How to put a password on your computer: some simple solutions

Security issues for user computers do not always imply only the protection of information stored on them. Quite often, they are associated with blocking access to the terminals themselves, the operating system, or some of its capabilities. About how to put the password on a computer with Windows "on board", and then invited to talk. There are enough options here. Therefore, let's see what can be chosen as the most reliable means of protection.

Types of passwords applied and actions taken

So, for starters, you should decide on all the possible options for action, and only then give preference to any one type of set password. Among all that is currently available to the user, the main methods of blocking access to a computer are the following:

  • BIOS passwords
  • passwords for accounts (both system and Microsoft registrations);
  • blocking programs.

By and large, parental control tools can also be included here, but they will not be considered only because the creation of passwords is not provided for in them initially.

System boot password

To begin, consider how to put a password on a computer in the primary BIOS I / O systems.

Setting passwords in BIOS

In the settings you can find three of their types: Supervisor, User and HDD (or Boot) Password. The first two types are designed to control the BIOS entry and change its settings, but the third allows you to block even the loading of the operating system. You can use it.

But, alas, such passwords, although they cannot be cracked, are extremely unreliable only because resetting them with resetting the BIOS settings is simple. To do this, simply remove the CMOS battery from the motherboard socket for 10-15 minutes, then insert it back and boot the computer without blocking.

Create your account registration password

But let's see how to put a password on a computer with Windows 7 or another modification of the system, based on the lock capabilities at the account level. To do this, use the appropriate section, which is located in the standard "Control Panel", where the first thing to do is choose to create a password for your registration.

Password for your account

In this case, you will need to enter the combination used, confirm it and provide a hint for cases if the password is forgotten or lost (through the hint it can be remembered, but not restored).

Using a Microsoft Account

The same can be done in a situation where access to the system is not using a standard Windows account, but Microsoft registration.

Password for Microsoft account

If one is not available, it can be created. How to put a password on a computer with Windows 10, using Microsoft accounting ’for this? This is absolutely elementary done even at the registration stage or after switching from system registration to "Microsoft".

Manage someone else's account

Now a few words about how to put the password on the computer not for your own, but for someone else's account, if several users are registered on the same terminal. Remember that in this situation you must log in as an administrator. How to put the password on the computer in this case?

Manage another account

As well as for your registration, only in this case you need to choose the "account" for which it needs to be installed or changed. All other actions are completely similar.

How to put a password on a computer with 7th or any other version of Windows through the command line?

If you do not like any of the proposed options, you can use the command line tools by logging in under a specific user. In this case, you do not need to have administrator rights, since any registered user can set a password for himself using the proposed method.

Setting a password on the command line

In the command console (cmd in the "Run" menu), you need to execute the command "net user Username Password" (without quotes), where Username is the name of the registered user (account), Password is the desired password to log into the system. The advantage of this technique is that password confirmation is not required, minus the lack of a hint in order to remember a forgotten combination.

Program lock

How to put the password on the computer, it seems, figured out. There is nothing particularly complicated or abstruse here. But what should I do if I don’t want to block the system login, but I need to restrict only access to some installed programs (we assume that for users who do not have administrator rights, system tools are not available, and so on)?

Password in Game Protector

The small utility Game Protector is perfect for this. Do not be confused by its name, since it is designed to set passwords not only for games, but also for any other applications that you select. Everything here is also simple. It is enough to indicate the path to the executable file of the program, set and confirm the password combination, and then press the protection activation button. If desired, you can change the application icon or even its display name.

What to give preference to?

As you can see, setting passwords of any type is not particularly difficult. But which tool is the best to use? If you do not engage in blocking logins to Windows, it is better to use a restriction of access to individual programs.

When creating a password at the entrance, if you forget it, it will be difficult to restore access, although it is possible. Therefore, as they say, it is better not to take risks. But passwords in primary systems can be used mainly for laptops, when it will be impossible to remove the battery from the motherboard (well, at least, it is difficult).


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