Folk remedy for tonsillitis in a child. Alternative methods of treating angina in children

Two lymph nodes located in the throat are called tonsils. They function as a body defense mechanism. Tonsils help protect your body from infection. When the lymph nodes become inflamed, and the bacteria begin to attack them, diseases such as tonsillitis and tonsillitis develop. But is it possible to restore the condition of the tonsils without going to the clinic? But what if the disease affected children? Are there folk remedies for angina in a child?

Doctor and little girl

A bit about the disease

Before you find out what folk remedies for angina in a child help, you need to understand what this inflammatory process is.

This disease can occur in every person, while it is a common childhood infection. Most often, it appears in young children and in the teenage period. The main symptoms: sore throat, swollen tonsils, fever, fever, pus, redness of the mucous membrane.

This condition is contagious and can be caused by many common viruses and bacteria (for example, streptococcus), which lead to sore throat.

This disease is easily diagnosed, and the symptoms usually go away within a few days. The time of complete disposal of angina is up to 2 weeks. To do this, you should consult a therapist, pediatrician or ENT doctor. But let's find out how traditional medicine copes with tonsillitis in children.

What to drink

Treatment of angina in children with folk remedies should be under the strict supervision of parents. It is important to check whether the child is allergic to any product or herbal remedy.

The girl has a sore throat

During colds, inflammatory processes and infections, it is recommended that you drink as much fluid as possible. This is because pathogenic microorganisms come out with sweat, and the functioning of lymphatic flows improves. Of great importance is what kind of drinks a person will consume:

  1. Based on milk. Although the statement about the benefits of warm milk for various types of colds has been criticized by many, the tool has repeatedly proved its effectiveness. It relieves pain. It is important to drink milk in the form of heat, but not hot. Add cocoa butter or natural cream there. If the child does not have allergies, then honey is a good solution. You need to drink such a milk drink gradually, in small sips. Honey is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent that has an antiseptic effect, reduces redness and relieves pain.
  2. Vitamin drink. Extracts from viburnum, lemon, ginger, raspberry - win-win options for the treatment of tonsillitis. In addition, you can relieve pain and saturate the body with vitamins with the help of a boil and decoction of leaves and branches of black currant, raspberry. Cranberries and other berries are an effective folk remedy for tonsillitis in children, and what kind of child will not be delighted with a sweet and aromatic medicine ?!
  3. Herbal teas. Decoctions of chamomile, linden, thyme flowers are another fast-acting remedy for sore throat and inflammation. Prepare the decoction as follows: pour a spoonful of dry raw materials into a glass or enameled dish, then pour a glass of boiling water, cover with a thick cloth and insist for half an hour. If there is a thermos, then you can use it instead of enameled dishes. A little honey is added to the finished drink and taken in 50 ml every 2-3 hours, always in the form of heat, not hot.

Rinse is the best folk remedy

Alternative methods of treating tonsillitis in children include not only the use of herbal and berry drinks, but also inhalations, rinses.

Honey and milk against sore throats

The liquid that you will use to rinse your throat removes all aggressive elements and bacteria from the tonsils and mucosa, reducing swelling and accelerating cell regeneration. In this procedure, regularity and frequency are important, then you can not only relieve pain, but also get rid of nasal congestion, pus and redness.

  • Salt, soda, iodine. Three constant ingredients that are always used during tonsillitis and tonsillitis. Even many experts, in addition to medicines, recommend gargling with such a solution. Salt and iodine are strong antiseptics (kill germs), while the first ingredient is also able to relieve swelling, get rid of purulent accumulations. Soda dulls pain and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Herbal decoctions. Calendula and sage, chamomile and mint are the main herbs that effectively relieve inflammation of the mucous membrane. But their useful properties do not end there. For example, peppermint decoction distracts from pain, because it creates a feeling of coolness on the mucous membrane. Calendula has an antiseptic effect, and oak bark is an astringent. Chamomile with angina is another indispensable plant, because it can relieve inflammation, relieve germs and pain.

More about herbal decoctions

You can combine almost all herbs that are suitable for treating a sore throat, but alternative medicine recommends using a combination of no more than three plants. Just one spoonful of raw materials, filled with a glass of boiling water, infused for several hours, is suitable as a powerful tool against inflammation of the mucosa.

List of Herbal Rinse Solutions

Let's find out how to treat tonsillitis in children with folk remedies. You can quickly and effectively get rid of such a disease with the help of Kalanchoe, turmeric, beetroot juice. The list of active herbal solutions for gargling:

aloe vera in cut
  1. 0.5 teaspoon of salt and turmeric pour a glass of warm water, mix well. Rinse twice a day - morning and evening. Turmeric in this case reduces inflammation.
  2. Traditional medicine recommends pouring Kalanchoe leaves with warm water, let it brew, and then rinse with a solution during the day.
  3. Blueberries are also able to relieve a child of sore throat. Take 100 grams of dried berries, pour 0.5 liters of water, bring in an enameled bowl to a boil and remove from heat. The resulting broth heals wounds very quickly, even with purulent tonsillitis and tonsillitis.
  4. Traditional medicine also recommends fresh beet juice for the treatment of the disease. Just take a glass of freshly squeezed juice, add a teaspoon of vinegar and mix thoroughly. The solution can treat the tonsils and gargle several times a day.


