Cognac "Monte Choco": consumer reviews and recommendations for use

Of course, drinking is bad. But for some reason, this universally recognized axiom does not stop lovers of strong drinks. However, alcohol connoisseurs may be different. Some will drink everything that burns, while others are real experts in the field of choosing real high-quality alcohol. Who would like Monte Choco brandy more ? Customer reviews will help shed light on the quality of the drink. Should I buy it and what to expect from the tasting?

cognac monte choco reviews

Why do they love him?

Drinking cognac and loving cognac are two completely different things. In fact, a rare person with full confidence can say that he loves this drink and enjoys the absorption. Still, cognac is not given to everyone. It is difficult to understand and accept its astringent taste, aroma and vigorous strength. It’s easier to get along with a cheaper substitute, if you put the fortress directly at the forefront.

Drinking brandy is a relaxation process. A high-quality drink has a rich taste and multifaceted aroma, as well as a warm amber color that is truly mesmerizing. You can’t drink cognac on the go. This is an insult to the drink. His taste is lost. In addition, the absorption should be in accordance with all the rules, that is, in the right setting and with the possibility of a bite. That's why they love him - for his mood, for eternal relevance, for gradually revealing taste. For the connoisseur it will be a real pleasure to recognize the top, base and heart notes of the drink. Why is the Monte Choco brandy so good? The manufacturer of this drink promises a soft smack of chocolate. It sounds promising!

monte choco cognac Price

First impression

It may seem a risky exercise to “trap” the amber liquid in an impermeable vial. However, for this drink the original bottle was chosen - black, wide with a red label. Aesthetically, this is a competent move and the Monte Choco brandy gets good reviews , not least because of the packaging. By the way, by the color of the container, you can determine the exposure time. For a three-year version, the bottle is made of transparent glass, but in a dark matte - Monte Choco cognac is 5 years old.

The information on the label, which says that the drink was created with the participation of the best masters of Russia and France, is intriguing. The manufacturer promises an exquisite taste with hints of chocolate, as the name means "chocolate mountain" in translation. Such a taste highlight opens up a wide scope for imagination. So it is not surprising that the line of cognac is replenished. At the end of 2014, a new taste of Monte Choco Dark Chocolate appeared. This drink is characterized by a deep chocolate finish, but retains the usual fortress for cognac in 40%. The bottle for the new variety has remained recognizable - a dark matte.

Cognac Monte Choco 5 years

In fact

So, what information matters when choosing alcohol in a store? Here is a luxurious bottle of Monte Choco. Cognac, the price of which is as attractive as the packaging. For a small bottle of 0.25 liters of three-year-old cognac - only 260 rubles. To some, this seems like a suspiciously low price for good cognac, however, perhaps the fact is that the Dmitrovsky Ost-Alco distillery is relatively young. It was founded in 1992. The company specializes in the production of strong alcoholic drinks. Up to 38 thousand bottles are produced per hour!

Of course, the larger the container, the higher the price. For a five-year quarter of a liter, it’s already 285 rubles. A half-liter three-year - 484 rubles, and a five-year - 530 rubles. The taste of dark chocolate in a half-liter bottle is estimated at 510 rubles. As a result, even a solid portion of brandy at a price fits into any budget.

Cognac Monte Choco Maker

People say

So, do they love Monte Choco brandy? Reviews, as always, are very polar. Many people appreciate the drink, noting a delicate note of chocolate, softness and sweetness. Cognac gives warmth, calms and warms. There are also ardent opponents of "Monte Choco" who call the drink diluted flavored vodka. In response to negative opinions, supporters put forward the thesis that brandy should be able to drink. It cannot be knocked over in the mouth in one gulp. It is not recommended to dilute with soda. So it’s worth giving the drink a chance and trying the Monte Choco brandy correctly. Reviews after such a tasting will be truly honest.

Prepare special glasses that need to be filled with 30-40 ml. Let the drink "breathe" a few minutes. Now you can appreciate the aroma. "Monte Choco" will pamper the taster with notes of flowers and chocolate. Drink cognac in small sips, holding it in your mouth and only after swallowing. Enjoy the aftertaste. Alcohol connoisseurs do not recommend drinking before meals. It is better to complete a glass of cognac for lunch or dinner, biting it with a piece of chocolate. Now you can fully appreciate the "Monte Choco."


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