How to quickly gain body weight for a man: nutrition rules, drugs and exercises

The body of each person functions individually: someone is gaining weight from excess candy, while someone has not been able to gain weight for years. The problem is especially acute for athletes, for whom muscle building is something like the meaning of life. The solution requires a systematic approach: thoughtful training, adherence to diet, sleep and rest. More information on how to gain body weight for a man quickly will be discussed in the article.

weight gain diet

Weight deficit

Building muscle mass is especially problematic for ectomorphs - people who are characterized by a lean physique with a minimum percentage of fat and thin bones.

Guys with this type of physique can eat flour, fat and sweet and not get fat, although they pursue such a goal.

There are several reasons for underweight in men:

  1. Bad genetics.
  2. Violation of diet.
  3. Improper functioning of the thyroid and pancreas.
  4. Violation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Worms.
  6. Frequent stress and chronic fatigue syndrome.

To quickly gain body weight, a man should identify the root cause: if, following the principles of weight gain, there is no progress after a month of training, you need to contact an endocrinologist. In most cases, the reasons lie in poor nutrition and overwork, hormones are rarely prescribed.

Eating food supplements can help you gain the right pounds.

muscle building nutrition for men

The principles of good nutrition

Men need to eat food every 2-3 hours to gain muscle mass. The exact time is best chosen according to your own feelings of digestibility.

The diet should be foods high in protein and carbohydrates. You need to drink water as often as possible: not stewed fruit, juices or milkshakes, but water (everything else is liquids). It speeds up the metabolism and promotes the absorption of food.

What should be the nutrition for muscle gain? Men need to consume more carbohydrates than they burn per day. Otherwise, there will be no progress.

gain body weight at home for a man


A well-designed program will help achieve goals. Exercises for men to gain body weight can be performed in the gym or at home, it is important to do this three times a week.

Gym - a more solid option, because sports equipment allows you to work out your arms, shoulders, legs and chest with basic exercises. At home, you can do the same, but you have to buy the appropriate equipment.


Rest is as important as nutrition and exercise. You should sleep at least 8 hours and avoid stressful situations. If you can sleep at lunch, it’s a sin not to use it.

how to gain body weight a thin man


Heavy training starts the process of muscle tissue growth, the result depends on the selected diet. It is better to focus on nuts, eggs, poultry, seafood, cottage cheese, rice, buckwheat and milk.

Diet for weight gain is based on the calculation of daily calorie intake. The figure is individual for each person. The calculation takes into account height, weight, age, as well as the level of motor activity. It is advisable to keep notes.

Meals should be alternated with light snacks, resorting to foods with a high level of complex carbohydrates in order to get maximum energy. For example, meat, nuts or beans.

If there is no result for a long time, you can try a gainer or protein in the morning and after training.

It is important not to get carried away with sweet and starchy foods, otherwise, subcutaneous fat in the lower abdomen will grow along with muscle mass.

correct calorie count

Calorie Calculation

It is produced according to the Harris-Benedict formula, implying five types of motor activity:

  • minimal (sedentary lifestyle);
  • low (if a person goes to the gym up to three times a week);
  • medium (visiting the hall three to five times);
  • high (engaged every day);
  • highest (diverse physical activity more than seven times a week).

First, the baseline metabolic rate is displayed:

88.36 + 13.4 * weight (kg) + 4.8 * height (cm) - 5.7 * age (years).

Now you need to multiply by a coefficient corresponding to physical activity:

  • the minimum is 1.2;
  • low - 1,375;
  • average - 1.55;
  • high - 1,725;
  • the highest is 1.9.

For example, for a man 32 years old with a weight of 85 kg and a height of 172 cm and a minimum level of physical activity:

  • 88.36 + 13.4 Γ— 85 + 4.8 Γ— 172 - 5.7 Γ— 32 = 88.36 + 1139 + 825.6 - 182.4 = 1869.96.

