Degtyarev Plant: history, description, products

Plant them. Degtyareva, whose products are known all over the world, occupies a special place in the Russian defense system. Here, advanced models of weapons are designed and manufactured: from machine guns and machine guns to guided missiles and combat robots. In addition to military products, the company produces mopeds, motorcycles, terrain tricycles, tillage equipment, LED products, food processing equipment.

Degtyarev Plant


Before the First World War, weapons in the Russian Empire were produced mainly at state (state) enterprises. However, a year after the outbreak of hostilities with Germany and Austria-Hungary, an acute shortage of rifles, guns, uniforms and ammunition arose in the troops.

In 1915, the government allowed private firms to manufacture products for the army, which merchant Lurie and General Gippius did not fail to take advantage of. In 1916, together with the Danes, they created the Kovrov arms factory (the future Degtyarev factory), the equipment for which was delivered from Copenhagen.

The construction of buildings was carried out at an accelerated pace, under the guidance of Petrograd engineer Isidor Nikolayevich Quil and industrial engineer Samuel Isaakovich Orshansky. The first workshop of the enterprise was built in 2.5 months.

Degtyarev Plant

In the name of the revolution

However, enterprising businessmen did not have time to deploy at full capacity. Four prototype Madsen light machine guns were created, but the events of October 1917 interfered with ambitious plans. The Danes who owned the patents sabotaged production.

In response, the Council of People's Commissars sent talented self-taught designers Fedorov Vladimir Grigoryevich and Degtyarev Vasily Alekseevich to Kovrov. They had to restore the work of the plant and arrange the production of 2.5-line automatic machines (automatic rifles) of their own design. Their production began in 1919 with the efforts of fifty people. A year later, the team consisted of a thousand workers.

Young time

In the mid-1920s, Fedorov transferred to machine gun control, and Degtyarev stood at the helm of the enterprise. He continued work on the development of the enterprise, on the establishment of design, technological and production divisions, V. A. Degtyarev was able to turn production workshops into a huge machine-building enterprise with powerful industrial and technical potential, and Kovrov became one of the three arms capitals, along with Izhevsk and Tula .

At the Degtyarev machine gun factory, many small arms products were created. Among them:

  • submachine gun designed by Shpagin;
  • heavy machine gun (KP) Shpagin / Degtyarev;
  • Degtyarev anti-tank rifle (PTRD);
  • machine gun easel Goryunova;
  • KP Vladimirova;
  • and later the world famous Kalashnikov assault rifle.

Most of these products after completing all the required tests were carried out at the same enterprise.

plant named after Degtyarev photo

The first serial machine

Until the early 40s, the Soviet military was cool about automatic small arms. Low firing accuracy and high production cost hindered the development of this segment of weapons, although attempts were made. However, when the Finnish company began, the Red Army collided with an enemy armed with submachine guns. The Finnish Suomi submachine gun demonstrated excellent combat qualities, becoming a "headache" for the Soviet troops.

After the military conflict with Finland, the Kovrov Degtyarev factory received the government to master the serial production of the PPD submachine gun developed by the design bureau under the leadership of the same Degtyarev. Already in the winter of 1940, an assembly shop operating in three shifts was launched at the enterprise. The first modernized model of the Soviet machine gun was demonstrated 02.15.1940 and adopted.

Weapon of victory

In 1941, the Germans took the blockade of Leningrad, and tank armades advanced to Moscow. To counter them, they needed an easy-to-manufacture, cheap, effective weapon. An anti-tank rifle was required. Stalin entrusted the task to Degtyarev: "I give you a month."

Degtyarev factory workers have never worked with such stress. The gun was made in 22 days. It was a real human and engineering feat. In a record short time, in just three months, it was possible to master the mass production of the anti-tank rifle, which the army so needed. August 29, 1941 PTRD was adopted by the Soviet Army.

Degtyarev Carpet Factory Products

Glorious heritage

When you see a photo of a plant named after Degtyarev, you are surprised at how large-scale Russian weapons are produced. For a century now, the defense enterprise has provided the Russian army with small arms and cannon, and for some time missile and robotic weapons.

The list of weapons produced by the Kovrovites is extensive. The company launched the production of:

  • Revolvers "Beat."
  • Powerful heavy machine guns of the Kord series.
  • Air guns of the GSh-23 and GSh-30 models.
  • 98U anti-sabotage installations.
  • Anti-tank systems of the Cornet family.
  • MANPADS "Igla".
  • Guided shots (shells) ZUBK.
  • Submachine guns "Chestnut".
  • Automatic machines of the AEK series.
  • Families of Kalashnikov machine guns.

At the Army 2017 forum, the enterprise participated in demonstrations of the Nerekhta combat robot. The combat episode was recreated, where the RTK conducted military operations, provided cover, carried out reconnaissance. The remote-controlled robotic complex can be equipped with 7.62 and 12.7 mm machine guns, grenade launchers, reconnaissance, communications and other equipment.

Degtyarev factory address

Peace Products

The range of civilian products of the Degtyarev Plant (Carpet) includes:

  • the widest range of motor vehicles (ATVs, Farmer tricycles, Owl series road bikes, ZiD mini-mokiki);
  • motoblocks, set top boxes, motor platform;
  • sewing machines;
  • food equipment;
  • rechargeable batteries, etc.

Address of the Degtyarev plant: 601900, Russian Federation, reg. Vladimirskaya, Kovrov, st. Labor, 4.


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