What to do if pilaf is overcrowded: tips

Did you get a bad pilaf? What to do if you oversalt food? Both the beginner and the experienced hostess have mistakes. However, not all mistakes made can lead to the fact that the dish will be hopelessly spoiled. For example, there is no reason to panic, if it suddenly turned out that pilaf, soup or any other dish is over-salted. Such a mistake can happen not only because of carelessness, but also because the salt is different both in its origin and in grinding, and, accordingly, you need to add it to the dish in different quantities. For example, coarse rock salt needs to be added in small quantities, because even a small extra pinch will make the dish too salty.

An over-salted dish is not only not the most delicious, but also not the most useful, but you can correct the situation. What to do if pilaf is overcrowded? It is enough to familiarize yourself with a few simple tips.

what to do if pilaf is overcrowded

What to do if pilaf is overcrowded?

If during the preparation of a delicious aromatic pilaf it turned out that the rice, alas, is overcrowded, you can use the following recommendations:

  1. One option to remove excess salt is to rinse the rice in a large amount of very cold water. Groats will become friable and lose unnecessary salt.
  2. What to do if the pilaf is too much salted? Another way to eliminate the “white poison” from rice is to add it to salted cereal, cooked separately without salt. You can also add vegetables cooked without salt. It is also acceptable to add soaked raisins. It is necessary to mix the rice with raisins, and after 15 minutes it will absorb excess salt.

What to do if pilaf is oversized, the reader already knows. Now let's talk about how to save dishes made from other cereals.

what to do if the pilaf is heavily salted

Methods for eliminating salt from buckwheat, millet and other cereals

What to do if salted buckwheat, rice, millet, pilaf? The universal method of eliminating excess salt from any type of cereal is to throw the latter into a colander and rinse it in cold water. After this, buckwheat, millet or other cereals should be transferred to a pan, add boiled water so that the contents do not stick to the bottom, put a piece of butter and put on the smallest fire, so that the liquid evaporates slowly during the porridge languishing.

Often cereals are boiled in milk. So, to remove the salt, you need to add it a small amount - and the problem is fixed. In the event that the cereal was not cooked in milk, you can get rid of salt with the help of potatoes. Raw vegetable should be cut into large cubes and tossed into porridge. After a while, try the food. You need to extract the cubes when the food gets the proper taste.

what to do if over-saturated food tips and tricks

What to do if soup is salted?

The impression of a soup saturated with shades of taste and smell can be ruined if it is over-salted. But you can cope with such a mistake if you know some tricks:

  • The first option - you can use a portioned bag of any cereal bought at the store or put a handful of rice and buckwheat in a gauze bag on your own and dip it into soup. You need to boil a bag of cereal well in the salted broth to eliminate salt. And the cereal itself can be served as a side dish.
  • The second option is to boil raw potatoes or noodles in salt broth for about 5 minutes. The main thing is to pull out the product in time and prevent it from boiling, otherwise the clear broth will become cloudy.
  • The third option is to add whipped protein to the soup so that it absorbs salt. Then it must be removed with a slotted spoon.

what to do if salted buckwheat rice millet pilaf

Salted vegetables: what to do?

What to do if you strongly salted pilaf, buckwheat, millet, soup - you already know. Now is the time to talk about vegetables. There are several ways to remedy a situation if they taste too salted. The choice of method depends on the form in which they are presented.

  • If the vegetables were boiled whole, then they must be refilled with water, brought to a boil and left in water for 5-10 minutes.
  • If the stew turned out to be salted, then a slightly sautéed tomato should be added to the stewed finely chopped vegetables and stew the food again. In addition to tomatoes, if the composition of the dish allows, you can put a soft unsalted kind of cheese - mozzarella or ricotta.
  • To neutralize the salt in a vegetable salad, it is easiest to increase the amount of ingredients used. Due to its taste, onions or celery will help to remove excess seasoning. In addition, you can add a spicy taste ingredient to the salad, such as mustard or add lemon juice to the dressing.

Mushrooms deserve special attention. If they are salted, you can, firstly, add lemon juice diluted with water to them. Secondly, try mixing salted mushrooms with under salted mushrooms, but this is not the best option. Thirdly, you can add a mixture of flour, sour cream and onion to a portion of salted mushrooms. This will not only remove the salt, but also improve the taste of the dish.

unsuccessful pilaf what to do if oversalt

Overcrowded potatoes: what to do?

What to do if pilaf, mashed potatoes, salad, or any other dish is overpowered? Do not throw it away? Below are tips for muffling the salty aftertaste in mashed potatoes and fried potatoes.

If the gentle mashed potatoes on taste, alas, turned out to be not as expected, due to the large amount of salt, you can mix it with a portion of completely unsalted boiled and crushed vegetable. Or you can put a piece of butter or a spoonful of sour cream. This will eliminate the salty taste and make the dish more sophisticated.

You can reanimate salted fried potatoes by adding unsalted vegetable to it or season it with sour cream and herbs.

How to remove salt from meat dishes: tips

The method for eliminating the salty aftertaste depends on what kind of meat it is and at what stage of the preparation the dish was when seasoning was introduced.

  • You can return the taste to the salted minced beef and pork by adding boiled rice, carrots or fried onions to it.
  • If already fried pieces of meat or cutlets turned out to be salted, then you can use some tricks. Either serve a dish with fresh sauce to brighten the taste, or rinse a piece of meat in cold water, and then hold it on the fire for some more time.
  • To make a poultry dish tasty, you should remove the prepared meat from the bones, then cook some sauce without salt and stew the “spoiled” product in it for 10 minutes.
  • If raw poultry turned out to be salted, just dip it for 20 minutes in milk or water.

what to do if pilau is too much salted

Tips for neutralizing salt in fish dishes

You can even out the taste of salted fish dishes with lemon juice, sprinkling them with, for example, baked fish. A great option is to serve a dish with a fresh side dish. In addition, you can stew fish in sour cream sauce with lots of spices.

If the herring is too salty, you can soak it in water.

How to remove excess salt from pasta?

If suddenly cooked pasta turned out to be too salty, this situation can be corrected. Firstly, you can mix them with a portion of fresh. Secondly, you can add unsalted tomato sauce or sauce cooked with different spices to them. Finally, you can place the pasta in a pan and fry it with beaten eggs without adding salt.

As you can see, if the dish is over-salted - this is not a reason to send it to the bin. Instead, you can use simple cooking tips. The main thing is to remember that there are a number of products that already contain salt in their composition, for example, cheese, mayonnaise. During cooking, the liquid evaporates, so at the beginning of cooking it is better to salt the dish, and only before serving season with salt and other spices. For a dish to be tasty, the amount of salty, sour and sweet must be proportionate.

What to do if the food is too salted? Hints and tips were presented to your attention in the article. We hope that they will be valuable to you, and that salted food will not become a reason for a bad mood. Bon Appetit!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C11588/

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