Let's find out whether inhalation can be done with angina, especially when it comes to children.

So, decoctions and essential oils are another natural ingredients that can get rid of sore throat, tonsillitis and purulent processes. They also make steam inhalations.

Eucalyptus essential oil is taken as a base, a decoction of chamomile, calendula or St. John's wort also works well. For example, take three tablespoons of raw materials per liter of water, boil for several minutes. The finished broth is removed from the fire, left for ten minutes, then the lid is removed from the dishes, the patient is tilted over the steam, and covered with a thick cloth on top so that hot vapors do not disperse around the room. It is important that the child takes deep breaths to achieve maximum effect.

Inhalation is done two to three times a day, the duration of treatment is selected individually. Essential oil of any coniferous plants can be added to the broth to make the result even better.


It is important to understand that inhalations cannot be given to those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, are allergic to one or another component, and are faced with a change in blood pressure.

Keep the child above the steam carefully, trying not to burn him. Now you know whether inhalation can be done with angina. Thanks to the pairs, the mucous membrane of not only the throat, but also the entire nasopharynx is processed. This helps to kill pathogenic microorganisms, relieve inflammation and swelling, remove pus and treat wounds so that bacteria do not develop in them again.

ENT throat check


Take three medium-sized potatoes, cooked “in their skins” (in the skin). Grind the tuber to a uniform state. In the resulting mass, add a tablespoon of soda. Wrap mashed potatoes in gauze or a thin cloth, put on a sore throat. Give your child a compress several times a day for 30-50 minutes to relieve sore throat.

Compresses are a safe folk remedy for tonsillitis in a child. And if all the rules are followed, you can avoid the development of allergic reactions and complications. The main thing is not to make the compress very hot. Yes, it should warm, but not burn. Do not keep allergenic products, such as honey or cabbage, on your skin for long. Otherwise, you may encounter a rash, flushing (redness), swelling.

Other folk remedies for tonsillitis in a child

Dissolve a tablespoon of propolis tincture in a glass of warm milk, and then give the patient a drink in small sips. It is recommended to repeat the procedure twice a day.

Inhaler at home
  • Aloe is a fast-acting remedy. Cut one leaf of the plant into pieces. They are chewed gradually throughout the day. Although it is hardly possible to make a child chew a bitter leaf. Using aloe with honey will be equally effective. Medicinal properties: it is a powerful antiseptic with a calming effect.
  • Honey with cinnamon (if the child does not have an allergy). Take a teaspoon of honey, sprinkle with cinnamon and let the child eat. Repeat 3-4 times a day.
  • Propolis for sore throat and sore throat is used in many different combinations. For example, give your child a small piece of propolis instead of chewing gum. Even better if he could leave him on the cheek all night. The next day, a significant improvement will be observed in the morning.

If your throat suddenly hurts or a strong cough appears, your voice is lost, then anise will help to cope with this. This recipe is more suitable for adults. Take 1-2 spice stars, add to enameled dishes and pour a glass of boiling water. Boil the mixture for ten minutes over low heat, and then strain. Add 1 teaspoon of brandy and 1 tablespoon of honey, and then drink the drink gradually, in small sips.

Sea buckthorn oil is endowed with amazing regenerative properties. If it is heated, applied to a cotton swab, and then treated with the mucous membrane of the baby’s throat, you will notice how the pain quickly subsides, as does inflammation with redness.

When folk remedies are not enough

Usually, with a sore throat, it is necessary to observe a gentle regime: try to speak less, avoid cold.

Equally important is regular humidification of the air in the room. If all conditions are met, alternative remedies have been tried, but within three days the child’s throat did not stop hurting or additional symptoms appear (rash or fever), then it’s better not to wait, but immediately consult a doctor.

Honey plus milk

A little about cranberries: medicinal properties and contraindications

This berry has incredible qualities and beneficial substances. It is rich in vitamins C, A, K, PP, group B, but most of all in it is vitamin C. In addition to minerals such as calcium, iodine, iron and potassium, cranberries contain many organic acids, antioxidants.

Let's find out what the berry has healing properties and contraindications:

  1. Cranberry strengthens the immune system, helps to recover after a long and serious illness. Decoctions and juices from this berry relieve pain, produce an anti-inflammatory effect. Due to this, body temperature normalizes, fever decreases. That is why cranberries are often added to teas and made from it tinctures to help people cope with colds, sore throats and flu. This drink also helps children.
  2. An allergic reaction may appear on the berry in children. Cranberries are prohibited for those who suffer from liver disease and urolithiasis.

Another effective remedy

The healing properties of aloe with honey have long been known. These are two natural products that can restore immunity, exerting an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. If you rinse your throat with a solution based on aloe with honey or make drinks from them, then the pain will disappear in a matter of hours. Especially this combination is useful for purulent tonsillitis. This method is hardly suitable for small children. You can simply treat the glands with a cotton swab moistened with a solution.


Angina in children and adults is a serious, dangerous disease, so you should not postpone a visit to the doctor. But there are situations in life when there is no time and opportunity to turn to a specialist, then you can resort to folk remedies. But when it comes to children, it is important to comply with all dosages and monitor overall health.


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