Conjugation tener in spanish

The Spanish verb tener is a commonly used word in this Romance language. It refers to irregular verbs, that is, those that conjugate according to their faces and numbers according to their own rules in various temporal forms, so tener conjugation must be remembered.

Indicative conjugations

The indicative mood of verbs is the most used in any language because it expresses real actions and events. Conjugation tener in this inclination has the form presented in the table for three simple tenses: present, future and past.

timeIyouwehe sheyouthey are
the presenttengotienestenemostienetenéistienen
past perfecttuvetuvistetuvimostuvotuvisteistuvieron
past imperfectteníateníasteníamosteníateníaistenían

Here are a few examples:

  • tengo un perro pequeño - I have a small dog;
  • tendrás este coche - you will have this car;
  • ella tuvo una cita con su amigo - she was on a date with her friend;
  • Margarita tenía gripe en mes pasado - last month Margarita was sick with the flu.
Present conjugation tener

Subjunctive and imperative conjugations

The subjunctive mood is used to describe the probability of any events, assumptions, and doubts. The conjugation of the verb tener in Spanish for three tenses in this mood is presented in the table.

timeIyouwehe sheyouthey are
the presenttengatengastengamostengatengáistengan
past imperfecttuvieratuvierastuviéramostuvieratuvieraistuvieran

Some examples:

  • quizá él tenga tiempo para jugar al baloncesto - perhaps he has time to play basketball;
  • ojalá tuviéremos tanto dinero - we would have so much money;
  • si escuchabas a tu mujer no tuvierais tantas discusiones - if you listened to your wife, you would not have so many disputes.

Imperative is also used in Spanish. With his help, orders and requests are expressed. The conjugation of the verb tener in the imperative mood in positive and negative form is:

  • you: ten - no tengas;
  • he, she: tenga - no tenga;
  • we: tengamos - no tengamos;
  • you: tened - no tengáis;
  • they are: tengan - no tengan.

Examples of using tener in the imperative mood:

  • este bosque es muy peligroso, ten atención - this forest is very dangerous, look at both;
  • tened paciencia, pronto llegaremos a la ciudad - patience, soon we will arrive in the city.

Using the verb tener

Expression with the verb tener

The verb tener is translated into Russian as "to have." However, it is still used to convey action in various situations:

  1. Possession or non-possession of something. For example: tengo un coche antiguo - I have an old car.
  2. As part of the design, tener + que + infinitivo denotes a duty to something. For example: tengo que mudarme pronto - I have to move soon.
  3. Describes age, family relationships, physical and spiritual qualities, feelings for other people. For example: tienen ocho años - they are 8 years old; no tengo novia aun - I have no bride yet; él tiene carácter de bonachón - he has the character of a good man.
  4. To describe various emotional or physiological conditions. For example: tener confianza - trust; tener lástima - regret, regret; tener pensado + infinitivo - think of something to do; tener verguenza - to be ashamed.
  5. In stable terms, for example: tener razón - to be right in any matter; no tener nada que ver con uno - have nothing to do with anyone; tener por dicha - bear in mind, imply; no tener las todas consigo - be out of yourself, worry.


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