INTP personality type: concept, definition, character traits, pros and cons of behavior

Each of us has our own character. It is formed under the influence of environmental stimuli, depends on education and social circle.

But there are also personality types. This is our second "I", which does not disappear. And if the child is prone to mathematics, do what you want with him, but he won’t become a historian.

All of these types are called specific letters. And today we are going to talk about the INTP personality type.

And what kind of girl is this?

Or a boy - not so important. We must find out what kind of person this is.

Very strong, natural born logician. On earth, only 3% of the population has an INTP personality type. Among the prominent people we know, these were, in particular, Rene Descartes, Albert Einstein and Maria Curie.

Judging by the listed individuals, does this type of personality have a penchant for physics, chemistry and mathematics? Oh, what more! From an early age, such a child begins to be interested in these items. And the first book could be a physics textbook. According to socionics, the personality type INTP T is simply unique.

Future scientist

How to identify this type?

There are many tests to determine the socionics of personality. It is more difficult with this person, since there are very few such people. The tips described in this subsection have a somewhat playful form:

  1. As soon as he learns to speak, the child pronounces the word "physics". He replaces them with a classic mother. If your baby is just that, he may have an INTP personality type.
  2. Instead of Little Red Riding Hood, does the kid ask him to read a math textbook? Exactly - the future Einstein is growing.
  3. In school years, he is able to unbalance a chemistry teacher by asking him such questions, the answers to which he does not know.

Joking as a joke, and according to the description of Myers Briggs, the personality type of INTP can be called a scientist, thinker or architect.

Core interests

The type of person we are talking about is quite complex. His main interest is complex theories and puzzles to which answers must be sought. The daily routine of INTP is not liked. But over a very difficult riddle they can beat for years. As a result of this, mankind has received various physical, chemical and mathematical laws.

Woman chemist

Fitness at home

INTP T (personality type) is completely unpretentious to everyday life. He doesn’t care if there is food, what he is wearing, what is the situation around. All thoughts and actions are focused only on solving the most important, in the opinion of such a person, tasks.

Such a comrade will not be able to survive on his own. He needs “mother-nannies,” and he would work to solve complex problems. Such a person cannot be sent to the store, he will eat anyhow. He may not wash himself for weeks, walk in the same clothes, and until he is forced to do this, he will not even think about it.

A typical example. A similar comrade lives in our time. He is already an adult, but still not adapted for life. Grew up with my grandmother, she worked hard. And once thundered to the hospital. He spent three days hungry, enthusiastically solving a computer problem. Grandmother, having come home, grabbed her head. These are they - INTP personality types.

Male programmer


Who can such a person become? By virtue of their thinking, these are people - without exaggeration, technical geniuses. With this type of personality (INTP) profession, you can choose the following:

  • mathematician;
  • physicist;
  • chemist;
  • programmer;
  • court medical expert;
  • geologist.

It is very difficult to communicate with people of this type of personality. As well as withstand the routine of everyday life. He is not carried away by trifles, such a person thinks globally. And all sorts of miserable facts that are part of the task, only distract from the main thing.

Bad subordinates come out of personalities like INTP. They are very independent and smart to obey. Therefore, the profession should be one in which there would be an interesting setting of tasks and a person felt independent.

Mathematician - Man

Communication with people

The “scientist” personality type (INTP A) is a rather enclosed creature. With an outstanding mind, such a person is shy and lost in society. He can’t always explain his thoughts to those around him, and while they’ll figure out what the interlocutor wanted to say, they’ll lose the main thread a hundred times. "Scientist", in turn, is already moving on to a new topic.

Science and the challenges for them are everything. Such people like to understand them more than talk with others. The latter lack knowledge to be on a par with him. A poor fellow with a similar personality type (INTP) is frankly bored among his own kind.

Despite this, such a person is a great friend. He will never refuse help. True, because of his inability to live, there is little sense from him. Now, if it comes to repairing a computer and installing a new "Windows" - another thing.

Man in the company

Characteristics of this type

How can one characterize this type of personality (INTP)? First of all, people of this type are very restrained and cold-blooded. They are convinced introverts who like to spend time alone with themselves. And with complex riddles, of course.

Theory is everything to them. It is very easy for a person with this type of personality to find solutions to complex theoretical problems. But a practical domestic task introduces him into a stupor. For example: I can discover Newton’s fourth law, but to nail a house or to cook borsch is very difficult.

Tolerance. "Scientists" are very tolerant, despite their isolation. They have little contact with people, preferring solitude. Perhaps more frequent appearances would force them to reconsider their views on tolerance.

Thinking of such people is not limited. They are able to think in such a way that a simple person simply cannot see the horizons of such thinking. As they say, they think in all planes.

Flexibility. It is difficult to subdue a person like a “scientist”. But in communication, he often shows flexibility. Of course, when it comes to infringement of his rights to solve his favorite complex problems.

Rely only on their own mind. If our theoretical logician said that the Earth is square, he cannot be proved that it is round. All the same, I won’t believe it, even trying to no avail.

Purposeful people. They will achieve their goals regarding science. They will spend years and decades of their own life, but they will solve the problem.

In view of their logical thinking, it is hard for these people to understand who lives with emotions. In their actions and judgments, our heroes are guided only by logic and common sense. Therefore, in a society of emotional people, the “scientist” has a desire to twist a finger at the temple and rather escape into his own hole.

Holders of a broad outlook. It is impossible to work on a difficult task with little knowledge. By his problem, the resolution of which our comrade "scientist" is working, he knows everything. If you wake him in the middle of the night and ask, he will immediately mint without hesitation.

These people have one highlight. They are among those who are afraid of their own failures. Panicky simple. And if such a person is haunted by failure, things can end badly. Up to suicide can reach one whose personality type is INTP.

Clever man

Personal life

Someone will be surprised: can a “crazy scientist” have a personal life? He is obsessed with his science.

How else can. And such people get married, and get married. Only the chosen one will not be easy with his soulmate. The latter is capable of making good money using her own mind. But such a perspective of our clever man does not appeal. He works on his tasks for pleasure, and not for money.

The spouse or wife will have to take over not only the household, but also work hard.

As for children, the "scientist" refers to them exactly. He loves, of course, but without fanaticism. The main thing for him is that children do not interfere with self-realization.


The INTP personality type does not particularly monitor its health. Eating somehow, it is able to plant a stomach. It will not be treated, because it is a pity to waste time on it. As a result, we have a running illness.

If our hero is ill, he must be taken by the hand and taken to the hospital, like a child. Ignoring all the protests from the genius.

Albert Einstein

To summarize

What can be said about the socionics of the personality type INTP T, which we talked about? Such people are smart; this cannot be taken away from them. But besides the mind, they do not have other qualities. No offense to this type.

These people are big children. They need care, in the domestic plan it is impossible to count on them. It’s problematic to leave one, he will die of hunger. This is exaggerated, of course, but will endure hunger to the last.

I am glad that such people are not very whimsical and do not go anywhere with their advice. Engaged in their tasks, eat what they give. And they prefer to give other questions that are not related to their actions.


This is how socionics represents the INTP personality type. All great discoveries are made, as a rule, by similar people.

It’s hard in everyday life. Not everyone is able to stand next to a large child, enthusiastically playing in the designer for adults. But offending them is not recommended. Very vulnerable people can react quite sharply to comments.


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