Sage herb: instructions for use, properties, what is useful?

The inhabitants of our country are very lucky, because in its open spaces it is easy to find many useful herbs that can help maintain the health of your body. In this case, you can use medicinal, that is, chemically created, medications only in the most extreme case. Sage herb: instructions for use, benefits and much more interesting about the plant - in this article.

sage herb

What is this plant

You need to start with the most basic. So what is sage herb? It is a perennial plant, an essential oil crop. Leaflets are simple, feathery. The flowers are bell-shaped, slightly tubular. It should be noted that this plant since ancient times was valued as a healing tool. Perhaps that is why from Latin sage translates as "one that promotes health."

It is important to understand that the sage that grows in meadows and along roads is not suitable as a medicine. Here you will need a completely different look. The same representative of this plant does not have such pronounced medicinal abilities.

About plant species

Based on the foregoing, we must also talk about the fact that the sage herb is of different types. And depending on this, it has a different purpose.

  1. Therapeutic sage. This is the most common and usual plant for every resident of our country. It is used in medicine, by the way, also traditional. It may also be useful in industry and cooking.
  2. Ethiopian sage. This is a honey plant, as well as material for the preparation of spices. In folk medicine, only its leaves are used.
  3. Rod-shaped sage. Also a honey plant. Flowers are used as a spice. It is especially good for cooking fish.
  4. Sage fortune tellers. This type of plant has a hallucinogenic effect, therefore it is highly appreciated by various magicians and shamans. If you use it in normal dosage, it has a medicinal effect.
  5. Clary. It is used as a flavoring agent for cigarettes, as well as in the confectionery and distillery industries. Some argue that this is an excellent aphrodisiac.

sage herb than useful

Grass composition

Considering the properties of sage grass, it is also necessary to tell about what this plant consists of. After all, it is in the composition that all its benefits lie.

  1. First of all, it is tannins, due to which the plant has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Alkaloids help blood circulate better. They are able to dilate blood vessels, improving blood flow.
  3. Bitter substances primarily positively affect the functioning of the digestive tract. They also improve kidney and liver function, normalize blood sugar and cholesterol.
  4. Flavonoids have a laxative and laxative effect. It is also an excellent diuretic.
  5. Phytoncides are useful for the work of the heart muscle, and also inhibit the pathogenic microflora.
  6. Acids: oleic, nicotinic, ursolic, ascorbic. This complex has many useful properties, including cholesterol regulation, elimination of toxins, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect.
  7. Essential and fatty oils. Positively affect the work of the brain, central nervous system, heart. They also normalize metabolic processes and remove bad cholesterol.
  8. Sage herb also contains the most important vitamins of group B for the human body. They are responsible for the restoration of tissues and cells and, moreover, have a positive effect on the functioning of the brain and nervous system.
  9. Other beneficial substances: vitamins of group A (promote cell growth), phosphorus (strengthens nerves, is important for the production of enzymes), sodium (dilates blood vessels and promotes muscle growth), magnesium (useful for the work of the heart, blood vessels and central nervous system), iron (an important participant oxygen metabolism), zinc (important for protein metabolism, also able to stimulate libido), copper (an antiseptic that has an astringent effect), selenium (increases the body's defenses).

herb sage instructions for use

What is the use of sage

So, the subject of our close consideration is sage herb. How useful is it, and when should it be used? Its beneficial effect is as follows.

  • Sage is good for respiratory health. At the same time, this plant also helps with coughing, as it has an expectorant effect.
  • It is an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antimicrobial, as well as antifungal agent.
  • It is important for normalizing the processes of the central nervous system.
  • Sage herb is used to adjust metabolic processes.
  • This plant is useful for enhancing immunity.
  • Sage is an excellent diuretic that significantly improves kidney function.
  • It positively affects memory and mental activity.
  • Also, we must not forget that the plant in its composition contains a set of phytohormones. And this is extremely beneficial for the female body.
  • It must also be remembered that previously this plant, in combination with other medicinal natural preparations, helped women conceive children.

properties of sage herb

A few words about the benefits of this plant.

What is sage herb useful for? So, experts say that this medicinal plant should be taken in the following cases.

