Tomato Koenigsberg: photo, description of the variety, characteristics, reviews

In our country, every person who has a land plot is engaged in the cultivation of tomatoes. This vegetable is used in many recipes for preparing a daily and festive menu. Tomatoes are prepared for the winter in the form of various sauces, salads and simply marinated.

Therefore, gardeners are looking for new varieties to diversify the assortment of tomatoes and find the best for growth in our climatic conditions. Tomato "Koenigsberg" more and more conquers agricultural markets due to its taste and ease of cultivation.

Grade Features

The breeding of these plants was done by Siberian breeders. They created a variety that could be grown both in greenhouses and in open ground. Tomatoes are not limited in size. This feature was also laid down genetically by breeding.

Tomato "Konigsberg" refers to mid-season varieties. The bush grows to 2 m in height. Its large leaves are light green. The first inflorescences appear already on the 12th leaf. The following are already being formed on every third.

The plant boasts good resistance to various tomato-specific diseases. The yield of the plant is quite good, and the fruits are distinguished by high taste and quality characteristics.

Fruit Description

Tomato "Koenigsberg" has several different sub-grades, which differ from each other in color and shape of tomato. "Red" has a saturated color that is fully consistent with its name. The fruits have a slightly elongated shape and resemble eggplant.

Tomatoes "Koenigsberg red" have a fleshy structure and a distinct bright aroma of tomato. Their peel is quite dense. Each fruit can reach a weight of up to 300 g. Very often they grow even larger.

Tomatoes "Koenigsberg golden" in terms of quality characteristics are almost identical to red. The difference is the color of the fruit. In this variety, tomatoes have a bright yellow-golden hue. Also, these Koenigsberg tomatoes (pictured) have a more pronounced sweet taste.

photo of tomato "Keningsberg"

About 30 kg of crop per season can be harvested from each planting square. The "golden" variety with good care gives 5 kg more.

New Koenigsberg

More recently, another sub-variety of this plant has been bred - "Pink". It is not as popular as the others, but it is gradually gaining the sympathy of gardeners and farmers.

photo of Koenigsberg tomato

This plant has an interesting feature - a very high yield. During ripening, the bushes are simply dotted with tomatoes. From each bush, 2-3 buckets of harvest per season are collected.

Their weight reaches 200 g. The peel is strong, which makes it possible without fear to transport them over long distances.

"Konigsberg striped"

This variety is more suitable for growing in greenhouses. Here he gives the highest possible yield. The fruit coloring is unique. When the Koenigsberg tomatoes are still green, their main shade is light, and dark stripes are visible vertically at small intervals.

Ripe, the tomatoes turn red with distinct yellow stripes. This variety is often used to make salads for the winter. This feature is associated with a beautiful color and taste.

Tomato Koenigsberg characteristic

Striped tomatoes are used with success in the preparation of salads from fresh vegetables and for the decoration of various dishes.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

According to reviews, Koenigsberg tomatoes have many advantages during cultivation and fruiting. It:

  • good resistance to cold;
  • artificial immunity to diseases;
  • excellent presentation of tomato;
  • rich taste;
  • high productivity;
  • variety of colors.

Along with this, the variety did not bypass the negative characteristics:

  • long ripening of fruits;
  • large tomatoes are not suitable for pickling them whole;
  • tall bushes requiring garter.

Comparing all the points, it became clear that these plants have much more advantages, so their cultivation is justified in any case.

What should be the soil?

How to choose a landing place? The Kรถnigsberg tomato variety is not picky about the composition of the soil. But it responds positively to fertilizing it with compost. In this case, the yield increases markedly.

There is only one caveat regarding composition. The reaction of the soil should be slightly alkaline. Land temperature during planting is desirable not less than 15 0 . It is very important to remove all weeds from the site for planting.

care for tomato seedlings

It is better to choose a place with adequate lighting. So tomatoes will ripen faster and not deform. Also, the sun's rays are necessary for the proper development of the green aerial part of the plant.


For a good future crop, you need to choose high-quality seeds. It is better to purchase them in specialized stores where there is evidence of quality. Usually seedlings for seedlings are planted two months before transferring them to the ground.

Dive is made after the appearance of two full leaves. Seedlings are grown at a temperature of at least 22 0 C. After the temperature does not drop too low at night, plants can be transported to the ground.

planting tomato seedlings

Seedlings are planted no more than three bushes per 1 m 2 . Thus, the plant will be able to fully develop. The soil must be fully prepared in advance. To do this, the soil must be treated before planting with special agents that prevent the development of fungal infections.

Then fertilizer is applied superphosphate universal application. So the plant in the first months can form a strong root and stem. And also after the appearance of the first seedlings, you can treat them with growth stimulants.

Care depending on the characteristics of the Koenigsberg tomatoes

The soil around the bushes should be regularly loosened. So the soil will be saturated with oxygen. After the appearance of the ovaries, the plant is fertilized several times with mineral elements.

It is also necessary to tie up the plant after reaching a height of about 30-40 cm. From the description of the Koenigsberg tomato variety it follows that it is quite high, so the support should be strong.

watering tomato seedlings

There are several rules that you must follow to get the maximum yield:

  • the bush should be formed from two plants, the remaining processes must be removed;
  • after the formation of 7 inflorescences, it is necessary to limit the growth and cut off the growth points, otherwise the plant will not be able to supply enough minerals to the fruits;
  • lower leaves need to be torn off in order to ensure good ventilation and prevent fungal infections from developing.

If Koenigsberg tomatoes are grown in cold regions, then a film must be stretched over them overnight. For this, special supports should be constructed in advance.

garter of tomato seedlings

In the first few weeks after planting, you need to provide sufficient watering. Then the tomatoes will have enough rainwater. With severe drought, watering can be resumed.

Fruits need to be picked on time, otherwise, due to their large size and impressive weight, the bushes will fall over, despite the supports. Cases were recorded when wooden boards broke under the weight of tomatoes.

Reviews about tomatoes "Koenigsberg"

On the Internet, you can find many comments about this variety. Gardeners indicate that the plant does not need to be given special care. It is enough to carry out activities that are necessary for other varieties.

Farmers who grow these tomatoes for sale indicate that they are in sufficient demand among producers. The "red" variety is great for making sauces and pasta. The fruits have a rich and vibrant color. Flesh allows you to achieve the necessary density in sauces.

reviews of tomato Koenigsberg

For the care of these plants, there are practically no questions for gardeners. The only small drawback they consider the plants to be too tall. Because of this, it is necessary to design rather voluminous and large supports.

Farmers indicate that the Koenigsberg tomato description indicates a very high yield. They confirm this fact from their own experience. Some farmers argue that under favorable conditions they do not have time to harvest the fruits.

According to gardeners, plants of this variety are less susceptible to disease, and also easily tolerate drought and cold, which is important for growing them in Siberia.

Mistresses note that from the fruits of the "Red" variety an excellent, dense tomato is obtained. "Yellow" and "Striped" tomatoes become the decoration of any holiday table. They also look original in fresh vegetable salads.

A small minus is some housewives think the tomato is too large. So, it is not possible in general to put them in jars and pickle for the winter. And given their excellent taste, this nuance can be considered a significant drawback.


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