Kick throwing: throwing techniques and records

In antiquity, the number of relevant sports was more than limited. However, even at that time, the list of the very first Olympic Games included such discipline as throwing the nucleus. And today, not only men, but also women are competing in it. From this article you can learn in more detail the basic rules of this type of competition, the terminology used, as well as how to correctly throw the core.

core throwing technique

General information

Throwing a nucleus is a contest to throw a sports projectile at a range . The athlete's task is to make a throw with a pushing hand. By the way, not every athlete can engage in this discipline, since this requires good coordination and outstanding physical strength. For information, women in this sport began to participate in the Olympic Games only since 1948. The record for throwing a nucleus in the USSR was set by the domestic athlete Natalia Lisovskaya. In 1987, she pushed the projectile at 22.63 m. The competition then took place in a closed arena. Seven years earlier, in 1980, the Olympics was also held in the USSR. One type of competition was throwing a core. The world record (Olympic) among women was set by German athlete Ilona Slupianek. She pushed the shell at 22.41 m. I must say that so far no one has been able to surpass her result.

Basic rules of competition

Any sports discipline has a number of requirements, this sport is also no exception. The area on which the athlete makes the throw should be in the shape of a circle with a diameter of 2.135 meters. The athlete at the time of the throw is in a sector of 35 degrees, which is located in the center of this area. During the men's competition, they use the core for throwing 7.257 kg, for women it is customary to use a 4-pound shell. The smoothness of the sporting attribute should correspond to the seventh class of surface roughness. In this sport, the athlete who made the farthest throw wins. Moreover, its distance is measured from the outer part of the sector where the thrower is located, and to the point of fall of the core. Each participant has the opportunity to make 6 attempts. In the case when the number of athletes exceeds 8 people, after 3 throwings the best ones are selected. They continue the competition until the winner is identified.

core throw record

Discipline Features

Before each attempt, the athlete takes a position in the circle. The nucleus is fixed in the neck or chin. Moreover, during pushing, the hand should be in this position. It is also required that the projectile does not deviate beyond the shoulder line. During the competition only one hand must be involved. In addition, the use of improvised means (such as gloves) is strictly prohibited. The athlete's throw is not counted if, at the time of throwing, he crossed the line or at least stepped on it with the edge of his boot. By the way, many athletes use this nuance for their own purposes. For example, when they want the next unsuccessful, in their opinion, attempt not to be taken into account.

Applied Terminology

The technique of throwing a nucleus contains a number of concepts whose meaning should be considered. These include:

- projectile departure is the speed that he has been gaining from the moment of separation from the athleteโ€™s arm;

- throw angle - this value formed by the horizontal line and the velocity vector of the sports attribute;

- the height of the core release is the gap from the separation point to the sector surface;

- the angle of the terrain - this value is determined by the formation of lines that connect the point of release of the projectile and the center of its landing.

By the way, the above concepts are characteristic of all types of throwing.

throwing core

Flight phase

Conventionally, the throwing of the core can be divided into 3 parts. It:

- acceleration;

- main effort;

- braking process.

The flight phase itself is carried out without the influence of an athlete under the laws of mechanics. When the athlete accelerates, the projectile is given a preliminary speed (in our case, it is about 2-3 m / s). During the execution of the second paragraph, the swiftness of the projectile flight increases by 4-5 times. This is achieved due to the intensive work of the muscles of the hands, shoulder girdle and certain actions of the lower body. The main rule of a successful throw is that the athlete must "lead" the core behind him, and not go behind the shell himself. That is, the accuracy of the pushing depends on the correct observance of the chain of muscle effort. The speed that an athlete can give to the core is determined by his physical and technical readiness. The preliminary rate of flight of the projectile is accumulated to the optimum value gradually. Moreover, in the phase of "main effort" this value takes the maximum value that an athlete can master. And at the final moment, he transfers these turns to a sports apparatus.

core throw world record

Ways to increase core speed

In order to make the most successful throw, it is necessary to give the projectile flight greater swiftness. The value of this parameter depends on the value of the manifestation of strength, as well as muscle action on the core, which occurs during a long acceleration.

To achieve this goal, each athlete uses a specific method of impact on the projectile. There are 4 main types of tricks:

1. Extend the path of exposure to force.

2. Increase the impact on the projectile.

3. Reduce the period of action on the core.

4. Use all of the above methods.

core throwing

The athlete due to constant training significantly increases muscle strength. However, this is a lengthy process, which, moreover, cannot last forever. And this is due to the fact that the body of each person has its own maximum. As you know, the main increase in speed occurs at the time of the "main effort". But how to achieve this increase in speed? After all, the athlete is in the strict framework of the rules and limited to the venue of the push. Many athletes, seeking to achieve a gain in pace, make changes in the phase of acceleration. That is, instead of a straightforward, spasmodic acceleration, the rotational method is used. And only Baryshnikov came up with the technique of pushing from the turn. As practice has shown, each type of nucleus throwing has its own positive and negative aspects. For this reason, each athlete selects the most optimal option depending on the individual characteristics and capabilities of the body.


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