  1. With diseases of the upper respiratory tract. These are problems such as pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis.
  2. Excellent this plant helps with various dental diseases. It is able to combat gingivitis and stomatitis.
  3. Sage also helps with a wide variety of skin diseases. So, he fights eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, as well as burns and frostbite.
  4. The healing herb sage will be useful to those who have joint problems such as osteochondrosis, articular rheumatism, as well as dystrophic lesions.
  5. This medicinal plant also helps with ulcers, as well as gastritis with low acidity.
  6. Sage is also useful for a variety of disorders in the digestive tract: spasms, flatulence.
  7. Also, this plant positively affects the body in a state of fever. First of all, it reduces perspiration.

medicinal herb sage

Important information

Sage, if used improperly, can also have a negative effect on the body. Therefore, before you start taking this plant for medicinal purposes, it is best to familiarize yourself with all its features.

  • It must be remembered that it is strictly forbidden to take this herb during pregnancy. After all, sage is a biologically active plant. Also, preparations based on it and during breastfeeding are not used.
  • Sage tea is very useful for diabetics, because its components enhance the action of insulin, which leads to a decrease in blood sugar levels.
  • Also use caution in using sage for children. So, baths from this plant have no contraindications and can be prescribed to babies from one year old. But as a treatment for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, sage can be given no earlier than from the age of five. In any case, before using this plant, you need to consult a pediatrician.
  • It is believed that sage is also able to fight infertility. In this case, its unique complex of phytohormones works.

Contraindications to the use of plants

What else needs to be mentioned if sage herb is being considered? The instruction for use states that it is not necessary to use drugs based on this plant in the following cases:

  • if there is an increased sensitivity to the components of this plant, simply if you are allergic to it;
  • women are forbidden to take sage if they have elevated levels of progesterone and estrogens, as well as in diseases such as uterine fibroids, polycystic and endometriosis;
  • nephritis and kidney inflammation;
  • hypothyroidism (insufficient content of thyroid hormones in the body).

It is also worth remembering that it is very important to observe the correct dosage of this plant when it is used and taken in the form of a medication, because otherwise, a negative effect on the work of many organs by such a medication is possible. To understand that a lot of the drug is taken is easy. In this case, an allergy will appear, or nausea, dizziness will occur , and vomiting is also possible.

sage herb instruction

Sage tea

At this stage, it is already very clear what sage herb is. The instruction for use of this plant reads: both infusions and decoctions can be prepared from it. The process of preparation itself will depend on which disease you need to get rid of.

How to prepare a universal infusion of sage? So, for its preparation you need boiling water and dried leaves of the herb.

  1. They ate sage dry, proportion 1:10 with water.
  2. If sage is fresh, the proportion is 1: 5 with water.

Everything is placed in a thermos for about an hour. After that it is filtered. You can not put the medicine in a thermos. But in this case, he will have to languish in a water bath the same amount of time.

Sage broth

To prepare a decoction of medicinal herbs, sage flowers (dried or fresh), as well as boiling water were taken. The proportion is the same as described above. The only difference in the preparation of the medicine: it needs to be boiled over low heat. The time is approximately 15 minutes. Further, the broth is filtered and taken as a medicine. You need to drink this remedy on an empty stomach, half an hour before a meal.

Sage for diseases

When else is sage (herb) applied? The healing properties of this plant are so wide that they can have a positive effect in a variety of diseases. It is used in folk medicine.

  1. Dental problems. In this case, you need to rinse your mouth with decoction or infusion. You can do this every 2-3 hours until the condition improves.
  2. To facilitate expectoration of sputum, you need to prepare a broth of sage in milk. The proportions are the same. It is best to use this medicine with honey.
  3. Skin problems: neurodermatitis, psoriasis. In this case, wounds or painful places should be washed with sage infusion. This should be done at least three times a day. And in order to get rid of the fungus on the skin, it is necessary to soak the affected areas, holding a cotton swab for a couple of minutes.
  4. If there is such a problem as hemorrhoids, you can cope with it with an enema. For this, an infusion is prepared, which is administered once a week. During treatment, you can not take alcohol.
  5. Women's issues. You can cope with thrush or inflammation by douching or sitting baths. In this case, a sage broth is used.

medicinal herb sage

Other uses of salvia officinalis

When else can sage (herb) be used? The instruction says: this plant is widely used in cosmetology. Especially if there are problems with the hair. To cope with dandruff and hair loss, you need to rinse the hair in a decoction of this herb. Next, wrap it with a towel (preferably old, since the broth can stain it) and dry it without a hair dryer.

Sage tea

An excellent supporting agent is tea from this plant. Preparing it is simple: you need 1 tsp. dry herbs pour a glass of boiling water, leave for about 15 minutes. The maximum dose of such a drink per day is one glass. This is an excellent prevention of colds, memory problems, support for the central nervous system. In addition, it is a good invigorating and uplifting drink.


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