to therapy

According to reviews, the Evalar triad from worms is effective only if it is properly prepared for treatment and a number of conditions are observed during antiparasitic therapy. An integrated approach to getting rid of helminths includes 5 main steps:

  1. Improving the microflora of the digestive system in order to weaken parasites and increase local immunity. During this period, it is useful to drink vegetable oils rich in enzymes, follow a diet, make enemas.
  2. Immediate therapeutic measures with the use of the necessary drugs to destroy parasites.
  3. Removal from the body of larvae of worms and adults, as well as decay products of their vital functions (intake of absorbents and laxatives).
  4. Restoring the health and normal functionality of the digestive tract (multivitamins, the use of fermented foods, special plant fees).

Reception of probiotics is a mandatory component of the comprehensive treatment of helminthiasis. When using triplets from worms, it is better for the child to give natural products containing probiotics. These are kefir and other fermented milk products, soy, sauerkraut, papaya, citrus and wild berries.

Natural probiotics

Assistive therapy

Cleansing enemas with a weak 3% soda solution are very popular among naturopaths. Enemas are recommended to be given at the entire stage of preparation for anthelmintic treatment, as well as during the administration of drugs and at the stage of removal of dead and non-viable individuals from the body.

The soda cleaning technique is simple:

  1. In a liter of hot (50 0 ) tap water, 30 g of baking soda is quickly bred.
  2. While the soda solution cools to 41 0 C, the patient is given a simple enema with clean tap water, heated to body temperature.
  3. After a normal enema with water and the first bowel movement, a soda solution is poured into the intestine.
  4. In conclusion, the intestines are washed again with clean water.

At the preparation stage, it is advisable to do such enemas daily or at least three times within 10 days.

Pumpkin seeds are one of the most popular folk anthelmintic drugs. Raw seeds are eaten on an empty stomach in the morning and evening, and the amount of product is limited only by the physiological capabilities of the patient. For many people, pumpkin seeds have a strong laxative effect, which will also be useful in the treatment of triad.

With caution, you should use garlic, which, although it is a key (in terms of utility) product for the destruction of helminths, can be dangerous in case of serious damage to the tissues of the gastrointestinal tract. If the state of health does not allow to eat 2-3 cloves of garlic per day in its natural form, it is best to use a mixed decoction based on this fruit:

  1. Finely chop 3 medium cloves of garlic.
  2. Put the garlic in warmed milk (250 ml), pour in the same pinch of dried tansy.
  3. Stir the mixture and boil over low heat for 7-10 minutes.

After filtering, they don’t drink this product, but fill it with a rubber bulb and make an enema. The medicinal fluid should be tried to be retained in the body as long as possible.

Healthy garlic

Special instructions and contraindications

The instructions for the triad of worms provide only general recommendations for dosages, but the final calculation of single servings of the drug is made by the doctor, taking into account body weight and patient health indicators. If one course of therapy is not enough, but a good effect is shown, the triad will be prescribed to drink again, but not less than 3 weeks after the first course. Simultaneously with a person suffering from helminthiasis, all members of his family, including pets, undergo treatment.

During anthelmintic treatment, a person needs to move a lot, visit a steam room (if there are no cardiac and pulmonary pathologies), practice breathing exercises. Food should be sparing, with a complete rejection of meat products, strong drinks, pastries, coffee, soda.

There are cases of an overdose of triad from Evalar worms. According to reviews, this happens when consuming more than twice a serving of the drug at a time. The reaction of the body to improper use of dietary supplements will be:

  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • rash or flushing of the skin.

According to doctors, acute and chronic diseases of the stomach (gastritis, ulcers, erosive esophagitis), pregnancy and lactation, and individual intolerance to the components of the drug are considered absolute contraindications for taking the Evalar triworm from worms, according to doctors. Relative contraindications are chronic pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, some diseases of the kidneys and liver (for consideration by a gastroenterologist).

The children's version of the triad with sachets is allowed for use from the age of 3 years, the adult version from the age of 12 (and with the additional permission of the doctor).

Important! It is considered normal if during treatment with a triad a person feels a temporary deterioration in their general condition, they feel weakness, dizziness, and apathy. Doctors call all these signs positive dynamics to cure, because this is how the mass death of parasites and the effect of this process on the patient's body are manifested.


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