Types of hair styling: a description of the most popular ways

Each girl strives for a stylish and beautiful appearance. You can achieve it with the help of properly designed hair styling. Not only outfit and makeup determines the level of attractiveness. Successfully selected styling can make any woman more beautiful several times. It is only important to find your own style and choose the most suitable way of laying curls.

Hair preparation for styling

Before you start creating hairstyles, you must adhere to the following tips:

  • Hair should be clean. Any styling must be done exclusively on washed hair. Otherwise, it will look sloppy and devoid of volume. In urgent cases, you can use dry shampoo.
  • Before laying, you need to think about the future image. It is advisable to make sure whether the hairstyle fits the outfit and makeup. There are daily and evening styling. To look appropriate at any event, you should distinguish between these types.
  • At hand, there should always be a high-quality thermal protective agent that will protect your hair from overheating with hot tools. Also do not forget about the varnish for fixing the styling. Another indispensable tool is foam for volume. It is used on wet hair and most often in the root zone.

There are many more different rules, but these are the most basic. Following them, you can not worry about the final condition of the hair.

types of styling for medium hair

Straightening hair with ironing

A hair straightener is a universal tool that should be in the house of every girl who wants to create masterpieces on her head. You just need to remember to choose a gentle temperature regime, get good thermal protection and use it only on dry locks. Using the ironing you can do the following type of hair styling:

  • Straight and smooth strands. Not everyone is lucky to have smooth and shiny hair. Some have to use a hairdryer and a straightener to achieve perfect smoothness. To do styling with straight hair, you must first blow dry them using a brush brush. Only after this can you begin to straighten. Need to stretch the iron with thin locks, without stopping at the same time in one place for a second. For smoothness, just 2-3 broaches are enough.
    types of hair styling medium length

How to make curls iron

The next type of hair styling is suitable for both everyday and evening look. You can beautifully lay the strands with an iron in the following way:

  • Wind the curls. It is not necessary to purchase a curling iron for this. An iron can do this job perfectly. To create beautiful curls, you should divide your hair into several zones. It is recommended to start styling from the back of the head. It is necessary to clamp the strand between the plates and make the rectifier a circular motion. Then you need to slowly lead him along the lock to the ends. The result should be a structural and beautiful curl. After this, you need to repeat this procedure on the remaining hair.

The type of styling of long hair on the iron is no different from the design of medium length. Performing it with a rectifier, we must not forget about the use of thermal protection. It should be applied to wet hair, paying more attention to their ends. After drying with a hairdryer, you can sprinkle a little more strands of it. But you have to wait until it is completely absorbed, since wet hair is not allowed to be laid with an iron or curling iron. Hot instruments can evaporate all moisture from them.

types of hair styling ironing

Curling with different diameters

This tool is considered the most popular among all home appliances for creating hairstyles. Types of medium length hair styling, as well as any other, cannot but include the use of a curling iron. She can create a chic hairstyle from curls of different diameters. Curls adore all women. But each has the most favorite kind of curl that suits the shape of the face and hair structure. The following types of styling can be made with a curling iron:

  • Small and structural curls. To create them, you need a cone curling iron. Its diameter can be from 16 to 25 mm. The smaller it is, the more pronounced the curl will turn out.
  • Spiral curls. To make styling with such curls a spiral curling is necessary . The hair in such a hairstyle is very voluminous.
  • Hollywood curls. They are great for special occasions. If you preliminarily make a neat pile in the root zone, the hairstyle will come out truly royal. For large curls you need a classic cylindrical curling iron with a diameter of at least 36 mm.

It is advisable to purchase a curling iron with a built-in timer. Having set the time from 3 to 10 seconds on it, you can not worry about overheating the hair. The timer will signal when the curl can be removed from the device. It will also help to create the same curls.

types of hair styling with a cone curling iron

Rules for styling hair with a curling iron

Curling must always be accompanied by thermal protection. This tool harms hair even more than ironing. The curling iron for long curls is especially fatal. It is with this length that the strand has to be held on the hot plate for the longest time. Do not wind the hair if it is not completely dried. It is also recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • Do not take too thick strands. They will not warm up well and the curl will not work.
  • After removing it from the curling iron, it must be secured with a hairpin or clip. If you immediately dissolve the ring of hair - the curl can quickly fall.
  • Do not immediately comb the curls. They should cool completely.
  • To preserve the structure of the curl, but add volume to it, you can draw fingers along the curls and shake them a little.
  • After shaping the hair, spray the finished hairstyle with varnish.

