How to clean a hookah? Home Hookah Care Tips

Hanging out smoking a hookah in the company of friends or a soulmate is now a very fashionable idea. However, the owners of such accessories often set them aside after being used aside - with the rest of the tobacco in the bowl, soot in the flask, shaft and hose. This approach is fundamentally wrong. If you want a smoking device to please you for a long time, you should know how to clean the hookah and how to store it properly. We will talk about this further.

Why wash the hookah at all?

Regular cleaning of the hookah is necessary for two reasons:

  1. Caring for the device itself. Without proper care and proper storage, the hookah will quickly become worthless. The remains of tobacco and soot with each smoking session will literally โ€œgrowโ€ to the component parts of the device. If they are not cleaned off, hoses and shaft will quickly clog. Also, instead of aromatic smoke, a musty odor with impurities of dust and mold will be waiting for you. Far from bright prospects, right? So you should definitely figure out how to clean the hookah.
  2. Caring for your health. From smoking a hookah we all want to have fun, but not health damage. But this is exactly what awaits those who will use a dirty and dusty device. Pieces of tobacco and soot left on the details of the hookah after previous smoking sessions, along with smoke, will fall into your lungs. Well, if you get off with just a cough. Therefore, we carefully read the article further and remember how to clean a hookah at home.

Necessary tools and tools

  1. Brush with short natural bristles (0.5 - 1.5 cm).
  2. Clean kitchen sponge.
  3. Soft cloth.
  4. Soda, lemon juice, table salt - what is on the farm.
  5. A large amount of running water - cold and hot.

How to clean a hookah: care for all the details of the device

So, we have already realized that just a little buy a hookah and high-quality smoking mixes to get a great idea for spending leisure time in your piggy bank. You must be able to care for the device. Its main parts are a bowl, a flask, a shaft and a hose (one or several). Let's figure out how to wash a hookah, paying attention to all its details.

  • Bowl. Wait for it to cool, then remove the foil. Then use a sponge to remove any remaining tobacco from the bowl. If so simply they do not lag behind, soak the part in hot water for 5 minutes, then grasp the sponge again.
  • Flask. Here to help you brush and running water. Is it possible to wash a hookah using household chemicals? In no case! Even after a long rinse, parts of cleaning products will remain on the parts, which means that the obsessive taste of soap when smoking is provided to you. And this is not to mention the harm to health. So we stock up with ordinary baking soda and thoroughly clean the flask with a brush.
  • Hoses Pay attention to what they are made of. If made of plastic, washing is permitted. If the hoses are metallized, then the cleaning should only be dry, since contact with water will cause the development of rust. So, in the first case, we pass a stream of water with good pressure through the hose for 10-20 minutes. In the second - blow it with air or clean it with a brush. A fishing line with a piece of sponge or a cloth attached to its end is also suitable.
  • Mine. Here again, grasp the brush and thoroughly clean the channels. If there is no brush, you can drive out more hot water through the shaft. Just don't scalp your hands!

After such simple manipulations, your smoking device will become as good as new. We hope that now itโ€™s clear to you how to wash the hookah. Perform this procedure at least every 5-6 sessions of smoking, and even better - after each use.

After cleaning, be sure to wait for all parts to dry completely. It is impossible to collect them wet in a single design! Anyway, experts recommend storing the hookah disassembled. Place some solid material inside the flask, for example, the same โ€œpimpledโ€ film. Wrap the flask with it, and outside. Wrap the shaft in a soft cloth. Place the hose in the box so that it does not bend or twist. Cover the box to prevent dust from settling on the parts.

Follow these recommendations for the care of a hookah, and it will give you a unique feeling many more times!


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