Rounding, we get 1870 kcal.

  • 1870 Γ— 1.2 = 2244.

The value is approximate, because calories are not absorbed 100%, therefore, the ideal value will not work. It is recommended to adhere to average indicators and listen to the body.


To gain body weight quickly, a man should build a diet and eat at the same time. Always in the diet should be:

  • breakfast (milk or pearl barley, scrambled eggs from 1-2 eggs, a fried slice of bread and butter);
  • lunch (goulash, salad with vegetables, barley porridge and bread);
  • dinner (half chicken breast, fresh or canned vegetables, rice porridge);
  • light snack (cookies, chocolate, yogurt, pear, nuts, marmalade or marshmallows).

It is important to count calories and monitor the absorption of food. Snacks should be between main meals.

BJU counting

The following indicators are considered normal:

  • proteins 25-35%;
  • fats 25-25%;
  • carbohydrates 30-50%.

Within these limits, body weight will remain at the same level (with slight deviations). It is recommended to adhere to this principle in order to maintain the desired weight.

When it comes to nutrition for weight gain for men, the percentage of BJU increases, mainly due to carbohydrates:

  • proteins 25-35%;
  • fats 15-25%;
  • carbohydrates 40-60%.

Protein is the building block of muscle that breaks down into amino acids into the body. The following products are rich in them:

  • chicken meat;
  • cottage cheese;
  • nuts
  • sea ​​fish;
  • rabbit meat;
  • buckwheat grain.

Carbohydrates are simple and complex (differ in the rate of assimilation in the body). With a deficiency, the body absorbs nutrients from muscle tissue - catabolism will begin, which is not a positive phenomenon in mass gain. In a large number of carbohydrates are present:

  • simple: in fruits, sweets and milk;
  • complex: corn, potatoes and cereals.

As for fats, they are found in:

  • avocado;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • eggs
  • fatty fish (halibut, herring, mackerel, burbot, beluga, omul, whitefish or silver carp).

Training process organization

You can gain body weight for a thin man both at home and in the gym. It is important to follow the regimen, eat and not miss classes. Without exercise, fat will grow. Muscles do not grow during exercise, but during rest. Therefore, the body needs to have time to recover.

Training should begin with warming up the muscles and joints. The optimal time is 60 minutes for beginners. If there are difficulties in compiling the program, it is better to purchase individual lessons with a trainer.

You should focus on split training and work out one large or one small muscle group.


Traditionally, day of the feet:

  • Squat with a barbell.
  • Leg press.
  • Lunges with dumbbell.
  • Weight lifting in front of you.

The first exercise is basic, the rest work on the buttocks, calves and thigh muscles. At the end of the set, it is advisable to stretch the deltoid muscles so as not to hurt.

Squatting is important to perform correctly, so it’s better to start training with a trainer in order to develop the technique. Knees and head should be in one line, back is bent, look ahead: you can imagine yourself with a propped nose and knees in the wall and sit down without taking them from the wall.

If the knee joints protrude far ahead, the technique is disrupted, which can lead to pain.

Heels should not be torn off the floor: if there is such a habit, it is better to put small pancakes 0.25 kg under them.

ideal body weight for men


On this day, the muscles of the chest and triceps are worked out. Barbell and dumbbell are best suited for these purposes.

Chest exercises:

  • bench press lying on a straight bench;
  • Dumbbell bench press lying on an incline bench.

For triceps:

  • French bench press
  • push-ups focusing on the back;
  • push ups are classic.

Warm ups are push-ups from the floor at a fast pace: they allow you to warm up the pectoral muscles and triceps. Bench press - a basic exercise, performed in 3-4 sets of 10-12 repetitions in each. If performed on an inclined bench, then the upper chest is worked out.

The triceps is being worked out by the French bench press, and it is pushing up from the bench from behind.

underweight in men


By tradition, it remains to work out the back:

  • deadlift;
  • tilt barbell lift;
  • pull-ups on the crossbar;
  • hyperextension.