If you do not forget about these rules, styling will look great, and also last much longer on your hair.

types of styling long hair

Hair styling with hairdryer and nozzle diffuser

With this simple appliance, you can create stunning hairstyles for any length. Almost every type of short hair styling , as well as medium and long, involves the use of a hairdryer. You just need to have a special nozzle diffuser, which will help to make romantic and wavy curls. To beautifully style your hair, you must follow these steps:

  1. Wash your hair and dry slightly with a towel.
  2. Apply foam to hair to add volume. It should cover the strands from the roots to the ends.
  3. Tilt your head forward or to one side so that it is more convenient to work with hair with one hand.
  4. Start drying hair with a hairdryer, pressing each strand with a nozzle.
  5. The diffuser fingers should fit the hair, creating a beautiful curl.
  6. Having dried the entire length in this way, a little gel can be applied to the curls to make them more pronounced.
  7. Ready installation is fixed with varnish.

At the last stage, it is very important not to overdo it. Hairdryer implies lightness and airiness. Therefore, it is very important to maintain naturalness on the hair.

types of hair styling hairdryer

Medium length styling

It will not take a lot of time to beautifully style medium hair. Most women prefer this particular length due to the fact that it requires a minimum amount of effort to create a hairstyle. For the everyday look of hair styling, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Wash hair.
  2. Apply a little mousse to the root zone for volume.
  3. Dry your hair with your head down.
  4. Parting and combing strands.
  5. Separate the upper thin locks and stab them with a clip.
  6. Make a pile at the roots of the hair. If there is a curling iron with a corrugation nozzle, you can use it by processing strands no more than 5-10 cm from the roots.
  7. Lower pinned locks and smooth hair.

The result is a voluminous and beautiful styling that will be appropriate at work and study. If desired, it can even be done for a walk. It is universal, as it suits almost every face shape.

Medium evening styling

As an evening look for styling on medium hair, many will like the following option:

  1. Wash your hair and leave to dry naturally.
  2. When they are 80% dry, wind them on large curlers.
  3. Walk with them for about 3 hours.
  4. Carefully remove and stack the resulting curls with your hands.
  5. Fix hairdo with varnish.

Such simple actions can make an elegant evening hairstyle. If you decorate it with a bright rim, hairpin or brooch - you will get a spectacular image that will be appropriate at any holiday event.

types of styling for medium hair

Long hair styling

These include all kinds of procedures aimed at improving the condition of the hair and giving it a beautiful shape. Long-term types of hair styling include: bio-curling, perm, keratin straightening, carving, boost up. All of them pleasantly make life easier for women. The quality of healthy hair does not deteriorate at all. This can be seen in numerous photos.

Types of hair styling that promise a long-lasting effect are suitable for owners of healthy hair. Brittle, dry and damaged curls should be treated first. Only after restoration can biosaving or carving be done.

Just one trip to the hairdresser eliminates the need to do styling after each hair wash. Curls remain in perfect condition from 1 month to a year. It all depends on the selected procedure, the composition and professionalism of the master.

types of long hair styling

The nuances of long-term styling

Before rushing to do long-term styling, you must listen to all the recommendations and warnings of the wizard. Any of these types of hair styling involves the use of a special composition that can adversely affect the quality of hair. Some types of hair cannot be exposed to chemical components. Therefore, you should choose a good specialist who can tell in detail about the nuances of long-term styling.

types of hair styling with a curling iron

Popular men's styling

It is also important for men to have a well-groomed appearance. Therefore, many are very sensitive to the condition of the hair. Any fashionable haircut involves daily styling. All types of men's hair styling are accompanied by the following assistants:

  • Stacking tools. These include: foam, varnish, gel and wax.
  • Flat comb or massage brush.
  • Hairdryer and hair straightener (for smoothing long and curly hair).
    types of male hair styling

How to do the styling:

  • First you need to wash your hair.
  • Then use a hairdryer. It should be kept in the direction in which the hair should lie.
  • If there is a vortex on the frontal part, a small amount of gel or wax can be applied to it.
  • Fix the strands with varnish or other hair styling. The types and methods of laying them depend on the length. If the hair is very short - it is better to skip this step.

It will always be easier for a man to masonry than a woman. Therefore, do not worry and fear that it will not work. You just need to arm yourself with patience and good mood.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C11563/

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