The last exercise is warm-up. It is better to start with the classic traction in 4 sets for 10-12 reps. It is important to perform with the correct technique: the back is arched, looking forward (or rather slightly up), legs shoulder-width apart, grasping one arm with a straight line, the other with a reverse.

It is better to pull up with extra weight and without jerking. The draft in the slope allows you to refine the muscles of the back, therefore light weight is recommended.

  • On Friday, biceps are also usually shaken;
  • lifting the bar for biceps;
  • curling arms on Scott's bench.

There are several training methods where exercises are rearranged in places by day. For example, biceps are worked out on Wednesday after nursing, and triceps - on Friday. Sometimes these muscles pump in a bunch. It’s already more convenient for someone here.

It is important to perform correctly, without jerking, otherwise the result will be zero.

Home activities

It is difficult for a man to gain body weight at home, but you can if you wish. This approach is recommended as the starting stage to prepare the body for heavy loads in the gym.

Basic exercises with their own weight develop endurance, and they are easier to perform in a confined space. Weights and dumbbells may be needed, but if there are none, you can replace them with plastic bottles of sand. The pull-up bar is easiest to place in a doorway or on a wall.

Exercise Example:

  • pull-ups;
  • push ups;
  • bench dumbbell press;
  • Squatting with weights or dumbbells;
  • press in a prone position;
  • press in hanging position.

Exercises can be performed both on the same day, and divided into a standard training week: Monday - legs; environment - breast; Friday is the back.

We must not forget about cardio, so you should run in the morning and before bedtime.

Press exercises are best done regularly: with a small amount of subcutaneous fat, cubes will quickly appear. It is important to gradually increase working weight in order to stimulate the growth of muscle tissue.

It is possible to constantly train at home, but one day progress will stop and disappointment in sport may come. Therefore, after a while it is worth buying a subscription in order to be able to work out with large weights and not to buy sports equipment.

the ratio of body weight and height in men

Drugs and nutritional supplements

If working weights have stopped growing, you can resort to the use of food additives like gainers or proteins. The first contains more carbohydrates, and the second contains more proteins. It is recommended to choose based on the natural predisposition to completeness and the level of motor activity.

If there are medical contraindications, you should consult your doctor to understand how to quickly gain body weight for a man. Prescription drugs have a hormonal profile, so an overdose can play a trick. Such products include, for example, Andriol.

There are naturopathic drugs - they contain a large number of biologically active additives. The most famous Chinese remedy is Ginseng Kianpi Pill.

Brewer's yeast is a safe over-the-counter medicine. Helps to increase weight, improve skin and hair.

Approximate ratio of body weight and height in men

If the mass gain is more or less clear, you should decide which numbers are the norm. We are now interested in what body weight is ideal for men.

With age, natural weight increases - these are normal physiological processes. Therefore, you should think: maybe the extra or missing a few kilograms are the norm?

To determine the value, use the formula:

  • 50 + 0.75 * (P - 150) + (B - 20) / 4, where P is growth and B is age in years.

For example, a person aged 32 years with a height of 172 cm should weigh:

  • 50 + 0.75 * (172 - 150) + (32 - 20) / 4 = 50 + 16.5 + 3 = 69.5 kg.

That is, if at this age the scales show 90 kg, you should deal with the issue of losing weight, not weight gain, because excess fat leads to diseases.

how to quickly gain body weight for a man drugs


You can quickly gain body weight for a man (both at a young age and in years) by strictly observing the diet and training. It is easiest for the young to succeed: the body grows, there is a lot of energy and enthusiasm, so you can sculpt the body perfectly.

With age, the metabolism slows down, and precautions must be taken so as not to harm yourself. In the presence of diseases of the internal organs, the diet for weight gain is the attending physician.

The rest of the essence remains the same: a competent approach to the issue and a desire to improve are important - eat right and regularly go to training.


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